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Poll #23: Do you think there was a life on Mars in the past?
Start Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2011
End Date: Thursday, June 30, 2011
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Previous poll results
Poll 22: Do you think that Kennedy was assassinated because he was asking questions about UFOs? (more info)
Yes: 46%
No: 54%
Start Date: Sunday, May 1, 2011
End Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Total voters: 1002

This was a real stupid poll. Come on guys.<br />Just like this new one about Mars.
yes. I think the possibility is very High after all the Researches<br />from the voyager and photo's what we have seen.
everyone needs to vote for the last one.
If anyone bothers to look at the science, the Universe, & indeed our Sun, is expanding. It is far more likely that Mars is the NEXT starting point for life. Planets closer to the sun are more likely contenders for previous habitiaion within our solar system.<br />Also, I've recently been trying to research credible documented sightings, but it appears the scientists & skeptics are
maybe you should look at the science again and realize proximity to the sun isn't the only factor. The greenhouse effect can be a good thing duh
WOW this website is absolutely the best place to find videos of chinese laterns and helium balloons! Fantastic! WhiteAlaska
When are we just going to drop all the nonesense and take in to the fact that we have been here longer than recorded in our history that of what we know of? Funny how we only need to think of it and we are able to build it. I believe the abilitys we think we've aquired over time has already been there ,in our make up from the start.Yes for some of us it takes schooling to open these doors
Yes mars is and will be our next stop in building our new home its years away from us now but its best we begin to plan and prepare for it now .Why do you think we are already looking at this place now?Our goverment knows this and so do alot of our top scientist.Our time here is growing shorter by the year,and our sun even bigger by the moment.Its the only way we can survive,its in our instinct
I beleive that the original human stock came from somehwere 'out there', possible from an over-used planet such as we are creating now. The need to perpetuate the species is foremost in any sentient being's instinct and searching for a new planet to sustain life, possible interference with DNA and invention of God like images to influence a new breed might have been necessary until