UFO video 2011 – This footage of fast UFO flying above Denver in Colorado was recorded on Wednesday, 23rd March 2011 at 1:35 am.
Witness report: This object was recorded over southeast Denver about 1:35 a.m. on March 23 2011. This UFO was flying from the west to east and made a turn to the south. This UFO was recorded with a Xenonics Supervision starlight amplifier just as the Moon was getting high from the southwest..
Author (magnetflipper @ youtube)

Ok I'm the first to shout yea when there is a UFO sighting but this one is a nogo. What you have captured is a satellite in orbit around the earth. It maintained the same speed and direction the entire time. Sorry maybe next time, by the way I'm still looking too.
Its a sat. Just look up and you will see loads every night.
I dunno, this one seems too fast to be a satellite. I look at them all the time through NV and they don't look like that one at all.
its a satellite