Witness report: These are very strange UFO’s flying over southeast Denver Colorado, on September 3, 2011 I have filmed and recorded this…
This was made by using a Xenonics Corp. “SuperVision” device, they make.
“Nightvision” device is a digital (star)light amplifier. Its hooked up to a Sony digital Handicam, that records HD video. (more info below)
UFO’s are fly overhead here in south Denver. I film at night from 2:00 am to 4:am as it is very dark by them, I like to have a Moonless sky for the best contrast. As always I have no idea as to what these objects are!!!
Supervision a starlight amplifier that amplifies light and allows you to see a very dark sky, it’s like daylight, except you can see all stars. Please see the equipment on my channel there are two video clips on that..
Author (magnetflipper @ youtube)

One of my guesses it is reversed engineered crafts<br />made by humans by duplication of alien technology.
The first two objects you show in this video, the one on the lower part of the screen seems to seperate itself from the other, until it gets a certain distance away from the other. Like it is being controlled. I think you can rule out space debris.