UFOs were filmed over Linz in Germany 19-Jul-2011

LUFOS – This interesting footage of UFO activity was caught on tape over German city Linz on 19th July 2011.

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  • Real (0)
  • Not Alien (0)


  1. I see everything in the same way as this video shows, almost every day, between 04:30 and 06:00 am at my house in my hometown of Santos, SP – Brazil.<br /><br /> I have an astronomical telescope, but it is not so important, because even using the binoculars, I can only see the glow, like stars that move, but move the same way as in the video, sometimes between 03 to 05 times faster a plane, until

  2. The only thing extraterrestrial about these (apart from the obvious plane) was that they were satellites in orbit. Instead of making claims to them being UFO&#39;s, it would&#39;ve been better to actually look up the ephemeris for the satellites passing overhead at the time, to see which ones they were. They were only unidentified in that the person taking the video didn&#39;t have a clue at what

  3. deutsche quali immer wieder gut auch hier im hochsauerland kann man die &quot; sich bewegenden sterne &quot;beobachten meine freundin und ich haben schon ganz weiche knie bekommen .bei solch ein schauspiel, die flugbahnen sind manchmal echt irre und bestimmt nicht menschen gemacht ..oder doch?? auf jedenfall geht da oben jede menge ab ob tags ueber das chemtrailing oder nachts komisch sich

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