UFO sightings – Interesting video of triangle shaped object recorded with Canada-France-Hawaii telescope, a world-class, 3.6 meter optical/infrared telescope. The CFH observatory is located atop the summit of Mauna Kea, a 4200 meter, dormant volcano located on the island of Hawaii.
I wonder if any one else has picked up any information on the bright triangle object that was seen in Hawaii ? This is the first i have seen of this one, and it looks very interesting.<br />I'd like to hear what everyone elses input is in regards to this object.
Bleh…99.9% (+.1%) of stuff out there is explainable. You could film some leaves blowing through the wind just right and they'd look exactly like some type of "craft".<br /><br />I grow more freaking skeptical every stinking day…and I don't want to be.
LIGHTS ARE NOT SHIPS;they are lights…..until shown to be otherwise……but some are smoking guns……maybe guns that belong to black projects that fly over civilian areas without regard for FAA rules or public safety.The alternatives are few as to explanation.Alien intelligence would probably respect the airspace of earth ………if npot they would be hostile or somewhat retarded.If robotic
Wow. Nice find.
It's moving the same speed as the stars around it!!! So it's a star or planet (Venus?).
Why does some people still think its fake..Nobody fakes anymore thats years ago..Please wake up its time folks hugs to all
I wonder if any one else has picked up any information on the bright triangle object that was seen in Hawaii ? This is the first i have seen of this one, and it looks very interesting.<br />I'd like to hear what everyone elses input is in regards to this object.
Thank you for your post, It is indeed very interesting!
Bleh…99.9% (+.1%) of stuff out there is explainable. You could film some leaves blowing through the wind just right and they'd look exactly like some type of "craft".<br /><br />I grow more freaking skeptical every stinking day…and I don't want to be.
Galactic Federation is Here
LIGHTS ARE NOT SHIPS;they are lights…..until shown to be otherwise……but some are smoking guns……maybe guns that belong to black projects that fly over civilian areas without regard for FAA rules or public safety.The alternatives are few as to explanation.Alien intelligence would probably respect the airspace of earth ………if npot they would be hostile or somewhat retarded.If robotic
l believed in ufo even though l have not seen them physically.
Although there are still many fakes out there, we do see more and more REAL video's caught by amaturs. Google nbc news captures ufo at Saints-Colts game.. then check out this URL http://www.giftsandfreeadvice.com/free_advice/video-china-ufo-phoenix-ufo-seen-by-phoenix-governor-same/ Tell me they dont look alike.<br /><br />Tru.