UFO 2011 – Daytime footage of fast unknown bright object flying above Sydney in Australia. This video was also recorded yesterday, on Wednesday, 4th May 2011.
Witness report: The U F O Flying above the Passenger Aeroplane, then stop changed the directions and high speed disappeared in to the cloud.Then Black helicopter,coming you can see again the U F O next the helicopter.
Author (colourufo @ youtube)

This video would be much more convincing if you had just filmed these objects instead of screwing around with zoom, freeze frame and filtering effects. <br /><br />The object that zooms by at 2:30 is probably just a bird in the foreground.<br /><br />At 4:15, the video changes to a filtered mode(a UV filter, I believe, that turns the sky green) which makes the objects you are filming blurry and
nuff said, Rooster!
insects, airplane and more one unfocused light!
FYI @1:05-06 i noticed a object scuttle behind a cloud briefly not sure if anyone else picked that up