Report UFO sighting #8

Your UFO reports:  26th June – 3rd July 2011
(Click on the photos to enlarge!)
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !

Murrieta, California – 6/29/2011

I would not believe this if I didnt see it I am only upset that I only had my generic G1 camera and wasnt prepared to film…So I was on the side of my house with my earphones on and I stood up and saw something Bright and Red hovering over the area I lived in,at first I thought I was seeing a reflection but this UFO was moving so slow that I immediately stepped forward to have a closer look.And the scariest thing about it is that the Navy Base in San Diego is not far so I see and hear planes and helicopters all night,but this thing was moving slow and close and wasnt making a sound!! It was a clear sky and you could see all the stars,so I knew this was not normal or man made.As I russhed to reach for my phone to record in a panic,the craft shined a brighter light out over the area and ! then it slowly dimmed.At that point Im think I have to wake up my step father…which I did.I could not see this and not tell someone to see.And so I go to wake him up and at that point I stopped filming and him and I went outside and it was moving in the North direction in a faster speed then what I saw..But he saw it and couldnt believe or figure it out either.A plane was coming from the airbase and it seemed as if it was moving faster to get out of view of the airplane which we could hear and see as we always do.It moved so fast it was thousands of miles away from the plane we were watching and another bright yellow light shined from it and it was gone just like that. Carziest night and thing I have ever seen in my life.I am not a kid nor space geek. I am music artist that didnt have one drink and was not high on drugs.I didnt sleep at all because I kept going outside to look to see if it would come back.Were there any other reports about someone seeing this thing last n! ight in Southern California? Because I called the news at 4 am! and the y had no reports.Im still amazed!

Link to video:

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Reading Berkshire, UK – 29.06.11

Not sure what this is
At about 10.50 pm I noticed lights in the sky outside my living room window (Upstairs 1st floor location).
There were three largish orange lights moving in a line 1st one lower second one higher and the third one at same level as the 1st one.
There was no noise (so I’m fairly sure they weren’t planes and IF they were they were flying very close together) they disappeared out of my line of sight over the roof of neighbouring block, I grabbed my camera phone and went down to the front door but they had moved on out of site.
It appears that one broke away from the formation and then was coming back to the line (as it was traveling towards me when I was standing on the doorstep, unless this was a separate object.).
A minute later another one came from the same direction as the others and followed the same path; I managed to get a (not very good) photo of it.

Wondering if anyone else saw this

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Williamson Sqaure in Liverpool, UK – June 29, 2011

hi, my name is anna, I am 25 years old and I need to tell this to someone as is the strangest thing I’ve seen in my entire existence:
29/06/11 at 20,35 aprox__I was walking through williamson sqaure in liverpool city centre when I saw a red shinny balloon flying in the air, it was very big and flying from left to right. after a couple of minutes I saw another identical balloon that appeared out of nowhere at the right of the first ballon. then they both started flying in a straight line parallel to each other at the same speed for another 2 minutes, dissapearing in the air. is the first time in my life I see something like this. I am a very expectical person and I just couldn’t believe my eyes.there is no logic explanation for what I saw. please email back if you have any information about it. thanks
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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Boston, Massachusetts – Tuesday June 28 2011, around 11 pm

Sitting along the charles river with some friends three of us noticed a ufo, glowing orb slowly traveling across the nights sky, it was white/orange, but it became smaller while maintaining the same flight path, it glowed red before vanishing. no photo or video was recorded I just wanted to write to see if anybody else had reported anything similar to my sighting. Please email if any reports show up. Thank you.
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Prato, Italy – 27-06-2011
Hello to heaven tonight on the lawn in Tuscany to 22 hours have seen a ball in the sky stop red light for about 2 minutes after the same as the ball has begun to move toward the north and west after about 2 minutes and the ‘off or fader . what ‘was?
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UFO over Freising/ Germany – 27th June 2011
Yesterday I received several UFOs over Freising near Munich with my camera.
Actually, I just wanted to shoot planes with normal Kondenzstreifen again.
In reviewing this, I then discovered orbs and uploaded to Youtube.


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Skyvue Drive In, New Castle, IN – 6-26-11

Around 10:30 p.m at skyvue me and my dad started to see a strange light in the west it got really bright then it dim out to nothing. Then about 10-20 minutes after we saw that we kept on seeing different lights doing the same thing except one that I saw was moving slowly and diming at the same time till you couldnt see it. It was abou 1:00 a.m when finally stoped.
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Genzano di Roma, Italia – 26-06-2011

At 3.00 am, my wife, that absolutely don’t believe at any existence of alien, has seen a circle with three little circular light over our house moving too fast for any know airplane and elycopter and without any rumors. the little circle inside has light blinking alternative circular. we are about 500 meter on sea level. when she watch this, cause she know i believe we are not alone she want to take a photo with iphone, but she never be able cause all the sighting during minus of 30 second to take about few kilometers in the air.
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Noblesville, Indiana – June 26 2011
around 11:52am as i was getting into my hot tub i noticed the beautiful stars and did the usual thing and looked at the brighest one. well this star appeared to be moving and as i began to notice it the “star” then started getting brighter and as i started thinking it had to be a UFO because it was 3x as bright as the brightest star out, was oval, and was going what seemed to be a speed that is not yet possible by humans. However, as i began thinking it was a UFO the oval orb began slowly dimming away until it vanished
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Saw an unidentified shining light through dashboard in Morristown, NJ while driving – 06/26/2011

Last night around 10-1030ish me and my friend were driving to get something to eat when a large bright shining light came right through the dashboard and in a split second I zoned out into it and as I came back I notice my friend had stopped the car in the middle of the road. I start to yell at her to continue driving while she’s shaking and looking behind her thinking she just saw a plane crash or something, we then look at each other and know it had to be true not a figment our imagination we both had just seen the same thing. It looked almost like a transformer in the street blew up just silver shining bright light right in her car window, was the scariest thing we’ve ever seen and couldn’t figure out what it was. We continued to look bak and justify wharves saw maybe a light was dyi! ng and just flickering on the street but nope went right back around nothing was different or changed then it ever has been since I’ve lived here.
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NW Arkansas – 6-26-11

After a strong thunderstorm, electricity had gone off for several hours. During the night I looked out window facing approximately NW, and beyond a thicket of trees and many yards away, saw round, glowing pale yellow lights, not unlike car lights but smaller. They darted in various directions, and would blink out and on. A few nights later I thought to look again in same direction, but there was maybe just one or two lights..when suddenly a light dashed horizontally past the window (from opposite direction) and blinked out just past my line of vision. It looked like the others but appeared to be about the size of a quarter and just maybe 2 to 5 feet from the window. Any night after those two incidents I’ve seen nothing.
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Mission (Hatzic Bench), British Columbia, Canada – June 26th, 2011, 12:30 AM.

While sitting out enjoying a backyard fire under a perfectly clear, star filled summer night, myself and 4 others witnessed what can only be described as a Paranormal Event.
In the early morning hours on June 26th, at approx. 12:30 AM, we watched what first appeared to be a slow moving aircraft that first appeared coming from the Eastern Fraser Valley, heading due West along a well travelled air route that takes private air-traffic along an East-West corridor from the direction of Hope. B.C., right beside the old monastery over Mission, B.C.
Our house sits high on the hill above Hatzic Bench with a clear, unobstructed view over the Fraser Valley and Coast Mountains.
I was the first to see what looked like a slow moving aircraft coming from the east as it appeared from over our house. However, the lighting of this object was completely different from any air-traffic, or anything else I have ever seen. The light from this object was a soft orange glow, like a fire burning in the sky.
We watched as this object continued towards us at about 45 degrees on the horizon.
As the light got ever closer to us, it completely stopped its forward direction of travel as it came overhead, and stated hovering in one general area. Over the next 2 minutes, we watched this strange light climb, descend, and move sideways over our heads. The stars in the back-ground made its every movement and change of direction easy see.
Thinking this could only be a Helicopter with some strange light attached, I turned off our music listen for the engines as it hovered almost overhead…..but there was absolute silence.
Then it simply vanished, fairly quickly fading out like someone had blown out a candle.
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Copake, New York – 6/25/11

Saturday night around 9pm I was walking around what was a pretty crowded camp site when I noticed there were droves of people, yelling and pointing towards the sky and that’s when I saw them. Two fairly bright orange lights slowly approaching where we were just coming over the mountain. The lights were first at about plane height but in about 10 minutes came as close as a few feet from the tree tops going towards the mountains on the other side. They were lowest for about 15 minutes or so and it was clear that the lights flickered not like an orb but more like a flame but remained almost perfectly circular. I could also see what appeared to be a round red object just above which bottom half was illuminated by the light. Now to be clear there are frequent hot-air balloon activity in this! area which prompted me to be skeptical at first, but most hot-air balloons don’t fly at night in wooded mountainous areas like Copake and the objects were completely silent and were not affected by the wind, which means it couldn’t have been one because hot-air balloons simply cannot operate like that as they release flame in short bursts which make a noticeable sound. The red spheres above the lights closely resembled those round red power line markers in size and color and there were many witnesses who saw the same. Hopefully an actual picture or video surfaces soon but I made a small diagram on a map for reference.
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Phoenix, Az – June 25, 2011 around 10:05 PM

As I was walking the dog on the driveway at 1030 w. Maryland in Phoenix around 10:05 pm, I spied a large colorful object up in the sky (southern side). It came on and turned off within a few seconds. The shape was rectangular-triangle with corners cut off. Outline of this object was clear with contour near left side, illuminated by numerous “windows” that made shape quite traceable. Mostly white with hues. Judging the sky scope, it must be massive and on low side – near the ground. much lower than one would see airplanes but about the same height as jets that fly over parades or events. Looked like someone was turning lights on by mistake and turned off right away. When it was turned off, I could not see anything further. Then felt a few water drops and I scanned the sky. Appe! ared to be dark and no stars around on the sky. Walked towards the garage, no further rain drops.
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Co.Down – 25 june

similar as the chaps report from Wicklow, Ireland. But seen x3 bright constant white lights all moving various directions, one went in to high altitude, very odd.
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Gastonia, NC – 6-25-11

We are right outside of Charlotte Nc and Saturday the 25th at around 10-1030 pm my husband and I were outside and both noticed what at first looked like 1 light as it got closer you could tell it was 2 (low enough to tell they had some sort of shape to them, but too bright causing almost a sort of shadowing so couldn’t make the shape out) that were not blinking and were EXTREMELY low right around cloud level. There were several airplanes headed toward the airport which is only 10 miles from us) and these lights appeared much lower and slower in speed and the lights were moving independently of each other at first, but continuesly circling around each other yet maintaining a straight consistent travel pattern. As they passed over our house the lights moved even closer together and were i! n such synch with each other in movement. For some reason the movement reminded me of a boomerang pattern. (My husband doesn’t agree about the boomerang thing so I guess its all in perception). I still cannot believe what we saw and it was most definitely not a plane, helicopter, balloon or shooting star. Also they made no noise that we cold hear even being as low as they were. We called around and found no information which is odd being that the air control monitors so closely and this is so close to Charlotte Douglas Airport and the “whatever the heck it was” being so low. Looking on google at that date, I was able to find many articles and pictures from other people all over the country, but so far none locally….another site I contacted later emailed me and said he had been called by someone that night about 10 miles from us and they reported seeing it as well.. Someone else HAD to see it. There were several planes coming in and it was a relatively clear ! night.. It was just so odd. It is hard to put into words becau! se it tr uly was something I have never seen. Also the lights appeared white or soft yellow and not blue or red like I have seen some people mention.As it went over us my husband and I both could only stand there in the middle of our yard pointing with our mouths wide open is disbelief….I honestly STILL cant wrap my mind around it…Ive never been a disbeliever (actually Ive never had an opinion either way) but I NEVER thought WE would be those people who saw one…..whatever it was..My friends keep joking tellyng me its swamp gas or a weather balloon…It was by NO means any type of was flying ,all be it gracefully,but not floating…we both keep saying we cant believe how low it actually was…I can only guess it/they (cause it appeeared 2 be 2 at some point) was only traveling about 35 -50 mph at the point we saw it…we watched until the trees hid it from our view.
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104 Scenic Drive Vinton, Ia 52349 – 06-20-11 to 06-26-11
Notice at least three bright lights hovering over some trees. Could see them from my chair in the living room through the picture window. Noticed them at least four nights in a row. They were sort of yellow in color. Then on Saturday night a group of friends we were on the golf course across the street about dusk waiting for fireworks and we all notice two to three bright yellowish orange lights in the clear sky and all of sudden they disappear. So it was not just my sighting we all saw them. Sorry no pictures.
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Bello, Antoqouia, COLOMBIA – June 24, 2011

I was with my cousins talking when in the distance I saw an object appear from the right, it apparently seemingly appeared in front of a mountain that was very far away from me. When I first saw it I was certain it was a helicopter, but the object stopped moving and remained still without movement or sound and then it suddenly moved upwards into the clouds. We were left puzzled by this thing and tried to just forget about it, but about 5 minutes later it came down from the clouds (it was very reflective from the sun) and again stopped moving. I noticed a second object that literally came out of nowhere that seemed to move along with the 1st craft. The both objects were metallic and had seemed to have the ability to stop, make no noise, and become nearly invisible. Since it was so far aw! ay, I honestly can’t give you many details. I can tell you this:
-The event occured around 5:00 PM local time
-The whole event lasted about 15 minutes
-People native to the area see UFOs commonly
-I submit that there were 2 objects
-I am not sure if other people reported seeing something strange
*I am sorry but I could not take videos, or pictures etc.

Translated to English using Google Translate

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Burnside, Ky near Summerset, Ky. – 6/24/2011

Time was 11:20 pm on Friday the 24th of June. Sky’s were completely clear with gentle winds, and 62 degrees. This object was witnessed by 7 people for over and hour and 20 mins. We are with the Scientific Paranormal Organization of Ky. We were heading out to a graveyard investigation, we had stopped to meet with some more of our crew and and was waiting outside for them to get ready. It was a really clear night and one of our crew was lying on the back of the car star gazing when he noticed something moving that at first sight looked like every other star up there. He then grabbed my attention to it, where at first I thought it was a satellite. But, as I was watching it began moving from left to right then would shoot off to the opposite direction. It then began to move sparatically thr! ough the sky never going to far in distance. It would circle and make like figure 8 type movements. We had everyone else pay attention and give there thought’s on what we were seeing. When all of a sudden it stopped and blended in with all the other stars. When the rest of the crew can out we tried to show them where it was in the sky so we used a laser light to point it out to them when, all of a sudden it would respond every time we pointed the laser at it. We tried getting picture and footage but it wouldn’t pick it up. So we grabbed a voice recorder we use in our investigations and just recorded everyone’s response to what we were all experiencing as a group. After a little bit it began to change colors from white to red. We tried to tell where it was in the sky. We found the Big Dipper and it was to the right of the top star of the handle of the Dipper. One of our crew pulled out a set of binoculars and we tried checking it out through them. The object didn’t look like! the other stars through the binoculars, but did just by the e! ye. Sudd enly we began to see really quick flashes to the right of the object. We just couldn’t figure out where they were coming from because, they were so quick. When the object shot of to the right and stopped. As we watched it after about 10 mins. we saw a flash to the lower right of the object, then another quick burst of light from the lower left side of the object. When looking through the binoculars you could see plainly that the object and the to stars that flashed made a perfect triangle. It was amazing to see, we couldn’t wrap our minds around what was happening. We noticed when airplanes would pass the object was way above them, we guessed at satellite height (distance). We continued to watch for a while when we noticed the main bright object was slowly moving again, when we noticed that all three were moving as one unit very slowly. It moved till it was right above us and stopped. It then remained in sight but never moved again. After about an hour and 20 mins. we had to! leave for our investigation because, we were all ready late. We keep an eye on it all the way sense the graveyard wasn’t but 5 miles from the location we were at when first sighted. Still very visible once we were at graveyard. We kept an eye on it during our investigation but, it never moved again. just blinded in with the stars. We 7 agree that this was one of the most fascinating things we had ever seen. None of us know what it was but, we do know what it wasn’t. We have our recording of our reactions as this thing maneuvered through the sky. If you would like this recording please let me know. I really wish we could have gotten footage, but we all experienced this event at the same time. I hardly have words when it comes to explaining it. I really couldn’t wrap my mind around it. Being a paranormal investigator I do not and will not say it was a flying disc with little green men, but will absolutely with out a doubt say it was an amazing phenomenon. We will be posting! it on our website…
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Markaryd, Sweden – 2011-06-23

I saw something light when i was looking at the stars with my telescope and i zoomed in over at Saturnus where it was. And all i saw was this round looking thing flying round and round at saturnus it looked really wierd. And after about 4-5 min the thing just flew away and dissapared
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Indonesia (Sumbawa Island)

Three UFO in Indonesia, the pics was taken in 23/06/2011 at 18.30 from Canon EOS 550D.

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South Oregon, USA – June 23, 2011

Amazing Alien sounds discovered in whotookmymojo’s video “Evening of sightings, Illumination in the forest in HD (extended version)”
Viewing the author’s original video, my attention was caught on some strange sounds that were heard in the background outdoor scenery. I decided to take a closer look at it and enhanced the audio to reveal clearly a unique capture of what seems to be the sounds coming from the Aliens that are being filmed. There is some counterpoint between a low frequency musical note and a moaning voice as if they were interacting together…
The clip is very short and can be viewed at
Link to the original video :
(excerpt starts at 4:00)
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Omaha, NE – full moon (6/15/11- I believe)

I was eating a late dinner outside on my apartment balcony (top floor)…It was probably around 11pm-the full moon was looking oddly yellow… anyway- I was looking up at the sky and noticed what looked like a star at first, but then I realized it was moving, so my next thought was ‘satellite’ given the slow speed at which the object was moving… I pointed the ‘satellite’ out to my boyfriend, who then tried arguing with me that satellites aren’t visible from earth… the object disappeared behind a cloud and to my surprise, it did not reappear where I expected it to, had it truly been a satellite.. in fact, it had changed course by nearly 45 degrees and very soon after disappeared completely. Soon after I started noticing several of these objects moving through the sky- all heading the! same direction, north. My bf tried telling me they were airplanes, but they were not blinking, and I argued that there should be some headed in all directions if planes- not all heading the same direction… and then they were gone.
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Oak Bay, Victoria, BC, Canada – June 5 , 2011

UFO spotted on Air Show video – on youtube at :
It looks like a spherical ball just below and in front of a helicopter moving directly east off Willows Beach in Oak Bay.
Based on the image size of the helicopter I estimate the sphere size at 15 spherical feet.
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  • Not Alien (0)

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