Latest UFO sightings – New video of strange unknown lights flying across the night sky over Phoenix, Arizona. Recorded on Friday, 30th September 2011.
Witness report: I was walking down the street from my house when I witnessed a triangle shaped object emerge from behind a mountain in North Mountain Preserve, Phoenix. It had three glowing green lights that, at times, seemed to pulsate. At first I thought it was an airplane but it was way too big, and moved very strangely. I immediately ran and grabbed my camera from my house. When I came back outside, one of the lights was gone, and as I started filming, the object changed direction and started flying directly towards me. It flew right over me. As it flew over, I couldn’t help but shudder. It was completely silent but seemed like a dark mass above me. It flew southwest and It seemed to fade into the distance before I saw a small flash and it was gone. I have attached the footage I filmed of it flying towards me. Very eerie…
Author (source: mufon)

dude this is no joke, iam in jamaica last night me and my friend saw it to, we were so shockt i couldt get to grab my phone are camera in time to shoot it ,but iam glad my friend saw it too,these same 2 lights.
i live in india rajastna,,on 29th sep, at 06:25pm i was at my terrace with my wife,, suddenly my wife has seen a glowing yellow light travelling at horizontal level,,i told my wife to grab my nokia c7 mobile so i can shoot that thing,, i shoot that thing but video was not clear beacause day light is there,,, i shoot one pic ,,in this pici was able to see that thing,,,,,my wife then told me have u
i live in india rajastna,,on 29th sep, at 06:25pm i was at my terrace with my wife,, suddenly my wife has seen a glowing yellow light travelling at horizontal level,,i told my wife to grab my nokia c7 mobile so i can shoot that thing,, i shoot that thing but video was not clear beacause day light is there,,, i shoot one pic ,,in this pici was able to see that thing,,,,,my wife then told me have u
This might be a step of point coming in and out of the zone of silence. This area is also close to the new Denver airport.
well i live in jamaica W.I., and i saw UFOs and the best part about it was that i wasnt alone. 7 of us saw the ufos, there was like 16 to 20 of them in the night sky it was around 2-4am in the morning and trust me we saw UFO's moving slowly and all of a sudden bom it shoots of i think it moved to the speed of light because it created a large streak of light..