Looks like more chinese lanterns to me. Notice how they all move at the same slow speed in the same general direction?<br /><br />If these are UFOs, why would they move so slowly, like balloons in the wind? <br /><br />These are obviously not UFOs.
It doesn't look like a fake movie, but those don't look like UFOs either. They look more like floating chinese lanterns to me, like those you can see in the movie "Tangled". They moved slowly up in the sky, all in the same direction, with the air current. Thanks for the movie, though, it was well intended. Keep watching the sky, maybe one day you will catch the real thing!
Can't tell what it is. This video is poor quality.
Why would anyone in their right minds say this is fake? Great video and REAL>
agreed with anonymous
Definitely real, I have seen a few of these so far in my lifetime.
I sure can't see anything to wiggly.lol
Looks like more chinese lanterns to me. Notice how they all move at the same slow speed in the same general direction?<br /><br />If these are UFOs, why would they move so slowly, like balloons in the wind? <br /><br />These are obviously not UFOs.
I agree with Rooster those are chinese laterns ….and its Moldova not Moldavia geezuz cause im from Moldova …so yeah
It doesn't look like a fake movie, but those don't look like UFOs either. They look more like floating chinese lanterns to me, like those you can see in the movie "Tangled". They moved slowly up in the sky, all in the same direction, with the air current. Thanks for the movie, though, it was well intended. Keep watching the sky, maybe one day you will catch the real thing!