UFO videos 2011 – Two videos of fast unknown object flying across the sky over Cardiff, United Kingdom. This was recorded on 7th April and 16th April 2011.
Video #1:
This is an interesting video as you will see various movements with objects streaking across the sky and if you watch closely, @ around 50 seconds you can see a quick flash in the sky where a ufo passed a position it had travelled from.
Video #2:
The second ufos you see flashes quite a lot and was tracked until it went out of view.
Author (ruderob11 @ youtube)

Mate im a believer, but i can tell you one thing, the objects in those videos are these http://thegoldenspiral.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/satellite.jpg
There are roughly 8,000 man made objects orbiting Earth plus an enormous amount of debris traveling at speeds up to 20,000 miles per hour. On a clear night you could see many of these objects.
Yeah nice satellites going in one trajectory. If they changed direction then yeah great but they dont ;-)….keep looking.