Witness report: Yah so me and my friend were coming back from the local arena in Payson AZ on our horses and the horses got spooky and we looked up and Saw a light in the sky and had the camera with us, the last part is all blurry because when it started “Morphing” it messed with our camera, after it was done is dissapered and the camera started working…
Author (MontanaSkiesStables @ youtube)

If the US Govt is paying to build and fly these — how much do they cost?!<br /><br />We're on the brink of bankruptcy in the USA — around the world, except China — and secret, costly black ops programs drain our budgets and do not put people to work.<br /><br />The least they could do is sell tickets for rides on these things to help raise money for the Govt.
FAKE ! You can hear a Plane Passing BY !….. Play close attention to the Voice of the airoplane – <br />Sounds like a Pr-Plane. the base lights look just like a P-Plane.