Existence of aliens or extraterrestrials generally still remains in question and a lot of debates are going on about it. Alleged evidences on the presence of aliens include UFO sightings or UFO close encounters. Moreover, some say that moon pictures show signs of alien life and NASA were not revealing the evidences because maybe the public is not yet ready to accept the reality. Could be there extraterrestrials spying people in not so far distance? Well, this question could surely bring out emotional replies from anyone you ask.
Read full article at Extraterrestrials-Aliens.com

That's where I left my beach lounger!!! I thought I left it at the beach!
what is that in the picture? looks like nothing to me
Why does it seem like key people has lost interest in space, maby some of them know what is really out there.
I knew he'd make it:) That's Cesar, a bumblebee. Said he was gonna fly all the way to the moon and no-one believed him. Now there's proof. Screw all you people who didn't believe in him.