Witness report: This was recorded about 11:40 a.m. On the 27 April 2011 over Southeast Denver Colorado flying from the West to the East. It was also very dark as there was no Moon. I have no idea as to what these objects are. What I do is record and post, these are VERY REAL UFO clips of what I have recorded and not fake !!
Author (magnetflipper @ youtube)

Not lanterns for sure.<br />Thanks for posting!
I would normally say space debris but these seem to be intelligently controlled. Changing patterns while moving side by side. interesting one.
They definetlee are interesting, thats a certainty..
there are fighterjets! listen whit a headphone!<br /><br />sorry for my eng but i m from holland 🙂
Judging by the way your light amplifier is picking up what I assume are dirt specks on your lens(the stationary white dots that aren't stars), I would have to say the lights you're filming could be anything. Most likely they are simply insects, birds, or bats.<br /><br />There is no way to gauge the distance or size of these objects.
Good call Rooster, they be birds.