Latest UFO sightings – Interesting video of multiple unknown lights flying across the sky over Atlanta in Georgia. This UFO footage was recorded on Friday, 11th March 2011.
Witness report: It is official. It is an invasion. This was a city wide event that sent even my head spinning. I have deterred from using words like INVASION in the past, however, what would you call this? I know that all Leslie and I could hope for was a glance at a couple of odd aircraft in our short one hour sky viewing up on the parking deck. The tsunami’s and earthquakes of Japan set an odd somber tone for the day. That was all about to change. They were everywhere, these odd aircraft. Everywhere. As we left the parking deck I counted about fifty or so hovering, glowing, silent aircraft that trailed into the horizon. So, if you could, please don’t misquote me guys. As usual, I am not naming this stuff outside of using the term ufo. I don’t know who, why, what…..just speculating. How odd. Thank you.
Author (ses76 @ youtube)

Yes, I live in metro ATL, too. The problem with ALL of the videos ever submitted from this vantage, as in from above Atlanta looking southward toward city center Atlanta is:<br /><br />One of the busiest airports on Earth is a bit south of city centre. All those lights are human manufactured mostly larger commercial air craft with their landing lights full-on, because they are lining up on
they are working.
I live in a northern suburb of Atlanta. On 3/11/11 At around 7:15 P.M an orb came over my house. It was going south west did a very fast left turn and scooted off to the south east towards Atlanta. I have never seen an airplane do a 90 degree angle before.
The sights if Atlanta Georgia were fascinating, And your ufo sitings were left to be desired.If thats what they were. All i could see was an awful lot of planes wanting to land and early stars appearing in the dusk of the evening.<br />Then the night appeared and more planes coming in for landing.The ufo's you saw were merely just stars..
FULL MOON + TIME CHANGE COMIN',have fun out there.
Not to freak you out, but my 11 year old son and I went out last night for a Starbucks about 7:00ish. We saw the IDENTICAL thing that you have in this video in the eastern sky over the Gulf of Mexico. We live in Florida (Clearwater) on the east coast. My son noticed it first and asked me what they were. There were three of them in a straight line, not moving, same shape, bright in the sky as
This is just a worm up.Stay tune for the big show.
Dude,<br />seriously ,was this on the news? That was kinda freaky.I mean it's over a major metropolitan area. Whats the message?
I saw this same set up in California, near Sacramento on that exact night. There were three in a row, then two in a row, then one by itself, in a sort of 3-2-1 formation, all moving at the same exact speed and all silent. Very strange.
things that make you go hmmmmm.
They're planes coming from another direction. I got excited once when I saw lights just like this. I was traveling in a car. When I changed my direction, I could clearly see they were planes. They look like they aren't moving because they are heading in your direction. It happens every night because the airport is never closed.
My neighbors,friends,family & I saw the same thing you saw and it was in the southwest end of town frankly right in front of my house. I have a video of it on youtube. Frankly one of the best ufo videos that I have seen. I called the news stations and Email them the video. No feedback. But someone did text me back Fake. I got multiple witnesses who saw the same thing & the next morning
their were ufo's tonight august 11 from 9:15 thru 10:25 of multiple shapes.<br />if anyone else saw them contact me at<br />it was WEIRD