Your UFO reports: 19th June – 26th June 2011
(Click on the photos to enlarge!)
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Oakbank, Manitoba, Canada – July 24 2011
Seen in feilds out side of town a few times the last few weeks. seen by many people.
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St. Petersburg, Florida – 06-23-2011
I was star gazing with my binoculars and when I looked up I saw a low lying bright white light, just one light, no blinking lights like a plane would have. No noise either, and as I went to put my binoculars to my face, It just disappeared in a blink of an eye. Again, no blinking lights or noise just gone instantly. prior to it’s vanishing, it was moving east bound for about 4-5 seconds at a fairly slow rate of speed. I could not explain it away.
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Bray, Co Wicklow, Ireland – 22 June
Standing outside at approx 10:45pm in the back garden having a cigarette. Skies were ever so slightly cloudy general visibility was good. I looked up above me at approximately an 80 degree angle and saw a fairly bright and constant white light floating above me with no blinks or flashes of red nor green lights so i think it can be ruled out as being a possible plane. It seemed to be travelling from north to south It also didnt look like a chinese lantern ive seen plenty and the altitude never changed, it always seemed to be a couple of hundred feet above me I cant give an exact figure of how high. After a couple of seconds I called my Girlfriend out just to make sure i wasnt seeing things. At first she said “maybe its a plane” so I asked what about the constant white light and! nothing else. To which she agreed was very odd. We both stood there for a few seconds watching it.
The flight path seemed to waver left and right for a brief moment then back to a straight line. It eventually vanished off either above the top of a very large cloud in the distance or else entered it. There was no sound. There also isnt a general flight path for Dublin Airport above the house. Occasionally you might see a plane in the far off distance but as I stated above this one can be ruled out for being a plane as it passed literally over the house.
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Helena – June 22, 2011
I was laying in bed with my window open and I saw this large star shaped light just drop from the sky, but too slow to be a shooting star, and way to fast to be a plane to travel that fast. No blinking lights and it was pretty bright. It looked as bright as a planet. It then just stopped and hovered in the sky for about ten seconds, and then floated downwards and away until I could no longer see it. It’s unexplainable! Unfortunately it only lasted about 30 seconds so I didn’t have time to capture any footage.
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North central Phoenix, Az. – 06/20/11 and 06/21/11
From 9:35 PM 06/20/11 to current 1:05 AM we have watched what appears to be a bright white light and a ensemble of colored lights on a triangular or boomerang shape object at a very high altitude moving in an unconventional manner through the sky from east to west making erratic maneuvers as checking a grid back to the east and then a small hook back to the west and then repeating it self as searching for something in the atmosphere. It moves so slow and so oddly that it is obvious it is not a normal aircraft, very strange movement.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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Gramham. TX – June 20, 2011
Did anyone else see a round basketball size turquoise – blue sphere with a yellowish – pink fire trailing it. The whole object was surrounded by a purplish – pink glow.
Between 11:00 p.m. – 1:30 a.m.. It saw it last night southeast of Lake Gramham traveling West.
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San Francisco Bay (East Bay) – 6-19-11
Object sighted was a bright light similar to the one seen in Fiji just a couple of days ago. Very bright unexplained light orb not too high up in the sky- stationary. It was a cloudy day and windy but have never seen a light like that one in the Bay and am there daily. Other witnesses saw it too. I was in Berkeley and the UFO was close to the Bay Bridge.
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Park road and 51 in Charlotte NC over the Waffle house on 51 – 6/18/2011
My mother-in-law and I step outside to view the bad storm coming though when we look up and saw a white sphere flying through the air. Then four more showed up behind it in a straight line. The first sphere came to a stop and turned black then the rest lined up side by side and tured black. Then they all proceeded to go straight up throught the low storm clouds at a high rate of speed. I did not have a camera and they came too quickly to get one. I want to know if anyone else saw what we saw?
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Surfside Beach, South Carolina – June 18, 2011
We were at Surfside Beach, South Carolina on Saturday, June 18, 2011 at 10:40pm. A woman was walking on the beach and came up to my wife and asked her what was that in the sky. She had been watching it for a few moments. We looked up and saw this amberish looking ball floating silently in the sky. It floated in somewhat of a circular motion. It drifted a little closer for a minute or two, then darted north into the clouds. I have never seen anything like this, nor do I have any explanition of what it could have been. It was truly amazing.
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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada – June 18 2011
UFO flying in Formation over Hamilton Ontario
Youtube link:
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Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia – 19/05/2011
Sunset pics taken interval of five minutes without realizing
objects contained within. The object seems to be floating along towards the sun and upwards under the cloud formation
of an impending storm. (Pls look thru 2003 Mexico pics for comparison under zoom)
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Sikkim, India – 18/05/2011
Sory i didnt know at first that the glowing lights on the sky are UFOs thatswhy i didnt recorded it. On may 28 while after my duty i was going to my apartment i saw 1 glowing light first i thought it is gps sattelite but after few secs 2 more goes in same line patern. it was different
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San Luis Obispo, Ca – 4-15-11
Upon watching several planes discharge heavy trails in the sky while sunbathing, I began to wonder if I should be outside. The ufo was in the trail itself, although headed in the opposite direction of the plane. It then did a 90 degree straight downward turn, and then 45 degrees up, and then took off into the horizon. Whole event was about 2 minutes long. Not long enough to capture a photo.
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Clinton, Indiana – April 2011
Orbs in the room when I play music.caught them on camera. when you zoom in on the orbs you can see GRAYs with big eyes sitting at the controls of some kind of observation device peering into the best guess is that they are remote viewing us using some kind of Plasma energy as a lense like we do with a fiber optic strand up a vein with a camera attached.orb is in upper left.zoom in and you can see the Grays head with another gray looking around his sholder! I saw these grays on august 3 1963 in my yard standing 3 feet away from me and my mom and dad whitnessed this.
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Seaford, Vitoria, Australia – 24.11.2010
driving along railway pde seaford, victoria, australia at about 7.40pm we saw 3 orange round lights in the sky in a triangular formation with another 1 light on either side..5 lights in all.they did not flash,they moved smoothly through the sky until they disappeared. by the time i stopped and got out to take a photo they had gone.
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Newbridge Co Kildare, Ireland – June 2010
While standing in a friends back yard with 3 of my mates,we noticed a big red/orange ball of light moving through the sky at high speed. About 50seconds later another orbe came down from the sky taking the same flight path as the first. About 1 min later another two came into sight,each one moving very very fast from east to west. All i know is it was no plane,no helicopter,or no balloon. I guess il never know.
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Praia de Saquarema – RJ, Brasil – 11/04/2010

An object passing close to some clouds near the beach Itaúna – Saquarema – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil.
The image is already filtered for better observation.

June 25th Charlotte,NC somewhere between 10-1030pm.My husband and I were sitting on our front porch and he happened to look up .He started telling me "you have got to see this".I looked and there were 2 lights (well only 2 that we were focused on) that were much lower than the planes (and we are only 10 miles from airport)The lights were not blinking and at first appeared to be
Thanks for your reports!Noticed one from Clinton,Indiana April 2011. Thanks, Guy!You know Top Secret info about the Grays!(North of Las Vegas,NV,there is an under-ground facility owned by The Energy Commission.They tell their employees NOT to disturb the orbs of light that are seen in the workplace!)YES,they Do,and CAN spy on us virtually anywhere.They are so intune,all one has to do is start a