Your UFO reports: 3rd July – 10th July 2011
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Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Silvi alta (Teramo, Italia) – 08/07/2011
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Michigan City, Indiana – July-8-2011
I’ve been capturing theses objects for a cupple months now. when i see these objects live they look like a soild triangle craft with Red-Orange flashing lights, other nights theses crafts are cloaked/ invisible i will just happen to catch these crafts in random photos of the night sky. It makes me question why the true objects are revealed on photos when i can never make these crafts out live with my eyes. They are also always traveling East to West.i live next to Lake Michigan close to alot of similar sightings ive compared these too but ive never seen anything like what ive captured. Other pictures ive compared it too are just the orbs of red light, so for you people who never figured out what the lights were, this is what they are, and strongly beleave is in most of theses orb triang! le formations. but its clearly a bronze,gold sphere with 2 grey saucers behind it. I have my opinion about what the use of the bronze sphere is but i wanna hear input about what you might think is the uses for this bronze sphere.
both pictures are the same first is the original the second is just brighten up
Mellen A
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Markham, Ontario – Friday July 8 2011
I just wanted to report something i saw today in the sky. it sounds funny when you read it but i was with my mom driving north on 9th line in markham just around 16th and we saw a bright light in the sky. thinking it was star we took a closer look to notic there was little red lights flashing. as i pointed them out we then thought it was just a air plane because there is the airport near by. as we came closer to what we though was an airplane we noticed it had a spot light but facing upwards. we figured it was just a helicopter ( even though its wierd that it had the spot light facing upwards) it was very wierd beause it seamed to be huvering in one spot. we turned onto major mac and started to head west when i looked and to my suprise it was gone? it doesnt end there… we turn back no! rth onto 48 and we were socked that we could no longer see it. my mother then pointed in a distance that there was the red lights and had to be it. it was a fairly far distance from when we saw it before thogh. as we aproched it it had a very bright light and came extremly close to us! as we were calling my sister it then turn to go south west a bit and we saw it was a square ish shape and with 4 lights on it. ( 2 red and 2 white, alternating on each point meaning red white red white) it then headed over a field and as we turned west on stoffville rd we watched it in the distance and found two more that looked the same! trying to keep them in sight, we came to a wooded part of stoffville rd and as it came oo flat land again, all of them disapeared. it was a very unusual experience and we might be mistaken with an airplane or helicopter but to us it was truly an ufo. i have no pics to prove what we saw because it was to dark to get a picture of it. sry 
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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Fresno, Ca – 7/7/2011
4 of us saw it very close and shinning and spinning for a bout 5 min. then took off it was around midnight ,the kids decided to go grocery shopping thats why they were out side, and when I heard the commotion ,I went to investigate and watched it for at least 5 min staying in the same spot,definitely spinning and real shinny bright. very close by.
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Quakers Hill Parkway, Quakers Hill before M7 overpass – 07/07/11
I was traveling south on Quakers Hill Parkway, just before the overpass at M7. I was approximately 100mtrs before the overpass when a big white light mass passed over the Parkway, following the M7 towards Sydney. It was traveling very low, but fast. When I reached the overpass, I looked down the M7 to see if it was there but no vehicles were on the M7 at all. It happened so fast and unexpectedly, that I’m still questioning myself what exactly I saw. I wonder if anyone else noticed the same thing or something similar.
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Campobello, SC – July 6th 2011, 8:12pm
Here is a short video clip of what I saw. I was during a lightning storm over the mountains.
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Bangkok, Thailand – July 6, 2011
I capture this UFO over my house in Bangkok,Thailand.I try to adjust the position of camera but it’s too late they are going out to atmosphere above earth already.
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Fox Island Washington USA – July 6th 2011 12:20-1:30
I arrived home after seeing the atrocious Transformers 3 at 12:20. I went out for a cigarette before bed. Just south and east of the little dipper I saw a distant light flickering, I figured it was a plane. It didn’t move for the longest time, when it finally did move it flew in slight circles I haven’t seen a plane replicate. I got my binoculars, and laid on the ground. It was flashing yellow and green around what looked like the edges of a disk, I called my friend who had just dropped me off. He saw these characteristics after I told him the area of sky, I didn’t bring up what it looked like, he said the exact same thing as me. He woke his father and he also couldn’t make any idea what it was. I saw another, farther west acting the exact same. I went to my back yard which faces Olympi! a and saw at least 2 more acting the same way at different points in the sky. I am not sure what to make of this, I’m about to try and fall asleep starting 2061: Odyssey Three hoping it will calm me down/maybe provide some hope.
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Hamilton, Ohio 45015 – 07/4/11 11:00 pm et
I was outside with my husban and we were looking at the stars (AFTER) the fire works and no sound was around so no fire works and a big and bright red light was shining but it stood there for like 7 minutes then it left faster than light and there where planes chacing it but they where too slow after that happend the lights went out and a big rigout ploice where there and that is what i saw if you had experinced the same thing on the same date and at 11:00 post about it
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Moosemountain lake, Provincal park – 1:00 am July 4 2011
Hello sending you a message of a ufo sighting that me and Three other people witnessed on July 4Th @ around 12:15 to 12:30am.I need this to be known. This sighting ocurred while we were camping @ Moosemountian lake Provincal park in southeast Saskatchewan in Canada. We had alot of family there though this incident occured when only 4 of us were still up. 3 of us were sitting beside a fire chit chatting to each other,at same time I was keeping a eye on the sky because of thunder and cloud activity. As I was watching the clouds roll in towards us coming from the west,the clouds would cover up the stars although I had noticed what I first thought to be a star ended up being a weird move object underneath the clouds(At this time I asked 2 of the witnesses what the heck is that) um this orb was light in colour and moved what I can only describe as a dragonfly and this object also was pulsing (lit for a few seconds and out for maybe second.)This thing was like it was dancing in th! e did so from were we see it because the trees in the park were in the way.So I starting running down the street towards it and the last witness was going in his camper and I grabbed and explained to him what we were seeing. I pointed it out to him and he only seen maybe 10 seconds of it before it headed eastward towards horizon(this object did not move in straight directions zig zag and swirly motions but it seemed to not be affected by gravity and made no sounds).Now I was always a believer of others not from here and always seem to be looking in the sky when I can and on a few occasions had doubts’ but this this one gave me the understanding that were not alone.1 witness is not a believer and said that was different and not normal.Any questions please reply as I trust this to be true. Also I may add hours before there was a huge cloud in back of it appeared to what looks like the moon,was a weird doughnut shape that was lit. To me seemed odd,there was no full mo! on to create what I seen.
Project Deadlydee
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Deerfield beach, FL – 07/04/2011
I was walking back to car with my friend and her family. we were parked at st ambrose church in deerfield beach florida. this is where i saw three bright orbs green color in a triangle formation. i pointed up and shouted “what isw that”? a older couple looked up and watched but said nothing. and i kept watching. the left orb disappeared, then the middle one then the right one. there wasnt a cloud that they disappeared into. they just disappeared. they werent airplanes or helicopters. no blinking lights.
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Marine Parade, Singapore – July 6, 2011
It was moving fast, then it stopped behind the building, I only had my iPhone onhand, so I recorded. I know it look more like a star, but I know what I saw, it wasn’t airplane or anything else. I was UFO..
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Beecher, IL – July 4th, 2011
So, just before 9:30pm , We sat along a country road about a mile out side of beecher. Just before the fireworks, there where 3 lights above the town. The 3 lights made a perfect triangle, and just hovered there, so they werent embers or firworks. About 30 secs after i saw them they slowly fainted away. It was pretty werid.
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Lancaster Fairgrounds, Lancaster, Ohio – 7/4/11
Me and my mother was at the firework show in lancaster ohio. About 30 minutes before the fire works start (around 9:30ish) Me and my mom saw this floating orange ball in the sky, the glowing of the orange ball was pulsating, we spotted it from a distance as it moved closer to us, still with the orange glow pulsating. we knew it had to have been moderately high in the air because the object kept going behind clouds that appeared to be very high in the sky, and you could still see the glow (Faintly) behind the clouds. It was moving in and out of the clouds. Witnesses beside us said it was a candle tied to a balloon, or a japanese lantern, which i started to think “oh yeah that makes sense” but, the orange ball continued to pulsate and then the orange ball started slowly dimming,! which i thought was the candle going out due to lack of oxygen. The weird thing was though that as soon as the orange glow went out there was a bright blue flash immediately followed by a bright white flash, (and the flashes werent like the flash of a firework) the object disappeared for a minute, then the orange glow reappeared and continued to pulsate again for a few minutes. as it was approaching above our heads, the object stopped glowing, but you could see the silhouette of the object in front of the blue sky. It looked like an oddly shaped blimp or something, still hovering above us. Then it floated out of sight. I thought maybe i was crazy or hallucinating but my mom saw the exact same thing i saw, we thought there was another explanation until the blue and white flashes. We would have recorded a video but my moms phones battery was dead.
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Kenosha, Wisconsin – 7-4-2011
It was brief, and I obviously have no pictures. But, while standing outside, saying goodbye to my aunt, I happened to look up in to the sky, and there was a green streak going across, it disappeared for a split second, and then reappeared once more. The whole thing lasted for about 3 seconds, and then it was over. Not sure if it was a “UFO” or not, but it surely was something that made me think. AND! It was NOT fireworks or any kind.
I also have to ask. Just curious. If someone wanted to under go a sleep hypnosis, who would they contact for it? Just to find out if what they were dreaming was actually a dream, or something that has happened to them, repeatedly?
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Salem, Massachusetts, Willows waterfront – 7/4/11
Was enjoying the holiday when multiple people started pointing at the sky saying what the hell is that? I looked up and there were 5 orange lights in a diagonal line flying away from us gradually. One would vanish, then the next, then the next. When the last orange light was coming close to vanishing a plane intersected with its path and the orange light was gone. Upon intersection there seemed to be a slight glare of light. I am a skeptic, dont know what I saw. But I was not alone … multiple witnesses. Just saying.
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Ponca City, Oklahoma USA – July 4, 2011
Exactly 1:15 am, July 4th, 2011 I watched a large orange circular glowing object traveling from north to south at a speed similar to a small plane. Myself and 2 others watched it rise over the horizon from the south and dissapear over the horizon from to the north. Shape and speed remained the same, our view lasted approx. 4 minutes
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Santa Ana, CA Orange County CA – July 4th 2011
I was on my way home on the 22 frwy when 2 large orange glowing orbs caught my attention to the west of me. I pulled off the freeway to get my binoculars out and was curious to see what exactly it was. When I did so all I could see was a glow of orange in a something like glass ball. The one light farthest away dimmed out and disappeared and then the 2nd one did the same. Amazed, I started back onto the streets when I noticed 2 more glowing orange orbs. I then pulled over again and tried to take my camera out to record but those too dimmed and disappeared. When looking through the binoculars I did not see any blinking lights to indicate an airplane. And these moved very slowly and disappeared. Crazy! Dont know if anyone else saw. Lots of people out tonight too with lighting up firework! s. I saw the first 2 lights at 10:29pm and the 2nd lights at 10:37pm.
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Lyndon, Ky (Louisville) – July 4 2011
More than 6 red glowish lights seen approximately between 8:40 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
All of these red lights remained stationairy throughtout the entire viewing period. With mortar style fireworks of all colors dispursing in the sky I managed to catch a glympse of these lights which seemed to be a mile if not more away from me. I was driving in my car when this happend.
Four of these lights formed the shape of a rhombus or kite. Another two to four red lights fromed a tail shape at the bottom point of the rhombus making it look quite similar to an enormous kite with a tail but the outlines were never visible just red dots at the points described above. May have been mmore than six lights but i was so discombobulated that i pulled up to a green light and then stopped. i was shaken up pretty hard and dont remember precisely how many lights. As i weaved through residential streets which were littered with tall obstructing tree lines i managed to keep the lights in and out of my sight until i realized several of the lights had dissapeared but they appeared to be replaced by tiny white lights that looked like stars far far away in the galaxy. I dont remember exactky how many red lights had vanished nor the order in which they did. I do recall at least twice noticing that some of the lights had gone missing. When i thought it was over and they w! ere all gone i looked up and saw 1 single red light (possibly the biggest of the lights)still hanging high in the sky and tried not to convince my self i was crazy. I have spoken with two other people in a neighboring county only an hour or two after the incident who also saw the 1 single red light in the air. One of them believed that it was just a helicopter looking for fire. I dont buy his BS story for a second… On a side note there was a creepily low, thin grey cloud singled out by far due to its distance from the other huge gigantic massive white clouds in the sky… Another “supposed” ufo witness (when and where the witnesses incident took place i did not ask) claimed he and his friend had once seen a ufo traveling right alongside a cloud alot like the cloud i described. This he told me himself just minutes after i witnessed the red lights in the sky. Thank you for reading my story sorry i have no pictures. There had to have been at least 20-30 more witne! sses besides my self considering everyone was starring at the ! sky beca use of the fireworks which foreshadowed the lights. Brain12457
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Seattle WA, south of downtown around Boeing Field – July 4, 2011
During the Seattle fireworks show, Bright yellow light, hovering over Sodo and Boeing Field area, moving erratically vertically and horizontally) to the west and then back to the east, could not hear the sound of an engine. It made two passes, each about 10 mins apart
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Sunrise, FL – 070411
My sister niece and I looked up and saw 1 then another and then 1 more was that?! They were gone, they blinked away to nothing? It is the 4th of July and so we wondered if it was the perfect opportunity for the UFO’s to try to be incognito but we know what we saw was one of a kind, weird and boggles your mind. Anyone else see this tonight?
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New Jersey – 4 July 2011
UFO Location New York
The object was a big as a plane but round. It was metalic silver on top and a dark color on bottom. It turned back and forth as from one side to another. It was going at a good rate of speed but going higher and higher till it went behind the clouds. It was not going in the same direction as any plane were going and exactly in the opposite direction. It stayed at one level circulating around and then went faster. I am sure airplanes must have seen it and called it in to the air traffic controller.
July 4th at 6.30 to 7.00 pm.
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Westminster, Colorado – July 4 2011
We were watching the City of Westminster fireworks on July 4th and saw four circular objects that were not part of the fireworks display. They were close together and hardley moved. All the sudden they dissappeared. They looked just like some i saw on a post from july 4th in another state.
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Winnipeg, MB Canada – July 3rd, 2011
Me and my cousin randomly came across a very bright flying object in the
sky, that was appearing to get slighly brighter at times. It was perfectly
circle and stould perfectly still. It appeared to be about 5-10 times
brighter than the next brightest star in the sky. Have no idea what it may
be, and hope we can get some answers. Here is the youtube link, we’ve
already received almost 1000 views in one day..:)
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Bellevue, NE – 7/3/2011
Me and my gf were heading back into Bellevue from Omaha on highway 75 south just about to get on the Cornhusker exit around 11pm this evening, and my gf says that’s weird, I looked up and I see 3 ember colored lights in a triangle shaped formation just west of Offutt AFB. First thing I did was called my cousin knowing he was in the area and decided to follow it. At first I thought it was a stealth fighter or bomber leaving the base but it was hoovering and moving really slow and incredibly large. We turned off Cornhusker and headed south on 25th thinking it would be somewhere near 370, it was actually closer than we thought, it was hoovering right over one of the neighborhoods off 25th between Cornhusker & 370. At one point we were directly below it, this is where shit got weird, as! we were approaching under “it”, the lights began to dim like they were on the side instead of underneath and I could see right thru “it” and basically blended into the night sky, and was silent. At the same time I’m on the phone with my cousin telling him where to go so that he can intercept it, at first when we turned into the neighborhood when we got under it, it looked like it was headed west, after being under it, I lost track of it for a couple minutes and found it again heading north at an alarming rate, we ended up losing it fast. We then heading out to Twin Creek where it was sort of dark to get a better look in the sky. Shortly after we got there, my cousin gave me a call who was out on 48th between 370 & Cornhusker, and asked me if I see the solid red ball hoovering out west, as he asked me that we could definitely see it, after a few seconds looking like it was heading north it slowly started to dim and completely vanished. We headed stra! ight to my friends house near by to tell them what we just saw! . When m y cousin got there, him and a friend saw another red ball more north of the other one we saw about 20 minutes prior and did the same thing the first one did. I’d really like to know if anyone in the Bellevue/Papillion/Omaha area saw this also, it’s just to surreal…
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Belfast – Sunday 3rd July 2011
At around 10am yesterday morning, really clear sunny morning, I was having a cigarette and staring up at the mountain or large hill to Americans, there is a quarrey for limestone at the top of the hill, I was starring at the direction and saw what I thought was a bird gliding towards me, like staying still but gliding, as a few seconds went past it still looked in same possition which got me curious, I grabbed my binnocs and went out and whitnessed what isnot usual to me as ive saw these now over 5 times. what was 1 black sphere with no shine off it at all from the sun, it was moving at slow speeds up and down the length of the quarey, but when it rised to around 200ft above quarey I notice another 4 at that height and they were all identicle in shape and size and at this time stationar! y. for two minutes they were still untill the 1 from the begining went first along with the others to groupe together, this is when a huge shine apeared from the sun and wot was not reflective at start sure hined when together, they took off opposite direction to me, hard to tell the speed they were going as they were moving skywards while traveling away from me then nothing. Ive celestron skymaster 25×70 binnocs and the detail was perfect. black, circle, no glow or shine, no sign of propulsion and judging by the 1st one when around the quarey under the clifftop id say 5ft in diameter. this was great to see but ive saw many many better objects at 12 night onwards over belfast including lastnight, in the space of 14hours I went out and sayed to myself show youselves to me lol funny but not so because a glowing light appeared high up in second cloud, got binnocs and could only see the light but not the object travelling at around 2000mph maybe way faster as it cleared the sky! in around 1minute. that got me going, patio doors wide open a! nd me ly ing down on it staring onto a small groupe of stars for around 3min didnt move my position at all and notice loads of weird lights the same sise as the stars light travelling what looked to be out in space some going to other parts of galaxy while some were just traveling togethr at around 50.000mph they looked like stars with erodynamics and minds of their own. GREAT. I have a camcorder which isnot good at all at night and wouldnt see this types of small lights, but I have cought a n orb above the quarey before magnifiscent.
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Mission Bay, San Diego, CA – July 3, 2011
I don’t know what this was but cannot believe that my husband & I were the only ones who saw this last night but there has been NOTHING on the local news. We were staying on my brother-in-law’s yacht which is moored in the Islandia marina on Mission Bay in San Diego, CA. It was approximately 1:00 am in the morning. Suddenly my husband said “hey what the hell is THAT?” and looking up I saw an orange-red light hanging in the sky to the east of us. The light moved slowly up my field of vision, seeming to grow in size and change color from red to orange and back. As it moved in a northerly path it began to get smaller and smaller and finally disappeared from sight. Can anyone tell me what it was? Did anyone else report anything similar on that particular night? Was just very unusual…
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Topeka, KS – 07/03/11
Hi, we just saw, like 20 min ago a red light inside an orb (also red) going from east to west, just over topeka. At the beginning it was jut the light then the orb formed. They were spinning on their own center. It looked just like this orb, but with the light inside: We din’t have a camera at the time.
We saw it a lot more clear than the video, but when we realized it wasn’t an airplane it was to late to get a camera.
What do you think!!???
Manuel R
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Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA – 7/3/2011 12:50am
I just saw a group of pale yellow lights slowly changing formation (like an amoeba) high in the Southern sky, it was similar to the Pleiades in shape and size, maybe a little bigger. At first it was hard to tell if it was moving, but then it slowly started to move gradually faster towards the North in an arc across the West, until it faded into a dim star-sized light mid way up on the Northern horizon, then was no longer visible.
The entire sighting lasted 3-4 minutes.
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Boone County, northern Kentucky… near Cincinatti – 7-3-2011
Early fourth of july fire works goin off… then theres this little light thats red goin accross the sky. Completly silent, way to small for an airplane, and was to high in the sky for a helicopter. Not a comet since it started low and got higher in the sky. Looks a lot like the mosscow spoting that happend yesterday.
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Central Los Angeles – July 3, 2011
I am a 21 year old male living with my parents after having graduated from a four year institution and what follows is my glimpse at four hovering orbs that I saw today, July 3, 2011.
This morning at 3:43 a.m. I was laying in bed in my room and couldn’t fall asleep due to the Los Angeles summer heat so I decided to open the window and move the curtains to let some air in. After lying in bed for a few minutes I noticed an object moving in the sky from left to right without making any sound. I immediately noticed that it was not an airplane, but rather a white orb with a dark circular center. The object continued to move for a few seconds and suddenly froze in the sky and held its position for at least three seconds. The object then retreated towards the left direction and then sped off into the direction of the horizon and vanished.
I couldn’t believe what had just happened and told myself that I was just making this up in my head, but before I could convince myself that I was crazy, I saw three more orbs in a triangular formation appear above my house and move in the same direction as the first orb. All three orbs were traveling at the same speed and distance from each other, which could indicate that they were either all part of a larger vessel, or three singularly coordinated vessels. All three suddenly sped off into the night sky and also vanished.
After this I couldn’t go back to sleep and I wrote down what had just happened in case I did fall asleep and convince myself it was all a dream. I spent the night paranoid, on the couch, fearing that these objects would come back for me (lol, I watch too many movies). I have never been one to believe in extraterrestrial beings and space ships, but I don’t know how else to explain how well coordinated these objects were.
What struck me the most about these objects is that they were really low in the hemisphere which allowed me to see every detail about them. I didn’t see any metallic surfaces at all or any room for a control center that a pilot could operate from. The orbs were actually kind of translucent, with a smaller black center. I don’t know what to make of this experience but I do know that seeing is believing and I will never again approach UFO sightings with the same skepticism as I have in the past.
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Cicero, New York – July 2nd, 2011
As I was riding in the car with my mom between 9/9:30 at night going down south bay road going towards lakeshore road, we saw formation of lights in the sky, like white round spheres, there were about 6 or 7 balls in the sky going in the same direction as we were and stopped above Williams beach on lakeshore road, above the lake in the sky, we stopped near the boat harbor at the end of south bay road which goes into lakeshore road, got out of the car my mom and I, my friend, & nephew saw 3 red balls of light in the sky in a triangular form, the one went behind another one and disappeared, then the last two combined together, made one red ball in the sky, then that disappeared, two other cars were parked near us and witnessed the same thing, we went over to the people and exchanged s! tories, they said they started to see the balls in the sky when they got near Gillette road middle school in Cicero, and followed the balls in the sky to the same place we did, that’s when they ended up at the lake also. All of us saw the red balls combine and disappear.
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Neenah, WI – July, 2 2011
One red light oval/round shape came out of nowhere, slowly, smoothly going north west to south east. about one minute in to sighting the red color turned white then eventually got out of sight
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West Salem, IL – 07/02/11
I am wondering if anyone noticed anything odd in the night sky. Our small town annual fireworks display was taking place to the west of my house. It wasnt pitch-dark,it was dusk. While watching the opening display, I noticed what appeared to be a white light coming from the west sky. I thought nothing of it at first as we have many aircraft in bound and out bound from ST.Louis International roughly three hours west of here. What made this unusual is it was too hi for a helicopter and most fixed wing aircraft do not usually fly with landing lights on this far out from ST.Louis. The light was bigger around than those commonly seen on any aircraft. There was no sound and low enough to have heard engines if it were a commercial aircraft. There were no red or green nav lights such as those f! ound on the wings or body of aircraft and no flashing strobe light,all of which are required for night time flying. I could not make out a shape but what made this even more strange is how this object was moving across the sky. It was sort of on a course from the west sky and made somewhat of an arc to the southeast sky. It moved in a way that normal aircraft do not move. I thought I was losing my balance and orientation watching this thing move across the sky. It made short zig-zag patterns as it made a gradual arc across the sky. I had to focus and re-focus to be sure that I wasnt creating an illusion myself. Last but not least- the light just simply dissapeared in the south sky but well above the horizon. This happend at 21:30 central time and lasted maybe a couple of minutes. I do not have any photographs. Hopefully someone else witnessed this or if not, people will think I am nuts. Some one had to see it-there were many eyes looking up at the same time I did. ?
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North canton, Ohio (Lake Township) – July 2, 2011
No pic or video, happened too soon. It appeared above the treeline about a mile away in distance thru my front window. I went outside to see it travel horizontal, then slowly fall below the trees out of sight. It was half acorn shaped, dome like with a rounded point on top center. Flat across the bottom, dark to grey in color, no lights and no sound. Size wise I can’t say, except if you held out your hand, it was the same size as your pinky nail in the sky. 8:50pm, still light outside.
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Huntington Beach, CA – Driving south on Brookhurst – 7-2-2011
Approx 7pm, in the passenger seat of the car in Huntington Beach driving toward the beach, looking north, I spotted a shiny metallic reflection extremely far away in a clear sky. We’re talking so far that I knew it could not be a plane reflecting the sun because the distance was just too far to cause that type of relection. And given the spherical shape of the shine and object, I immediately felt it had to be an unidentified flying object. Shine like a prism it was so bright. Within 4 or 5 seconds of keeping my eye on this shiny object, which was not moving, it disappeared. Literally disappeared so quickly from my eyesight, that it was almost as though it vanished. And I didn’t blink.
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Milford, Michigan – 7/2/11
My wife first saw what looked like a fire burning in the sky, coming toward the campground where we(and about 500 others were spending the July 4th weekend)were. she called me to look. the best I can describe it as is: a circular somewhat opaque milky looking circle with, get this…a fire burning in it. it never consumed the sphere, but was traveling about 100mph at about maybe, 1-2000 ft. later about 4 other ones like it seemed to travel in a semi-circle heading east toward the lake st. clair(or, at least east)area. i’m sure MANY other in the campground(Camp Dearborn, MI)saw them…really different.
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Peabody, Massachusetts – July 2nd

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Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania – July 2, 2011
This is a footage I took with my phone of a triangled group of ufos. Taken around 815-830pm jul-2-2011 at Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. Was at the memorial park watching a band when suddenly 3 lights came out of nowhere. In person the lights were vividly red and didn’t move for a bit. 2 of the lights slowly disappeared and the third hung around a bit longer.
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west of I-15 between Dubois, ID and Montana border – Friday night July 1, 2011
My son (19)and two young men had left Dillon, MT about 10:30pm Mountain Time headed south on I-15 on Friday night, July 1, 2011. My son looking west of I-15 approximately one hour after leaving Dillon saw what looked to be an orange meteor fall but at a somewhat slower than normal descent. Just before reaching the horizon it suddenly shot upwards again at high speed and disappeared at high altitude. I have only one phone conversation about this so far. He didn’t record an exact time or place. He did say they were in the middle of nowhere with a full starlight night sky away from any city or rural lights.
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Monterenzio, Italy – 25 June 2011
I and my girlfriend have these photos of UFO.
When we maked these photos we didn’t see UFO, only when we downloaded it on pc
from our digital camera, we have understood that therewas something strange.
We where at Monterenzio (Bo) – Italy, and it was 17:00 of 25th june 2011.
What do you think about?
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Ocean Shores, Washington beachline – 8/26/2008
I’m writing this with the real hope of talking with people who have seen what I have. I was at the beach with my dogs and girlfriend down the beach a ways. I was just standing, looking at the water when I looked up. I saw a white, almost solid orb, size between a softball and basketball, no more than 15 ft. above me and 20 ft away. I am not sure if this object started moving when I looked at it or if it moved so I looked up, but the object traveled without sound south down the beachline. I got a very good look at it and know what I saw. It was during the day (between two and three thirty in the afternoon) on an overcast day, but you could tell that if it were night, the object would not have made it’s environment glow. Like a self contained light. It didn’t seem move fast, but t! here was no way I could chase it. I looked away and back at it to make sure if wasn’t my eyes. The object traveled down that beachline until it was out of sight. Before seeing this, the subject fascinated me because of the claimed experiences of my grandfather and mother. Seeing it for myself was and is a blessing. Please use discretion. I really want to talk with people who have seen this.
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Florida – 2005


I've seen one on july 4 1:00am and we were camping I first noticed it although what sucks about it couldn't find my camera.lots of mixed emotions and no answers because this is a subject no one seems to wanna talk about. after that day I now realize that we are not alone and further more it seems that these orbs are creating world events and some of it is not good.Like the tsunami in
My daughter and I saw the same thing everyone is describing, largew red, round, flickering light etc.. I thought for sure it was a ufo until I tried to disprove it by sending up two large chinese lanterns. It looked similar to what we saw and I know you can buy them in much larger sizes. I also checked the wind direction for the night of the sighting (7/2/11) and it was moving in the direction of
well the ufo that i saw over the roof of my flat was not a lantern, it was a black triangel with 3 dullish red lights on each corner of it and was huge and very low indeed, it made no sound as it passed over very slowly i reckon that you could have fitted 5/or 6 jumbo jets within its size so please no chinese lanterns or weather balloons as explanations? this thing dimmed the lights out in my