Scientists at CERN in Geneva say they have discovered sub-atomic particles that move even faster than the universally accepted rate of 300,000 kilometres a second.
Experts say the discovery is a game-changer – and is more significant than the discovery of radioactivity.
If proven, it will blow Einstein’s 1905 theory of relativity – a fundamental pillar of physics – out of the water.
Nothing in the universe is faster than the speed of light – or is it?

Well this is gonna change everything if it's confirmed.
Einstein's theory was that nothing can accelerate over speed of light , but not that nothing can travel faster than light.
The Speed of Light is old Science awareness. Theories are estimations. Or extremely good guesses. Of course some stuff moves at the speed of Light. Thought moves faster. Thought also moves through what they’re calling “Dark Matter”. “Dark Matter” is what Ghosts, or Non-Physical Energies move though. Heh…you don’t have to be a Physicist or “Rocket Scientist” to know this..or to Feel it.