Your UFO reports: 17th July – 24th July 2011
(Click on the photos to enlarge!)
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
South of Linton, Cambridgeshire / north east of Hadstock – 23/072011
I just witnessed a UFO it fell like a golden sparkler with a trailing tail. The sparkle died down and it stopped moving down and went along at a fastish speed towards the south. It had lights when it moved across. I though it was amazing. iPhone indoors charging. This was after nipping to the coop. I was parking my car. In face I don’t know if it is parked safely, I’ll look after I finish writing.
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Soho Satellite – July 23/11 5:30
I down loaded this picture from the Soho Satellite July 23/11 5:30.
There are 12 very large UFOs in this picture . Please take a look .
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Acireale, Sicily – July 22nd, 2011
8 Lights seen over Acireale, Sicily. They were orange and red, and rose above treetops. Then, they dispersed into sky north eastward.
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Formby, Merseyside, UK – 22/07/2011
was taking my dog for her evening walk when at about 21.03hours i looked southward in the direction of liverpool i noticed a bright yellow light travelling towards me at about the speed of a light aircraft it seemed to stop for a short while i got my mobil out to photograph it but was unable to sight it in the viewfinder i took a shot of the area it was in but only got a pic of the darkening sky, when i put my phone away it was still there visible to the naked eye it then began to move away from me towards liverpool and rapidly got smaller then completely disapeared within s few seconds at approx 21.06 i watched for about half a minute but it did not reappear,at the time i did not see anyone else in the vicinity.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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Lake Michigan, Pentwater, MI – 7-21-2011
We have been vacationing here in the Muskegon area for the past week and took a drive up to Silver Lake and continued on to Pentwater. We took a stroll along the inlet of Pentwater to Lake Michigan where I snapped a few photos for mementos. I noticed nothing to my naked eye, nor did my husband or 4 children – and, believe me, if any of my kids would’ve noticed something odd they surely would’ve been yelling for me and my husband to look. We just got back to our vacation home and decided to pop the SD card into the laptop to view the pics of the day. As we looked through, imagine to our surprise to see a blurry black thing up in the sky. I had snapped another photo immediately after this questionable one and it does not appear in it. I said to my husband, “maybe it’s a bug”. Bu! t as he pointed out it is too high in the sky. I’ve never found any anomaly like this in any of our pictures before that I couldn’t easily explain. Whatever it is, it was moving very quickly and not detected by anyone else. Could this really be a UFO??
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Gardigiano di Scorzè (Venezia), Italy – 21/07/2011
[direct translate from Italian language] 23.30 6 21/07/2011 spotted orange dots from my viewing direction from east to south-speed slow I could not take pictures for the trees traveled all the 6 points at the same rate they were two points in front of one another shortly after I saw another training formatra three vertical dots on the horizon and an isolated point behind them, shortly after disappeared from my view I noticed that my way east from where I started to see that the flashes are formed that are still continuing 23:51
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Brown State, Pernambuco, Brazil – 20/07/2011
I and my colleague was talking in front of his house when he looked into the sky and saw a UFO moving, then another and another appeared in more than 10 we had one that I was just a point of light after the light was getting stronger and stronger then returned to normal and continued flying was incredible, I tried to shoot with my cell phone but unfortunately you can not, I have four witnesses who also saw, was the first time that I saw something like that was unbelievable, how I like about this subject UFO I found it very cool to see several UFOs.
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Florida – July 20 2011
Daytime UFO – Youtube link:
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NE Oklahoma, USA – 07/19/2011
Was star gazing and using a night vision device. When I turned on the IR Emitter and starting pointing at ground level started seeing the bugs of course, but then something other than bugs. I have two videos one is 2.5 mins and other is 4 mins. These could be considered ground level UFO’s or orbs. This one shows definitely bugs at the first then the others and is 2.5 mins long
This is another 4 min vid that shows both also
would be great to see what people think of these. Thanks
Mike O
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Yuba city, California – 7-19-2011
we saw 5 objects moving side to side at high rate of speed.they were pulsing light,moving in and out of formation,as if they were monitoring.seen on the western horizon from north San Juan, California.One was high in the sky, others were below moving about.Lots of jets flying around. These objects were not jets,moving at right angles suddenly,appearing to cross paths several times without crashing.activity was at about 10:30 pm,could have been earlier or later,we were star gazing with star chart.we were on a hill with no blockage from trees and no lights from camera with at the time,sorry.
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Maiden Gully Victoria, NW – WSW sky – 19/07/2011
Was outside putting together a BBQ for my wifes birthday. Walked around house to get a gas bottle out of my dads car and saw two bright lights in NW sky towards horizon. They looked to be travelling quite fast with one trailing the other. I stared for about 30 seconds before I got the bottle out and walked around the back again. As I walked I noticed the leading light had a spiral trail from behind it. Kind of like a jet stream but was as if it was looping up around and down and finishing underneath but a bit behind the light. Certainly not in a line like a jet stream. I did not notice this from the trailing light. I then asked my father in law and father to check it out. My dads first comment was “wow, a comet”, but then realised it wasnt and we couldnt work out what! it was. As it come to be about level in the WSW sky the front light quickly faded and then the second did also. There was no sound, no side lights like you would expect from a place. This took place over about 2-3 minutes from when I first spotted it to when it left our view. It was as if the lights were pointing forwards but once it had passed us it was completely gone. I did not think to get a photo or take video as I didnt have my phone on me, nor at the time did I think it was something paranormal. It may have been a military excersice of some sort, but we all commented that it appeared to be high enough and moving fast enough to be a satellite, but what satelite has a vapor or fuel trail like that?
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Viewed from Marina del Rey (Los Angeles), CA, looking north – 7/18/2011
A cigar-shaped light hovered for a few seconds, moved down towards the earth, then up again, and then seemed to fly away (north?) out of sight. Did anyone else see this?
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Kitchener, Ontario Canada – July 17th 2011 at about 9:40 pm
I do not have a picture or video but 4 people saw this. My Mother and Father and my husband.
We were leaving my parents house on this Sunday night and we saw a very large orangeyellow ball in the sky the colour of flames. It was fairly low in the sky coming from Wilson Ave. area. It made no noise and kept at a constant speed and height straight across the sky. We watched it for several minutes before it was out of our sight. We can not beleive that no other sightings were reported. I called the airport and they said nothing showed up on their radar and I also called our TV Station. I have never in my life seen anything like this. I only wish Ihad a camera or cell phone with me.
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El Paso, Texas (West) – 7/17/2011
Last night I got out of my apartment in my way to the parking lot and I noticed what it seemed to be a very bright star blinking while changing colours repeatedly from red, blue, white and green very quickly. I rushed to my apartment to get my camera, it took me a while to find it. However when I went back outside, the object was now so distant from where I first saw it, that it was not possible to capture on image.
El Paso TX/Juarex MX area. Western sky aprox. 45Degs from the horizon.
This is not the exact star. However here is a link to a video form someone else with the closest description of what happen to see:
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Belgium, Limburg, Maasmechelen – july 18 2011 at around 11:00 GMT
I was watching tv with another person when a blinking light suddenly caught my attention, it moved at a fast speed through the air and it was out of my sight in about 2 seconds. The other person I was with saw the event too. After it went out of view, the animals in the area all started making noise.
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Hebburn, Tyne and wear UK – 17/07/2011
Just spotted UFO, no video evidence due to shock of sighting!
Bright light hovering in one spot for 2-3minutes. Light got dimmer and brighter before UFO changed direction and flew away revealing two White lights and a red flashing light also.
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Dobřany near Plzeň, Czech republic – 16.7.2011

Sorry for my english 
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – July 16, 2011
On Saturday, July 16th,2011 at approximately 11:45pm my friend and I witnessed something in the sky that was unlike anything we have ever seen. We were walking out of my parents house around 11:45pm checking out my brothers new vehicle on the street when we looked up and saw one light between the trees. Being both employees for a company working at the airport we knew that it wasn’t a plane due to the fact there were no anti-crash beacons blinking. This light was bright orange and was flying west to east. Intrigued we kept watch noticing another light that was very similar right near the first. While we kept watch more and more kept showing up in the sky. We counted roughly eleven lights which were definitely flying in formation on first viewing. After trying to get pictures or videos w! ith our crappy phones we got in our cars and bolted up to a nearby parking lot where we could get a little higher to a better vantage point. The lights visible in the sky we watched for another few minutes as they seemed to be flying less in formation and more in different directions on their own path. We called many people in hopes they could go outside where they were and see these strange lights in the sky to confirm but many were either skeptical or not interested. The last visual we had on them was one of them changing it’s path and flying in a northern direction towards us (but far off in the distance) at an incredible speed (no sound) and then turning back west and disappearing. That was the last light we saw and nothing after that. The whole experience lasted no more than fifteen minutes closer to ten or twelve.
The weather was very warm/hot and humid but there was no rain. The forecast called for rain but all we saw were dark clouds in the distance covering the moon slightly which was very bright. There was lightning in the distance but no thunder.
I know I have seen videos of things similar to what we saw but not exact and people have been saying they were chinese lanterns but I can assure you the ones we saw were in formation flying a lot faster and then separated and went on their own path at high speed which a chinese lantern could not do.
I have always been interested in UFO’s and other phenomenon but never seen anything even close to reporting or anything that could be strange. This is the first and any skeptic who would have seen this would be convinced that something out of the ordinary is going on.
I would also like to say that this happened very recently and I’m waiting on other people in the city to say something or question what they saw being a warm summer night many people would have been outside hanging out/partying whatever. Other people definitely saw what we saw. It was very obvious.
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Tustin Marketplace – Tustin, CA – 7-16-11
Just as the other report on your website indicated (link), my daughters and I were leaving the same shopping center on 7-16-11. My eldest daughter said “mommy, I see a UFO”. I really didn’t validate the comment. As we turned to leave the parking lot, I looked up and to my amazement I saw what she was talking about. Just as previously reported, it was a saucer shaped object with white lights rotating around it with one red light blinking. My daughter was very scared so I didn’t say much, but I watched for quite some time as it flew away southbound towards the coast. This was the weirdest thing I have ever experienced.
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Tustin, California – 7/16/2011
Large spinning round UFO craft seen in Tustin California near Jamboree and the 5 freeway on 7/16/11(in front of baby’s R Us store). My wife, I, and numerous witnesses coming out of a store observed the craft descending with “white” lights all around it’s circular shape. We viewed it at an angle and then it proceeded northwest towards Anaheim California and was lost in the clouds after approx. 2 minutes of viewing time. The size was amazing. We were in shock and at least 8-10 others witnessed the same event including the parking lot security truck that stopped next to us as we all gazed at the event. I recorded this on my Blackberry cell phone. The craft lights are slightly visible in the beginning 4 seconds of the video right above the last lighted sign/pillar in the parking l! ot(parking lot lights wash out much of the frame/maybe someone can enhance this better). You will see the craft right above it in the 12 o’clock position.
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Highway 30 – Between Blair Nebraska and Missouri Valley Iowa – 7-15-2011
My sister and I were driving across the bridge over the Missouri River around 4:00PM. ( This was on Highway 30 between Blair, NE and Missiouri Valley, Iowa) I was taking pictures of the flooding that was going on and using my IPHONE camera. I snapped several pictures out my window(which was closed) and then a few out the front of the windshield. I snapped this particular picture straight out the windshield so we could see the sandbags and the water on both sides of the highway. When we got home I went to look at the pictures and this one had something on it. I was making it bigger to check it out and I seriously believe this is a UFO. That particular day was 99 degrees and very hot! There hadn’t been any rainstorms during that day. Most people are saying it’s s water drop but why ! is there ONE DROP of water? Anyway, you can see the picture and decide for youselves. I just saw one your sight where there was a triangular UFO sighting in Omaha, NE on July 4, 2011. This area is only about 35-40 miles North of Omaha. Seems kinda strange!
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Craven/Lumsden, SK – July 14, 2011
I went to Craven Country Jamboree this year which took place from July 14-17, 2011. Everyone camps at the Jamboree so we were out in a field. I was standing around talking with some friends when all the sudden this orange circle object came towards us, everyone was like it’s just a plane. It was definitely not a plane, people starting saying maybe it was a astroid or meteor or something like that but I swear it was a UFO. It was coming straight for us for about 2 minutes it started to get slightly bigger then all the sudden it turned and shot off towards the east. I captured two pictures, when while it was coming towards us (when I zoom in on the picture it appears to have a circle then another circle around it, for lack of a better way to describe it) and the other while it shot off. ! I used a Canon PowerShot SX230 HS. Files are too big to upload…
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Los Angeles, CA – July 11, 2011
Youtube video links:
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Morrow, Arkanasas – 06/2011
We were outside on the roof watching stars, and planes and we could tell there was something different up there flying without flashing lights like a plane and didn’t sit still like a star, it looked like a star but moved slower than a plane and went in different directions.There was about a dozen of them..These little lights moving. There was a couple times we kept watching them and they looked they got brighter and then they would dim away… My husband said they were shooting stars but they didn’t fly across the sky and go out these would just glide and get really bright then slowly dim out
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I was east of Independence, IA (Iowa) about 4miles – 06/28/2011
I was helping my brother feed his calves and I noticed in the sky just south of where I was standing a object in the sky circling. The object was flashing red, green and white lights, but usually they were green. As it was circling, I thought to myself,”I see you” and about then the object started to move north and started circling again with all lights flashing. The object was still circling in the sky when we left.
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Page, Az – 01.13.2011
Photo was made 40 miles east of page, az on rt.98. we didn’t see that at time when the picture was made. and noticed it only in the picture weeks later. could you give an idea what that might be? could it be missile maybe? but where could it be fired from?
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Chesapeake, va Deep Creek – 2008
It was around 2 am one dark night when I had the urge to step outside. Me being 10 years old at the time I liked looking in the sky and examine the stars. I stepped Off my porch and looked up,to my left, then to my right, and saw something that took my breath away.above A tree which stands about 150+ feet, was a triangular object with curved edges hovering atleast 100 feet above the tree itself. I rubbed my eyes and pinched myself, thinking I was dreaming! I wasn’t. I stared at it for a good minute before running inside to get my camera, but by time I got back outside, the object was gone. I ran into the street and looked off into the distance behind my home, only to see 4 bright lights traveling away at an amazing speed. To this day I still think about what I saw and ask myself many qu! estions like, why did I feel like i needed to go out and look at the stars at such a late time, why did the object remain stationary as I stared over it, but disappear when I went to get my camera and photograph it, but the one that puzzles me the most… Why was it so close to the ground. No plane could possibly remain still that long, let alone be that close to the earth.!! I told friends and family about this with little success of belief, getting the common reply, you were dreaming, or your crazy.! I know what I saw and heres the main question. Did someone, or something want me to see it.?

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