Witness report: Tonight saw this very bright object, sphere-shaped, brighter than Jupiter. Moving the exact same course as before. Whipped out the flip-cam and filmed it as it crossed the sky.
Second sighting of a bright object travelling course 080 to 090 over Woodstock. First sighting of an object like this was a few morning ago traveling the same course. Bright and then faded. Silent. thought it was a satellite.
Tonight while walking the dog saw this very bright object, sphere-shaped, brighter than Jupiter. Moving the exact same course as before. Whipped out the flip-cam and filmed it as it crossed the sky.
Silent. No navigation lights. Not an airplane and not a satellite. I’ve observed satellites before with my eyes alone, through binoculars and through my night vision scope. WAY too bright to be a satellite. Not descending. No characteristic flashing of meteor grazing the atmosphere. No sonic boom.
Lost sight of the object at the tree-line.
Author (source: mufon)

You most likely saw the Space Station. Our local weatherman here in Cleveland, Ohio told us it would come from the northwestern sky at approximately 7:44 p.m. last night (Fri, Nov. 4), and sure enough it did. It looked just as you have described and was heading in a southerly direction from the north west. It was bright with no aviation lights and moved in a relatively fast but steady speed.
Hello Mr Woodstock! You thought you were pretty good didn't you? well where not that gulible. if anyone ever sounded so fake and made an embarrassment of them selves it was you..
You sound like a bloody poof mate with that voice
Constant UFOs here at Kiev (capital of UA) as well; not grouped, mostly single.