The earliest moment the world turned mindful of the possible presence of UFO was the vastly released statement of Kenneth Arnold, a businessman in Colorado as well as a private pilot. He accounted witnessing nine glowing disks in June 1947 in the Cascade mountains in Washington. His information of the disks as appearing “like saucers being thrown” established the start to the phrase “flying saucers.” Today the suggested term for them is Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs.
No one learned what they were or where they originated from. And no one witnessed them land anywhere. Accounts of various other UFO sightings started to show up everywhere, yet no one could come up with solid proof for their presence, even though several accounts from highly reputable witnesses like Air Force pilots were attained.
American Air Force Capt. Thomas Mantell, hovering with his fellow F51 Mustang Fighters, went after a strange flying object up to 20,000 feet in 1948. Then he was attacked by an unidentified force that blew up his aircraft. Afterwards, his body was discovered close to the remains of his plane, which had disintegrated. No one could justify what hit his aircraft, and it has turn into one of several unsolved mysteries regarding UFOs.
In November 1952, a Polish-born American George Adamski claimed having made personal contact with a guest from Venus in a California desert. The encounter with UFOs was seen at a distance by six other companions of Adamski. Afterwards, he claimed he had been invited to board the extraterrestrial space ship and the aliens took him to the ends of our universe and even faraway stars and galaxies. No one took him seriously, though he created footprints the Venusian traveler had allegedly left behind and the written stories of his six companions.
Considering the increasing number of documented sightings of UFOs in the U.S. and in other places in the world, the US Air Force accredited a variety of research about UFOs, the last of which was known as the Blue Book Project. The research came to the conclusion that UFOs do not exist and that claimed sightings could be described by shooting starts, cloud formations, weather balloons or mass hysteria.
Since the Project Blue Book report seen prevalent public outcries of typical whitewash and cover-up, in 1966, the Air Force, commissioned physicist Edward Condon to evaluate the earlier research of UFOs. After two years, Condon made similar judgment, that there is no existence of UFOs. It agreed entirely with all earlier findings made by past research and integrated nothing new.
UFO followers protested that the Condon panel considered only 90 out of around 25,000 sightings that had been documented. And it selected the least sensational of those sightings. Dr. Hynek, the retired astronomer who did not believe in aliens and UFOs, viewed that the Condon report intentionally avoided bringing up over a quarter of the incidents evaluated. The Condon study therefore did not resolve the UFO issue; it only put in more questions regarding the event.
A former colonel of the then Philippine constabulary thoroughly documented all claimed sightings of UFOs over a 10-year period. In his investigation, he documented the time, place, number of witnesses and duration of period the object was in sight, together with some other specifics. He was never treated seriously by his colleagues in the military or by the general community, and after years of attempting to encourage people to take a glimpse at his studies, he lost attention and faded from public view after immigrating to the U.S.
No one knows where he is today. Maybe he has been moved to other planets by the aliens he had gone after for more than two decades. (c) 2011

Good writing.
Hello, On to the real subject of the recent 17 newly discovery pyramids by Dr. Sarah Parcak why isn't there any updates? This can shed some light in regard to the mysteries of the universe. I tried to locate update on this discovery but have been very unsuccessful.
hi there tonight i have seen quite a few lights in the sky, the past few nights i have seen 3 lights flying together to form a triangle and lights on there own but evrytime i go to get my camera there gone as quick as i can see them there were also lights above my house forming into a circle has anyone else seen this in the birmingham area england?