Latest UFO sightings – This new daytime footage of some kind of disc-shaped object was recorded in Montreal in Canada on Saturday, 9th July 2011.
This unknown object looks very similar to the one recorded above Vancouver, Canada on 5th June 2011 – link

party balloon! please see<br />
This is a mylar balloon. <br />Welcome Sun Shape<br />1- 24in. Mylar Balloon<br />Item: #723217<br />UPC Code: 026635159678<br />Price: $4.98 ea.<br />Look at about 2:11 in the video. Color and shape match exactly to the balloon listed above that can be found at
Its a children's paddling pool filled with helium.
I'm pretty sure we saw this same thing last night in Rochester!!
It looks like a balloon to me.
A photo of a similar UFO -<br />
This very same object has been seen and filmed in Mexico this year by a couple of children. Its also popped up in other areas of the world. It has an unmistakable shape. In some of the other videos "on youtube" of this object. I have seen the outer "tentacles" shape shift and move. As if alive. When you see this once or twice in the same area you tend to write it off as a
No object would move like that.Why wasting others time?
Here are some videos of the same type object filmed in other countries.<br />In Brazil 2007<br /><br />also original video of 2007 sighting. <br /><br />another Brazil 2008<br /><br />another<br />In Brazil 1995<br /><br />another<br />In Mexico 2011<br /><br />
additional video to add of Brazil sightings of an object resembling the Canada sighting in question.<br />Go to 2:00 and compare shape.<br /> <br />
another video of similiar object in Hawaii 6/28/2011<br />
"This is a mylar balloon. Welcome Sun Shape 1- 24in. Mylar Balloon Item: #723217 UPC Code: 026635159678 Price: $4.98 ea."<br /><br />O'tay….and I have this beautiful island for sale, comes with it's own dancing native girls and everything….looks just like Hawaii from a distance ….only $4.98<br /><br />How much do you debunking shills cost the Amerikan taxpayers annually,
This is not a balloon. I saw it a couple years ago.