Current poll
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Telepathy, or communication between minds without using the traditional five senses
Start Date: Saturday, October 1, 2011
End Date: Monday, October 31, 2011
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Previous poll results
Poll #26: Do you believe there are living or dead extraterrestriall beings in Area 51?
Yes: 86%
No: 14%
Start Date: Thursday, September 1, 2011
End Date: Friday, September 30, 2011
Total voters: 1896

We have large brains, most of which is used in an unconscious way. <br />If we believe in "entangled particles" then, scientifically, there is no reason why a similar co-relationship might exist under premium conditions between two electrically entangled brains.<br />There have been cases of dolphins or dogs coming to the aid of humans. Twin humans are especially likely to "feel&
well, the telepathy is not possible for beings from their genetics or spiritual , but i think there is a way that puting some device in brain and another in second brain and as we think first before talking , the thinking is something about signs from the neurons or a some arranging that this device record every thing from the thinking side of brain and take the information by technology or
Flouride increases crystal growth in the pineal gland. Crystals absorb frequency. Soon you won't need cellphones to communicate. And Haarp will know your every thought.