UFO sightings 2011 – Interesting video of unknown lights flying above Maple Ridge in BC, Canada. This footage was recorded in early June 2011.
Witness report: I was checking my computer, and i noticed a piercing light hovering over some houses 200 feet away. I originally thought it was a plane of sorts, until i went outside and watched it for 2 – 2:30 minutes just hover. As i was watching it started to glide right above me and i could make out a boomerang shape and some smaller colorful lights pulsating and flashing. When it went out of sight i looked at the original spot I saw it hovering and noticed a second object doing the same thing as the first, just without a very bright light. It circled my house as if wanting my attention and then flew away. I know this couldn’t of been a plane because of its extremely slow speeds when gliding over my house, and it was close enough to rule out it seeming to be slow. I tried to take a video with my blackberry but i couldn’t figure out how to zoom so its a pretty useless video.
Author (xXRobTehBobXx @ youtube)

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