Report UFO sighting #13

Your UFO reports:  31st July – 7th August 2011
(Click on the photos to enlarge!)
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Padova, Italy – 7th August 2011
[direct translate from Italian language] I’ve seen around 0:55 on August 7, two lights in the sky. He stared at because the other one seemed to stop, it was not a plane: horizontally and then moved first stop was a few seconds and then fell slowly increasing the brightness and the light changing to orange. The other was moving but very slowly. There was overcast so I imagine they could disappear behind the clouds, but these data movement, it all seemed very strange. They center in Padua and look to the south … anyone else see anything?
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Grotta minarda – Benevento, Italy – 6 August 2011
[direct translate from Italian language] We are traveling on the motorway towards Naples Naples-Canosa, we clearly saw a formation of orange lights around 6 / 7 unit, seemed to float after which it seemed as if you absent yourself up as if lentmente go out. Do not know how to give an explanation except that we are sure that they were not planes or helicopters. Chills …
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Corato – Bari – Puglia – Italia – 06-08-2011
[direct translate from Italian language] Flying object, with a trajectory similar to a plane but very fast. What puzzled us was incomprehensible but clearly the shape of a flame.
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Torrey Hills area; San Diego California – 6 August 2011
on 6 August 2011 while my husband and I were out for evening walk right about 10 pm we looked up at the sky and noticed a pair of yellow orange lights that seemed to be pulsating; moving slowly closer together then further apart. At first thinking maybe lighted balloons but if they were lighted balloons they would travel the direction of the wind and these pair of lights were not. They were moving west and the fog was rolling in and east. Went to get video camera from car; lights got close together and disappeared up into the fog before I got a chance to get any film.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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Suffield, Alberta, Canada – August 5th
Strange bright blue white lights flashing by for maybe 1or 2 seconds this occured many times these were travelling across the sky then dissapearing 5 people witnessed this
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Watagua, Texas – 8-5-2011
It was aound 9:50pm and I went out to my truck to get a pack of smokes. As I opened my door and go them from my truck I happened to look to the west where I could see an extra bright light in the distance. At first I thought it was an aircraft’s landing lights but as I lit my cigarrette I saw it very quickly move to the left and then back to the right and back to the left again. It then started moving in a clockwise circle very quickly 3 times and then it stopped for about a minute and then it suddenly turned a brilliant blue color and moved quickly to the right (north)vanishing behind the tree line at the end of our street only to return about a minute later.
I went inside and told my friend to come take a look at something to make sure I was not going crazy. When we got back outside she could see the light also and sure enough it started zig zgging bach and forth and then came to a standstill. Then all of a sudden another one appeared below it and it started doing the same things.As we stood there and watched them I noticed several airplanes flying close to the area and you could definetly tell they were not the same type of lights. After 10 minutes or so one of them took off to the north and the other one sank below the tree line and disappeared. We watched for another 15 minutes or so but they never reappeared. I know some one else had to of seen these, it was Friday night and in the Fort Worth area weekends are busy untill 2 in the morning, not to mention that there are 3 air good size airports here including Carswell Joint airforce reserve.
I would definately like to know if there are others that saw this?
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Monterey, Kentucky – August 5 2011
on aug 5 about 10am we on road from Louisville to Danville. its cloudy and not mach sun at all. on distance from Louisville to Frankfurt i64 prabobly from Simpsonville direction to monterey but hard to say how far. in sky i saw bright object in slow move it in sky about1-2minute. i point to wife she saw to and say maybe balloon? i try open photo app on my iphone but object already gone.its have no form and bright like from sun reflection but it no sun! and reflection from what? it mast be big and metalic
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Quincy, Florida – 8/4/2011
Large orange object moving quickly over the night sky.
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Kingman, AZ off of airway – aug 4 2011 845 pm
On the night of august 4 2011 I saw flying lights at around 845 pm in Kingman Arizona. I was driving down the road and I was facing east. I saw 4 strange lights in a weird pattern I decided that something was not right so I knew the road I was on went out into the desert so I went about 5 miles out of town and now there was 8 lights in the sky in different patterns from horizontal lines to rectangles to circles. As soon as I got to the desert there was another car already out there and one soon showed up and then a few minutes later there was 4-5 cars including mine. Having a truck and it being the desert I went out as far as I could and I go to I would say about 2 miles away. I was standing lights of and I knew they were not airplanes because they were just sitting there but being so c! lose I also didn’t hear any helicopter noises I took a bunch of pictures and the last one was when they were in a rectangle and then they started to circle the city it seemed and then they all started going towards the ground and where most of them flew I knew there was departments so I decided to head out that way and I think I saw one on the ground but as soon as I parked my car a cop seemed to appear out of nowhere and he asked me if I had a problem I responded if I was trespassing and he said I wasn’t and so I started to tell him about the lights and showed him the pictures. He then proceeded to tell me that there are new aircraft that hover and don’t make noise but I haven’t heard of anything like that. I said I should go and he goes good Idea and as I was turning my car around he turned left to go where the lights had seemed to land. The whole cop thing seemed rather suspicious and it just didn’t feel right I was out in the middle of nowhere and I didn’t ! even see him coming but take that for what it is worth. I then! went ho me and looked up the number to call and report I tried calling a couple of times and it was busy and then I started to see the lights again this time they were heading south and they were in a horizontal formation I went had gotten gas and that’s when I tried take more pictures and only one came out and it seems really weird. When I was looking at the lights I was able to get through and the person told me to try and get as many people to look and report. I got in my car and started to head south but they just seemed to disappear rather quickly I saw them and then I didn’t see them I tried waiting around but then I had to be somewhere at midnight that is why I am writing the report so late. I will include pics in the email and try and describe them. The lights every time I saw them where just white and they did blink but only sometimes and I didn’t see any other color. Also no noise at all and moved methodically

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Lawrenceville, GA (20 miles north of Atlanta) – Aug 3, 2011
At 11pm, took my dog outside, looked up at the stars, saw what I thought was a big bright star or planet in the NW sky, just above the treeline. Then I noticed it shimmied to the right, then down, then to the left, all within a fairly tight space. I watched it for about 5 minutes, then got a pair of binoculars to see it more closely. It had mostly orange, some green, and some pinkish red lights. It swirled around to the left, then to the right, then jiggled up and down, and seemed to create light patterns when it moved. I got my 17 year old son to come look at it. We watched it for another 10-15 minutes, then it disappeared. My son took out the star map app on his phone that ruled out a planet or a star.
G Bartel
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Los Angeles, CA – 3 August 2011
I have a video of a UFO i spotted over los angeles on Aug 2 around 2 in the morning.
Youtube video link:
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Suriname, South America – 2 august 2011
I saw a bright light in the sky.It was moving very slow.I saw it for one minute and after that it was gone.Watching the videos ufo’s on august 2 2o11 on this site I recognized the same object that I saw in the sky.So I wasn’t the only one that have seen it.Stupid of me,I haven’t made a video of it.Else I had proof…
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Centermoreland, PA – 8/2/2011
Myself and 3 other people were in a cemetery “ghost hunting”, trying to capture EVPs and pictures of a paranormal nature when we saw a bright orange globe gliding over the treetops. Definitely was not an airplane, was much to low and was not blinking. It was moving to the north over the treetops for about 30 seconds, before starting to descend, at which point we left. My camera stopped working, so I could not get a photo. This is trhe second time we’ve seen something in this same location.
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Amherst NY 14228 – 8/2/2011
Spotted a brilliant white light travelling at exceptionally high speed without trails and silent. In comparison to a commercial plane that was flying close by, it looked like it was flying about 10 times faster. It flew straight and dissapeared behind a cloud leaving a circular opening in the cloud.
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over Battle Ground, Washington – 08/02/10
it was about 9:55pm i was walking my dog ,north on third st and there,it was a bright orange ball of light. i was so exsited,i saw a man standing outside ,and sead out loud,look up in the sky, a ufo. he loked and sead wow,then i watched it fly kind of southeast , untill i didnt see it anny more.
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Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico – August 2, 2011
I was outside watching the sky because there was a tropical storm approaching close to the island and I wanted to be outside until the storm arrived because I hadn’t been outside all day, as part of the storm came into view and started moving closer and closer to where I was, I noticed high in the air a white sphere moving slowly towards the storm. At first, I thought it was a star but when I looked closely I noticed it was moving, at which point I realised it was a UFO. The object was a bit lower then high-altitude airplanes usually are, but it was still higher then the storm clouds. This event happened at 8:22 PM and there was 1 other witness. It lasted about 10 seconds. I’m very familiar with local air-traffic, and I can assure you this object did not follow the usual track. Did anyb! ody else in see this? and, for the record, it was NOT blinking.
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Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England – 02/08/2011
I went outside at 11pm purposely to see if I could see any ufo’s. Almost straight away I spotted one. There were quite a lot of them, one or two quite bright and others that must have been really far up, maybe in space. Some made triangle formations others just zipped around in all directions at mega speeds. 11.45pm now and still they’re up there. I wrote on facebook to tell people to look, the more witnesses the better. I tried to get a video but my phone isn’t too good and there is a lampost next to my house so light is a problem. Hopefully someone else gets one. My brother and stepson also watched them with me.
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South Vancouver/North Richmond, British Columbia, Canada – Aug 1, 2011
I left my bathroom and entered the living room. I had a sudden inclination to look at the skies. Condition was cloudy.
I immediately noticed a large, orange glowing ball of light approx 133° SE. (I say large, only because it looked small from its height).
A plane from the YVR international airport was flying close by; you could see the obvious differences.
I called my roommate in and she confirmed what I was seeing. I rushed for my camera but was unable to establish a shot in time.
We watched as the orange glowing orb moved high into the stratosphere in a vertically sub-eastern trajectory – well beyond a commercial jet’s flight path.
As its altitude increased (for the better part of a minute and thirty seconds), it began to slow and fade, like a light bulb dimming up and down. After approx fifteen seconds the orb dissipated into the sky.
23:11 PST
My roommate returned to her room, and I to my camera. Not thirty seconds after the object disappeared, I noticed a small, black, empty space was beginning to form in its absence – too dark to film.
I called her back in and she once again confirmed my sighting.
We both watched as the “object“ amassed in place and then began to descend closer toward our location. This all happened in the matter of thirty seconds, meaning that it had to of been moving at an otherworldly speed, while still maintaining a steady gliding flow of angular descent. It was like the entrance of the good witch Glinda in The Wizard of Oz, but without the pink glow, or blatantly spherical nature.
This object had no shape, or consistency; it was as if it were a contained bubble of black, dark matter which was expanding over-top of (not within) the clouds. It was physically structured, that much was clear, but the object’s distance, and its scale could not be determined due to lack of perspective. (The object had no discernible mass, it moved as if controlled intuitively, but looked as if it were a natural phenomenon – an empty space in the clouds floating over the clouds themselves).
The object drifted below our range of sight (it was either small and touched down nearby, or was very large, and descended into the Fraser River somewhere between the Oak Street and Grant McConachie bridge, far beyond the buildings we saw it drop behind).
It was as if it were cloaked, but cloaked for a clear night sky, rather than a cloudy one. Was very curious. I’ve seen orange orbs in UFO videos before, but never have I seen anything like what it turned into. I don’t think cameras could capture it due to its complete lack of exposure or luminosity. It was very peculiar.
No sighting since.
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Ruislip, Middlesex, England – 1st Aug 2011
We live quite near to military bases RAF Northolt etc. We see quite a lot of strange things here apart from the usual chemtrails and Electrical Haarps.
This evening while we were sitting in the garden on our decking enjoying the good weather, there was a leerjet or such coming in to Northolt – Nothing unusual as they fly in/out VIP’s all day. But straight after it in the same flight path was a very unusual looking object. It came out of nowhere. To me it looked like a diamond shape which was rolling along at great speed. To Karen it was round in shape and metallic. It wasn’t very high. And although it was difficult to make out what shape it really was, it was very clear to the eye.
I had my mobile phone with me and tried to take pictures. We looked at the pictures afterwards but it didn’t seem to appear in them. However, I downloaded the pictures and looked at them on my PC. It is there! But it’s still hard to make out the exact shape. I’m sticking with diamond.
Karen rang her father after the incident as she hadn’t witnessed anything like it before. Her parents live closer than us to the air base and he said there had been “Things” going on there all day. Sirens going off, helicopters up and about etc.
All very strange.

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Longford , Ireland – August 1st 2011
On August 1st 2011 in Longford (Ireland) at around .. .. 10pm myself, my sister and our neighbors were standing outside and suddenly saw a ball of fire shoot through the sky. It looked quite large and seemed to be heading away from earth but there wern’t any missions sheduled for that night as far as I’m aware so.. .. Yeh!! We took a picture and when we zoomed it looked like it was a rock with flames trailing from it. . . We have searched online and havn’t come across any reports so we are quite confused! If anybody has seen anything that night in ireland can you please let us know. Cheers!
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Lexington, Kentucky – August 1st, 2011
Im watching out my window at 12:00 in the morning (midnight) and suddenly there was a bright flash on the hill i was looking at. Under a lightpost 3 dots appeared, facing my window. Wtf? I took my binoculars and looked at it, i couldnt quite find what it was, but it was familiar in a way. In was in a triangle formation. On lots of videos thats a common ufo formation. After it stayed for a bit over 2 hrs, boom, it dissapears. No movement, no nothing. Wierd as hell. Earlier while i was outside a black dark car parked on the street close to me. It was wierd so after awhile i went inside. An hour later i saw it once more on another street. SAME car. After watching it for about 5 minutes it dissapeared. After 2 mins it came back, and drove to the left. The car went dim again but the tires an! d only the tires were illuminated with blue and orange lights, then dissapeared again. Havnt seen it since, still watching the skies. What is going on.
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Piapot, Alberta, Canada – July 31, 2011
 I was at a family reunion in the small town of piapot. at about 11:30 there was auction and i decided to go out side. i look up in the sky and i saw an white orb, i thougt it was a giant star at first until the orb moved. as it was moving the light was dimming down. when the brightlight was gone there was a much smaller red light and eventualy it was out of sight.
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Port Huron, Michigan, USA – 7/31/2011
I finally nailed this sucker! Its a bit embarrassing though. I didn’t realize that the radial arm-like protrusions were visible on the video until about halfway through so its kind of funny when I finally realized it. I got completely freaked out and excited at the same time. I have a total of about two hours of recorded video; however, I cut it down to 27 minutes for YouTube. I still have the original uncut version if anyone is interested. Also had an orb pass right over my head while filming this UFO. I got it too! It was an extremely exciting night/morning.
Youtube video link:
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Malta – 31 July 2011
There were 4 looking stars, moving after each other in pairs. They were coming from South to North at midnight. After some time, another 2 passed, but they were like flashing every 30 seconds or so. Again they came from South to North and disappeared. Dont have photos or videos :S
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St. John, USVI – 7/31/11
Three of us saw a 3′ wide orange, red ball of light that was 20′ off of the ground hovering in the tree tops on the highest peak on St. John, USVI and then flying out to sea and then turning back towards us and then going back out to sea again. It was moving slowly and then for about 5 minutes and then left quickly. –
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Golflands Tce , Highland Ave corner, Adelaide 5045 – 31 July 2011, 3.16 a.m.
have pix , very close encounter with triangular ufo , lasted 4 mins, turned lights off in the house . What you see on the photo on the left is a smoke from a wine barrel with the top on- just to allow smoke to escape as I was smoking meet outside that weekend/ enlighten by a very strong light from the top . Two of the lower lights are seen . Camera HTC *MP phone , no zoom , it felt like triangle was at some stage less tha 100 mts from me. Same day later numerous sources including Adelaide noe reported sighting at 12.30 a.m. with pix. I am very close to the airport . I did not panic – run around the block to take a closer look – it was all over.
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Snohomish, Washington – 7/31/2011
Around 10:00 pm we saw several orange orbs which looked like balls of flames. The orbs flew in erratic patterns and changed directions fro
East to west and then east again. The orbs then appeared to remain hovering and then dissappeared. We saw about 12 of these orbs come one after another from the northwest direction which they all caught up with each other before disappearing in mid air
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Rome, sud-est outskirts (near Tor Vergata) – 31/07/2011
Reporting 5 to 8 lights flying up (ascending) in the sky apparently in diagonal formation.
Disappeared after few minutes, they weren’t airplanes…
Unfortunately no pictures or videos available
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England, UK – 31/7/11
Me and my mates just got back from the park and it was pretty late at night. We sat on the doorstep for a while and after about 2 mins i noticed what appeared too be 2 stars diagonal to eachother. Then they both started moving at the same speed in the same direction. They carried on mooving in that direction for about 3 minutes then dissapeared.when they dissapeared there was what looked like a dust cloud and a flash of light. It was AMAZING!!!!!! Has anyone else seen this sort of thing?
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Shuswap Lake, BC (1.5 hours east of Kamloops) – July 30/11
Don’t have a clip, I am a teacher, my friend also a professional. We were driving to my cottage on the evening of July 30th at approx. 11pm when on an absolutely clear nite, no clouds in the sky, we are driving along a large freshwater lake – Shuswap Lake, BC Canada to be exact and we are past Scotch Creek heading to Magna Bay to meet friends. Approx. 10 min. driving time east of Scotch Creek we are on a 1 km straight stretch of clear highway, when all of a sudden what appeared to be a giant form – ghost like in appearance – swooped down from the trees – in a second of time – and made a wall of light before us – no irregular edges to indicate cloud or mist formation, but rather a shape that had borders in blue light, and this mass when it swooped down looked flat, but occupied the roa! d just before us so that our van would plough right through it – and as soon as the van entered this phenomena, the white mass disappeared, and it was immediately clear as before infront of and behind the Windstar – late model. We did not notice any differences in how we felt, or our energy. But both of us remarked on this sighting as we were driving through it. We have never shared ideologies about UFO’s ever – but we both saw an entity, a mass of some strange porportions which our van drove through. Crazy stuff. My daughter had spotted a UFO along with her drummer – both had stood outside our doorin Kamloops looking out over the Mountains in the moonlight, and reported seeing lights – strange, in the valley of 2 mountains. They both said they had seen a UFO.
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Ovilla, Texas, Ellis county – July 30, 2011
Weird appearing and disapearing Black Clouds in a completely clear sky, with large Black Orb in the center of the hazy clouds.
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Evans and Downing st. /DEV, CO80210 – 7-30-2011 at 10:OO
I’ve been watchibng active behavior in sky for a week. went 2 red rocks and witnessed a show in the sky non stop. was amazed. went up again and watched there pattern of strategy for somethinjg. what i saw concrned thr shit outa me…craft i studied for weeks repeated same routine..and timing was clockwork.
tonight a craft was above my truk huge ..i freaked. got home one blk jumped out and followed it. it went 3 blx dwn street landed in a neighbrhood street. then more craft was everywhere 60 feet then hyuvored dwn to 40 and in the street they went6. more showed up all over i freaked so bad it damaged my brain. i will never be the same. it got quiet electricity is shut off all cricketsm dogs.. pure silence. pitch black and red lrgm ships probing the hood.this was serious f*&^%^ shit… and i have no alien lasor gun ordered.. i saw this commin clear.. afraid too. i just want to know wtf they find so interesting in a human who uses 15% of their brain. theyre are not the smartest group of ets i have ever visioned. i predicted what happenedm tonightm and cant explain how i knew.
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Kings Lynn Norfolk UK – 30th July 2011
I made contact with a UFO.
On the evening of Saturday 30th July 2011 at 2245pm I was outside in my garden when I saw a bright light in the distance towards the East flying from North to South. This was not a plane as it stoped in its flight and gave a massive explosive brilliant burst of intense light like the flash of a camera. I called my friend outside to show her the light, at this time I grabbed my Laser light and aimed it at the light giving a couple of light flashes. The UFO signalled back once with it’s intense flash of light, so I signalled back again and the UFO signalled back again, this went on for about 15-20 seconds before it Flashed once more and vanished, this was truely amazing to see.
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Conklin, NY – July 30, 2011
About 10PM last night upon arriving home, I was walking to the front door when my boyfriend said “what’s that?”. I turned to see him pointing to a orange light in the sky and told him it was just an airplane. He called me over to get a better look, and we agreed we had no idea what it was, but it was not any type of aircraft that we knew of. It was about the same distance up in the sky as a plane might be gaining altitude after take off. It never got any higher than that, but never increased in speed. Totally silent as well. The only way I can describe it would be like this. An orange, fire colored sphere, inside another sphere or dome, this one lighter orange, almost translucent and perfectly shaped, This translucent circle or dome was continually osculating right to ! left of the inner fire colored sphere. My boyfriend ran and got his Swarovski binoculars and we watched it thru them. It continued in a straight line across the sky from north to south, all the time that translucent, perfectly shaped, outer circle or dome, osculated from one side to the other of that inner orange fire colored ball or sphere. We probably watched it for a good 3-5 minutes before it disappeared in the southern horizon. We didn’t know what to think. Definitely it was no aircraft we are aware of. Some type of weather balloon? If so, I can’t imagine what! I was hoping we’d see something about it in the newspaper or news, but nothing. I can’t believe that we were the only two people that saw this! Yes, it was 10PM, but people are still driving around in their cars at that hour – it seems like someone would have seen it! My boyfriend was an extreme non believer of UFO’s till last night. Now, both of us are wondering if it wasn’t a UFO, what could it hav! e possibly been?
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Urbandale, Iowa. On the street of Meredith looking north into the sky – July 30, 2011
My dad and I were driving at around 10 to 10:30 p.m. on meredith to go get some taco johns. As soon as we pass the walgreens on meredith, I just so happen to look to my right and up in the sky I see this thing that looks like its on fire. I tell my dad to look up and he can’t believe what he’s seeing. So, we pull over and we look at it for the time we had to and it was in the shape of a saucer, it was a fire looking color, it kept going back and forth from red to orange and it was pretty close, like the distance a close plane would be. Then within 20 seconds of looking at it, it had taken off speeding into the distance. It was gone. Nothing but an alien plane or saucer could have been going that fast.
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Mattapoisett, MA – 7/30/11
The strangest lights I’ve seen. I’m very skeptical, but these were extremely bright, constant, orange lights. First I saw one. Then some time later I saw three. They were slow moving, but obviously at a great distance. I estimated they were over Nantucket or even farther out over the Atlantic Ocean.
I’m hoping to hear of other reports.
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North Palm beach, Florida – 7-30-2011
My nephew saw two objects glowing orange from his window inside his room and ran outside followed by my father and myself.My father saw the glowing objects moving east to west.when i got outside there was only one,my father said the other took off so fast that it just disappeared.I was able to capture one on my cell phone just hovering there then quickly disappearing.
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Kaiwaka & Warkworth, New Zealand – 30th July 2011
I was the passenger in a car driving down to Auckland from up north and in Kaiwaka at 6.30am Saturday 30th July 2011, it was still dark when we had this big golden ball of light about the size of a basket ball float past the car and it went up and then down behind some trees..There were no other cars on the road at this time. It was really weird and I didn’t know what it was. Then when we got to the Dome Valley before Warkworth about 15 minutes later, I looked to the left and there was a small ball of light the size of a baseball, that zig zagged up and down vertically, extremely quickly and then it just shot up out of my sight. Both sightings of the golden orbs or whatever they were, were very close to us. I have always thought of these sort of things to be up high in the sky. But t! hese were low and very close to the car. Which straight away tells me it wasn’t a plane or a weather balloon etc that they normally try to explain these sightings. There were no other cars on the road at this time, it was dark and it was in the countryside.
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Orange, California – 7/29/11
I was talking on the phone with my friend in my backyard and saw this UFO. It went towards Orange County Airport when it disappeared.
Please, see the Video on YouTube:
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Springfield, PA Delaware County – 07/29/2011
My husband and I were driving home around 11-11:30 pm on 7/29/2011. As we were approaching our neighborhood we were distracted by the brightest, lowest, fastest and smoothest flying object either of us has ever seen! The Philadelphia Airport is near our home so one could argue that it was a plane on a flight pattern but this object was triangular, flying on its side and we absolutely know what a plane looks like. Again, it was so fast and so quiet. If a plane this size flew over our neighborhood, trust me, you could hear it – we hear planes all the time. As fast as we got to see it up close, is as fast as it was gone. The ONLY disappointment was that we didn’t even have an opportunity to take a picture. Anyone else in our area report anything cool????
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Keningau Sabah, Malaysia – 29/7/2011 8.00pm
I`m on my way back home, i saw a green and red light float in the air, fly in low altitude i watch it for 3 minute, 1st i think it was a plane. but suddenly it missing from my view ,just like that.i take the picture using my handphone but is not clear..
30/7/2011 8.20pm, like the other day,i`m back home, i saw a bright huge light at the same place before at the place call CROCER RANGE. that object float in air and then disapper at the crocer range forest. now i know why so many mystery happen in that place ( magnetic hill ect)
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Illinois – July 29th 2011

I was in Illinois watching the stars with my 2 brothers on the same date july 29th 2011 and watched a light come above the tree line. I and My brothers watched this object for approximately 1 hour between 10:30pm and 12:30 am I grabbed my camera and tried to take a picture and all i got was a blob of light, Then I put my camera on night shot and on full zoom took a very interesting picture. The picture show very distinct geometric symetry and light orientation. It also has obviouse depth and even shows shadowing. I have never seen anything like it, and was wondering who I should show the picture to? I am very sure that this photo with its detail is one of if not the best “UFO” picture ever captured on film.
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Calimesa, California – 7/18/2011

The time was between 1130pm and 12am or midnite that monday. My daughter and I were watching television as we normally do and out of the corner of my eye I saw a strange red glow in the sky through a crack in the mini blinds. I got up to look and to my amazement there were 4 objects all glowing red traveling from west to east almost directly in my backyard! and approximately 3000 feet up. In what seemed like 2 seconds I had my teenage daughter come and look then before we knew it we ran out front to get a really good look and I still dont believe what we saw to this day. As we stood in the front walk way we watched all four of these objects move almost directly over head when 3 of them stopped and hovered together in a triangular formation while the 4th one that was in the lead continue! d east and was soon out of sight. The three hovering crafts that were hovering close by moved very close to eachother in the same triangular formation then moved back to their original distances then one of these objects shot straight up into the sky and disappeared. The other two objects then continued to move eastward as the lead one did but turned the red glow off as they got closer to the I10 fwy. These objects were still visible without the glow but were easily lost in the night sky and not one of these crafts or objects made any noise at all. About a week has passed since this sighting and ive talked to 2 other neighbors that live a block away that saw the same exact things I saw on that night. One of them strongly insists that it was a military thing but to each his own, I know what I saw and to tell you the truth the couple of minutes they hovered their, I kinda thought they were wathing me like I was watching them. Only they were laughing at my primitiveness or som! thing. but believe it or not I dont care i just wanted to shar! e this.
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Indiana, Michigan City, 2 miles from Lake Michigan – 7-15-2011
I’m sry this picture wasnt posted sooner, I just tend to get greedy when i see something in one of my photos and am not ready to share it on the internet,i do have alot of ufo pictures and a one video. I always pick apart these object making sure theres no natural interference you cant just jump to conclusions and post a photo without takeing the time to clam your brain and observe what footage you captured.
but about this picture i was outside taking pictures of the night sky. i never seen the object that night. i was distracted by the nice view of the moon and the clouds looked fabulous. but after uploading the pictures for the night, i always check them and the object really stood out. ive taken my time to look zoom in on it and i came to the conclusion its not a plane, helicopter, balloon and what ever eles you can countlessly think of. but give me your thoughts on your observation of the picture.

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Lantau Island, Hong Kong – 2nd July 2011

We noticed this object in the sky for about two hours off Cheung Sha beach, Lantau Island, Hong Kong. It was a clear night and the size of the object could be made out. A second object comes past but so fast the camera can barely record it.


South Lake Tahoe, CA – June 18 2011

While stayung at Camp Richardson at Lake Tahoe we saw this bright light at the top of the mountain,suspended for sevreal minutes till I decided to take a picture. It was not the moon, nor a plane or helicopter. When zooming in it becomes apparent it is something dofferent
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Santa Ana California , Lake Park Mobile Homes – June 1st 2011
Me and my Friend Son were Sitting in a car having a conversation about the day. we decided to step outside for a cigarette. we went for a short walk and on the way back to the car i looked up at the sky , thats when i saw this object moving very slowly BEHIND the clouds and i thought i was imgaining things so i point to it and told Son to look and he saw it too, the only way i could describe how this object looked was Perfectly round like a Shpere it looked around the size of the moon from where we can see the moon. very dim it wasnt a light. brownish. but it was behind the clouds and was that size it apperance so im guessing it was a very big object. we were thinking it was a ufo but not very excited at first. until 1 minute later we saw a helicopter fly in its direction with the serac! h lights on very fast. the only thing i dont understand is that this object was over the clouds so why was the helicopter flying so low. we tryed to take a picture of this object with our cellphones but the picture was all black.
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Eocho, Texas – 3-2-2011
OIlfield worker caotures video clip of a huge ufo mothership that passed overhead on his cell phone.It was like watching the battlestar galactica pass overhead.It came in like a huge smoking meteor until it fipped from a vertical to a horizontal postion that reveal lights and surface structures.It was moving fast and only a glimpse of the ship was captured but it was enough to prove that what ever it is surely isnt from around here.It looks thousands of years old with impact crators on the ship surface.The power unit is oddly lite and not centered on the craft.there are 2 well defined vent pipes coming out of the back edge of the craft and other assorted storage tanks.

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east coast of Australia – 2011

Gday Just wondered if anyone else was three points of light (UFOs) heading Nth a few months back along the east coast of Australia?
two of us saw three points of light flying in an upside down elongated triangle. two at front and one at the rear. we saw this from Wyee NSW and another mate in Qld saw the same thing on the same night heading in the same direction. No flashing lights like a plane and moving too fast for a satelite. I’m 54 and have seen a few strange things in my life but this was very strange indeed. we are NOT alone!
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Superstition Mountains, AZ – 01/24/2011
Glowing orange sphere/orb in my photo. We did not see this at the time we took the picture.

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Hamilton island, Australia – 1/09/2011

Walking to work at 342am, I saw a quick object shoot fast through the sky, then very quickly changed direction, then vanished!
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Geelong, Australia – 2010

first sighting,incredibly fast moving,star like object,in night sky ,for around 20 seconds.2months later 2 separate sightings of what seemed to be pulsating,large star. within5-10 seconds they disappeared.They grew smaller,as if accelerating away. seen in the west,around 2am and 3am.solid but pulsating in appearance.
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Rock Island, IL and Sherrard, IL – July 2007 and 2008

I went out to my backyard to snap a few shots of the sunset and happened to capture a large, flat & silver object with no apparent lights on it. You can see the sun hitting off of it from the West. We have a airport in the direction I’m facing and see planes all the time but this doesn’t look like a plane at all. Friend told me about this site recently and thought I would share with all the other believers.
Also have a few pictures of some some U.F.O.’s from my dad’s coworker that used to live in Sherrard, IL about where these photos were taken.

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Fall River, Massachusetts – 01. 17. 1977

(january 28, 1977) – ufo experience (phenomena)
tuesday january 18, 1977
at 5:45 p.m. i left my parents home located in east providence destination 195 east to tiverton, r.i. for the coachman restaurant,
1143 main road. also had an appointment at 8:45 p.m. in the area.
while driving on 195 east & being a ufo enthusiast, i automatically scan the sky searching for the brightest stars. i spotted two that were unusually bright and concentrated on them for a while. one of the stars was located above the fall river area & the other in north tiverton on the opposite side of the expressway or in relation to the braga bridge on the right. all of a sudden, as i was passing through somerset, the star spurted directly over to the northern section of fall river with acceleration faster than any jet iv’e ever seen. next i thought maybe i am hallucinating. to myself, i indicated, if the object shoots back across the highway again its got to be a ufo! sure enough two or three seconds later it went to the opposite side. i was absolutely overwhelmed!
then i noticed the spacecraft, glowing like a star, continue in a north east direction over the braga bridge. i prepared to exit 14s heading for tiverton on route 24, looked up and could see the ufo on my left heading for tiverton. then i noticed it cross over route 24 to the opposite side of the highway on my right, it seem to hover there for a short time. after about 5 minutes i could see the craft on my left just before exiting route 24 and on to route 138 main road.
upon entering the parking lot at the coachman i decided to park as close as possible to the entrace due to the extremely inclement weather. i parked about 25 feet from the entrance in the direction of the restaurant.
i opened the door, looked at my watch which indicated 6:20 p.m. stept out and looked up-to my astonishment there before my eyes at a distance of about 150 feet in the sky was this magnificent glowing white oval shaped object brighter than a fluorescent light, it hovered without moving or making a sound.
i had this tremendous feeling of being at peace with myself for some unknown reason.
a couple of minutes later my guest drove into the parking lot. i ran to her door, opened it and told her to look up and she said, what a bright star! i said, this is a ufo. we watched for another minute but because it was so cold outside we ran to the entrance.
our table was situated in the back of the dining room facing the bay with a direct view of bristol, looking southwest i could see the lighted mt. hope bridge. we looked up and we could see the object, it was in constant observation throughout the diner meal. at approximately 7:45 p.m. the craft moved about 100 feet, both of us witnessed this activity and and of course i stated, do you believe in ufo’s now? she answered rather abruptly, i always thought this was possible but firmly believe now. at about 8:10 p.m. the ufo maneuvered itself straight across to bristol, disapeared, reappeared and stopped in the center of the bay for ten minutes, then finally left our view at 8:20 p.m. in the direction of bristol.
we departed from the coachman at 8:45 p.m., my guest left in the opposite direction and i proceeded to an appointment on the main road.
ufo experience (phenomena) – wednesday january 19, 1977
decided wednesday night i would attempt a repeat performance of tuesday night by driving to tiverton then to my sister’s home in portsmouth. with camera & binoculars i left my parents home for tiverton at 6:40 p.m.
while driving on 195 east to route 24 south at approximately 7:00 p.m., the ufo was now travelling on my left and traversing back & forth over the highway. i did not exit the coachman route 138 but instead continued to portsmouth and lost all activity at this point.
thursday january 20, 1977
at 8:15 a.m. while waiting for a bus to providence i felt a sharp pain on the right side of my forehead. this condition continued until lunchtime at 12:00 p.m. when i felt nauseated and delayed my lunch for forty minutes until it subsided. went to lunch at 12:40 feeling a little dizzy, this persisted until 2:30 p.m. that day.
i understand after close contact or exposure this reaction can occur.
friday january 21, 1977
it was a very cloudy night and at 6:25 p.m. on route 24 south to portsmouth, i noticed in north tiverton, on my right above the clouds, this bright light moving across the highway to the opposite side and hovered there. i continued to portsmouth.
tuesday january 25, 1977
this was a clear night at 7:35 p.m. on route 24 south to main road tiverton for an appointment, my father & i noticed at a distance of about 1500 feet in the sky, a bright star (ufo) hovering for a few seconds then it completely vanished.
this summerizes my ufo experiences for the past two weeks. in every sighting indicated within this report i never saw the metallic portion of the ufo, the craft was always engulfed completely with a white glow
i must say that it has been a fantastic experience and of course i look foward to the future with great anticipation.
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Pico Rivera, Ca 90660 – late 1950 s or eairly 60 s
i seen a flying saucer in the evning time i was about 8 or 9 yrs old it was real clear gold bronze color windows all around it was spining slowley you can see the refection from the moons light on the windows no sound i can see inside just white interior it was about 3ft all the way around it is still clear in mind something i will never forget i am 59 years old i want a photo of this to hang on my wall before im gone i have been searching for sightings that look similar but nothing clear enough, where can i get drawing of my saucer to hang on my wall thank you.
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UFO landing? American native petroglyph
I have attached a YouTube link of a video I did while on vacation in Nine Mile Canyon, Utah. It really looks like some type of vehicle on a tripod landing legs with some type of rays/waves coming out of it.
Youtube video link:
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