NSA (US National Security Agency) releases some UFO files online. The documents were released in response to the numerous requests received by NSA on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO).
First the FBI and now the NSA, who’s next?
View and download the documents here: http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/declass/ufo/index.shtml
I copied some of the PDF files on my server:
- * In Camera Affidavit of Eugene F. Yeates – Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. NSA (Civil Action No. 80-1562)
- “U.F.O. Files: The Untold Story” by Patrick Huyghe
- “Govt.’s Super-Secret Security Agency Warns: Take UFOs Seriously or Be Prepared for Sneak Invasion by Space Aliens” by Thomas L. Muldoon, National Enquirer
- “What the U.S. Government Knows About UnidentifiedFlying Objects” by Peter Gersten, Frontiers of Science
- “Now You See It, Now You Don’t” by Captain Henry S. Shields, HQ USAFE/INOMP
- “Communication With Extraterrestrial Intelligence” by Lambros D. Callimahos
- Key to the Extraterrestrial Messages by H. Campaigne
Address:<br /> http://anonym.to/?http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/declass/ufo/index.shtml<br /><br />Trend Micro has confirmed that this website can transmit malicious software or has been involved in online scams or fraud.<br /><br />What's up with that!?
Andy, you go on NSA official website through http://anonym.to , so the NSA doesn't know you came from here, that's why this alert, but there's nothing wrong with this.<br /><br />If you are scared, you can go directly to http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/declass/ufo/index.shtml
@Andy: you have to delete the part "http://anonym.to/?"
yes, that's becouse http://anonym.to/? . <br /><br />There's nothing wrong with http://anonym.to/?, this is used that NSA doesn't see that you are coming from this site but your Trend Micro sees redirection and he's suspicious…
Nice. Most of these files are garbage or newspaper articles that were not classified to begin with but there are a few amazing documents here.<br /><br />Be sure to read "UFO Hypothesis and Survival Questions," which is a declassified NSA document from 1968 which states that not all UFO sightings can be ruled out as hoaxes, hallucinations, or natural phenomenon. It also states that