Secret Space War / 2012 and Ancient Sites
Coast to Coast AM
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Secret Space War:
Back from his trip to Amsterdam, Richard C. Hoagland articulated his theory of a secret space program, and its possible connection to the 9-11 attacks, in the second half of Tuesday’s program. Clandestine groups are involved in a secret space war, “and the terrestrial equivalent to cover this fact, is the so-called War on Terror…that’s why we have hundreds of thousands of troops stationed at key strategic positions around this planet, having nothing to do with the ostensible reasons why they’re there,” he explained.
There are six groups involved in the space wars, and two of them are non-terrestrial– possibly humans that used advanced technology to develop civilizations off world, he suggested. Japan, he noted, is “being clobbered for a reason, and I believe it is fundamentally part of this secret space war.” The 9-11 attacks were a shot across the bow that the status quo was over, he continued, adding that exotic technology was used to turn the Twin Towers into dust– “some kind of massive disintegrator beam, based on Torsion physics.”
Aspartame Update:
First hour guest, Dr. Betty Martini shared an update on aspartame dangers. She argued that some people convicted of methanol poisoning were innocent, and that the victims actually consumed excess aspartame products leading to methanol toxicity. She also reported on a study which linked diet drinks to heart attacks and strokes.
2012 & Ancient Sites:
Appearing during the second hour, pharmacist and amateur astronomer Lawrence Joyce began research to debunk 2012 and discovered astonishing connections that establish how the ancients came up with their calendar. He found an obelisk in Quito, Ecuador that dates back to 1500 BC that served as an observatory to mark the arrival of the winter solstice. The Mayans chose the end of their Long Count calendar on the winter solstice of Dec. 21, 2012, as at the obelisk the solstice occurs exactly at sunrise, he said. The ending of the Mayan calendar is analogous to the visit of the Three Wise Men at Bethlehem, as some significant change in history will take place, he added.
Note: All parts of the radio show are avaliable here!
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