The new motion picture “Cowboys and Aliens,” starring Harrison “Indiana Jones” Ford and Daniel “James Bond” Craig, unwraps recently and is very likely to grab the top place at the box office. The sci-fi thriller shows the story of UFO that attacks a small town in New Mexico in search of something important to extraterrestrial beings on the film.
Cowboys, aliens and UFO seem to be strange, buy why not? Several individuals think that alien contact is not new, and that Earth has been attended for many years. Some, such as best-selling Swiss author Erich von Däniken, have indicated (centered on flawed data and reasoning) that aliens constructed the pyramids in Egypt. Other people think that the huge drawings in the Nazca desert of Peru, in South America, were made by (or for) extraterrestrials in UFO. As a matter of fact, there is decent proof that the Nazca Lines were developed by the Nazca Indians, most likely as part of ceremonial traditions.
But what about sightings and stories of aliens and UFO in the Old West? Interestingly, there basically are a couple of accounts of extraterrestrial encounters in the 1800s. In those times people did not use terminology like “UFO” or “flying saucer” (that term did not show up till 1947), but rather referred to spacecraft as “airships.”
By far the most comprehensive (and most spectacular) experience between cowboys and aliens occurred in 1897 at Texas. This report ran in the April 19 Dallas Morning News saying that about 6 o’clock in the morning the early risers of Aurora (Texas) were amazed at the unexpected appearance of the airship which has been cruising throughout the nation. It was touring due north and sailed over the public square and when it arrived at the northern part of town it crashed with the tower of Judge Proctor’s windmill and gone into pieces with a tremendous explosion, spreading particles over various acres of ground.
This is amazing enough, but the record takes on an even more contemporary twist reporting that the pilot of the ship is meant to have been the only one on-board, and while his remains were disfigured, still it can be determined that he was not an inhabitant of this planet. Mr. T.J. Weems of the U.S. Army provides his thoughts and opinions that the pilot was a native of the planet Mars. Documents discovered on his person, obviously the data of his journeys are printed in some unfamiliar hieroglyphics, and cannot be deciphered. The ship was constructed of unfamiliar steel, similar to somewhat a combination of silver and aluminum, and must have weighed a few tons. The report continues that the town is full of individuals who are watching the remains and collecting specimens of unusual steel from the debris.
This incredible UFO experience, complete with a crashed spacecraft, a bunch of witnesses, a retrieved dead Martian and steel remains came not from an author but rather a legitimate witness and highly regarded reporter for the newspaper, a Mr. E.E. Haydon. Fifty years after, an almost the same account would circulate about another, very similar UFO collision in a nearby state: Roswell, N.M.
The late UFO investigator Phil Klass investigated this encounter between cowboys and aliens for his book “UFOs Explained.” The records by witnesses fell apart under close analysis.
No follow-up newspaper reports made an appearance regarding this incredible occurrence; no witnesses could be found to support Haydon’s story, and nothing of the alien nor his “several tons” of unexplainable steel spacecraft remains was ever found.
In addition, it was later disclosed that Judge Proctor failed to even have a windmill for the alien to crash into. It turned out that Haydon had created the entire issue up as a promotion stunt to get individuals to visit to the dying Texas town. Once an energetic and busy frontier town frequented by prospectors on their way to the Gold Rush, Aurora had fallen on difficult situations and needed to strengthen its tourism industry. Stories of cowboys, aliens and UFO have entertained people very well for many years, though hard data of extraterrestrials continues to be as evasive as ever. (c) 2011

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