Latest UFO sightings – This daytime UFO footage of fast bright object was recorded in Minneapolis in Minnesota on Monday, 11th July 2011.
Witness report: While sitting in my back yard i noticed something in the sky and started video taping it. The next day i uploaded the video off my camera to my computer while watching it on a larger screen i noticed several more objects in.
Author (johnnowhale @ youtube)

looks like an unidentified roll of bounty paper towels tightly wrapped
Good video. This is an authentic Variable Ufo. Here in Argentina we call them as Ovnis Variables, and it very easy to confuse with any thing hovering in the sky. Thanks to shaw us this video.
It seems like a feather to me..I really didn't mean to hurt anyone here nor I didn't mean that I don't believe in these things but as I can see the video it was like a feather to me..
Excellent footage!! Thatnks for sharing this. This types of sighting are becoming more and more common. There will be a time, and I believe soon, when all the critics are going to be swallowing their words.
Wow! Wild! it's not a feather or a roll of <br />Bounty…but it is unfortunate that you stopped the video as soon as you thought you lost it.
This looks remarkably similar to a plastic wal-mart type shopping bag caught in the wind as I have seen myself on a windy day. Not saying that it IS, just noting similarity of movement and characteristics to what I have seen.