Witness report: [translate from Spanish] I left the camera on a tripod filming a few minutes to make a “Time Lapse” while we were eating. At the time no one realized at home reviewing the clips I saw the objects and was quite surprised. You can see from the second 4 to 12 and then from 20 to 53.
So they can better appreciate it, I show the video to scale back 150% and 500% speed and then again but with 500% increase in size. Captured by Canon HV30 on Sunday, August 21, 2011 at the viewpoint of Lake Chungará between 1 and 2pm.
Author (acuariuz @ youtube)

You can read about volcano effects in<br />http://vulcanoticias.com.br/portal/vulcanologia/gases-vulcanicos<br />translations and original texts available on botton page.
Be good to leave a fixed video zoomed into top in HD for 24 hours.<br />Well done friend.
wow…..great catch!
I agree with the previous post to leave a camera on in HD for 24 hours. From the looks of it, this may not be a one time event. Don't stop now! I've viewed 1000's of video's. This footage intrigues me. Nice work!