Michio Kaku talks about Alien Invasion

American physicist Michio Kaku talks about alien invasion.

Aliens Are We Ready? Not The Only Game In Town

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  • Fake (0)
  • Real (0)
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  1. Michio Kaku is obviously a physicist, and not a historian or social scientist…because in speculating on the possible behaviour of extraterrestrials, he doesn&#39;t know what he is talking about. And neither did Ronald Reagan (but then, in my opinion, Reagan was always a fool, and didn&#39;t have a clue about anything).<br /><br />First, there has never been a guarantee that a common threat will

  2. Second, Michio Kaku is wrong when he says barbarians were able to defeat the Roman Empire because they had acquired and applied the war technology of the Romans. The many barbarian tribes and nations brought about the fall of the Roman Empire, because they were able to take advantage of the facts that rome was <br />disunited, split into two empires – West and East, with no efficient central

  3. Third, Michio Kaku, again a physicist who has not made a study of human nature, is living in cloud-cuckoo land, when he imagines that after a million or more years of development, that such evils as racism, religious intolerance and zenophobicism will disappear. Look at today, who would imagine that in our so-called technologically advanced civilisation, racism in Britain is worse than ever, that

  4. I&#39;ve been reading about the Fake alien invasion lately, Project Blue Beam as one might call it. Also Paris Tosen speaks about this and says it might start on september 9 this year. Anyway I thought, as the conspiracy liking person I am, that this might be the first part of this. If TV channels (including Discovery) is owned by &quot;they&quot; who are starting this fake alien invasion this

  5. it I know whats happening so I live my life in peace. ETs are real.. they are here now. and I have no reason to believe they are here to hurt us.

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