There was an article released about the FBI releasing previously classified in the recent past. One of the main focuses of this article was the files relating to The Roswell Incident, and specifically to a statement made by an Air Force investigator. In his incident he stated that three “so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico” and that there had been three foot tall humanoid beings inside them.
Among the many other files released, one that stands out is the file on the cattle mutilation that took place some years back. In total there were reports of over 8000 cattle having been abducted, mutilated, and dropped from the air. The FBI files say that veterinarians contended that much of the damage was the work of wild animals. The files also say that many times the cattle were missing parts such as eyes, ears, genitals, and in some instances blood. There was also mention that the cattle were most likely strapped down at some point, due to the bruising patterns, and that some sort of radiation was involved in their deaths, due to internal organs being exceptionally soft and the blood being pink. While no conclusion was ever officially reached, the articles seem to hint at the possibility that these occurrences had something to do with extra-terrestrial life.
Another interesting file was that on Extra Sensory Perception, otherwise known as ESP, in relationship to a man who claimed to be able to teach the blind to see. The particular phenomenon has been called remote seeing or remote sight, and the gentleman on which the file focused claimed he could teach almost anyone to use remote sight. It recounts a demonstration the man did with his daughter where she wore a blindfold and could read, move, and play games without difficulty. The man did not claim to understand his ability, but insisted that he had them. While the FBI file itself does not mention any correlation to extra-terrestrials, it is possible that he gained this ability from them, as well as a way to teach others how to do the same. Apart from being able to allow the blind to see, this man also seemed to be able to teach others to see through solid objects such as cardboard or walls.
Other files included under the heading of Unexplained Phenomena in the Vault include files on the Majestic 12, which has to do with an ET cover up, and Project Blue Book, which has to do with the FBI investigations into UFO phenomena between the years 1947 and 1989.
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Related posts:
- UFO Top secret document over Utah FBI Investigations 11-Apr-2011
- C2C: FBI UFO Documents and Cases 14-Apr-2011
- The Roswell Smoking Gun – Paranormal Report 62 13-Apr-2011
- FBI Documents Are Released To The Public Concerning The Incident At Roswell!
If anyone takes the time to read these FBI files, like I have, you will realize a few obvious mistakes in the assumptions made by the above article:<br /><br />1. Cattle Mutilation – All were explained as having been caused by either wild animals or malicious people. No evidence of alien involvement.<br /><br />2. ESP – The man who claimed to be able to teach remote viewing, Mr. Foos, was
This is true, i also have exsperiences with this. Watch foods that you eat and make sure its all natural. i know that i dont eat that way sometimes, but i eat things like spice, peaches seeds and . I was abducted and it seems stupid but i know time travel. I cant talk to you in person because of gov reasons. please do not live in USA , there is a revolution that is going to happen. Genocide and