The “Centro ufologico bi Benevento” surprises all the fans with an incredbile video of a UFO in Monte di Procida, Naples. It shows now, probably, the “intelligence” fo the UFO. The video is available on CUBMGC(Centro Ufologico di Benevento Mars Group Campano) channel at the following link or on the CUBMGC website The Ufo was filmed in the 1996, but only now, in the 2011, the witness Caretti Luigi has sent it to CUBMGC. Some moth ago, the video was converted from videotape to digital, and posted on youtube but the quality was poor. In this new version, improving the conversion, the object is clearly visible and it is really incredible. The UFO flyies over the city, it has a light in the center, maybe the cockpit, surrounded by three spheres. Many witnesses saw the object. Hardly the video was manipulated, in fact it was filmed in the 1996 on a videot! ape and it has benn carefully analyzed. The CUBMG owns the original videotape which dr. Angelo Carannante and two witnesses, showed in a famous Italian show. On the Mars Group Channel is visible the video analysis make by eng. Donatello Guerrera, which show the strange nature of the object. For the CUBGC this is an UFO.
