Your UFO reports: 5th November – 12th November 2011
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Nykøbing Falster, Denmark – 22.15 on Saturday 12/11/11
I am writing to ask if I am the only one that experienced seeing passing over the township of Nykøbing Falster in Denmark 2 UFOs moving slowly from South to North around 10.15 or 10.20 pm Saturday 12th Nov.,2011??. They were glowing objects of the colour orange and were moving slowly as if to make their presence known. The one “object” following the other. The size of these circular objects were slightly larger than tennis balls, if that can give any idea of height/distance.
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Northville, Michigan – 11/12/2011
Pulled in driveway tonight at approximately 6:45PM and noticed what appeared to be low-flying orange orbs in the western sky. I counted 9 total. Their speed and flight path was not constant (some would randomly speed up and slow down), but they did progressively move northeasterly. After a few minutes all 9 had moved into the northeasterly sky and lost their orange glow, but still had a reddish light. I found this article ( and the image in the article is identical to what I first saw tonight. WHAT ARE THESE?!
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East London, South Africa – 12 November 2011
In total 10 seen,4 rising vertically in South West,6 in formation moving at high speed East to West,all sighted between 21h15 and 21h45.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – 12/11/11
I saw ufos flying in Guadalajara! They looked like this, but they haven’t uploaded videos of the ufos of today
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Macedonia, Ohio – 11-12-011
Saw a triangular cluster of three lights followed by a series of about a dozen singular lights. This was witnessed by 4 adults and two children. a 911 call was made and routed to non emergency – I did not know if this was a terrorist event or a UFO.- had to make the report in case.
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Catalonia, Spain (E(x): 34 71 45 N(y): 47 35 095 UTM 31N/ED50) – Fri 11-11-2011 (12h)
My friend from Spain (catalonia) just sent me this picture by phone.
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Hoboken, Belgium – friday, 11/11/11
I have seen something very strange today, me and 3 other men. Something flying in the sky but it’s for sure not a airplane. it was not so high in the sky, and it have one orange light. there were 16 i think, that passed by. the last one had no light, and we’ve seen the strange shape that the object has. they were fast also. it was full moon and that’s why we have seen a little of the strange shape. also you couldn’t hear anything, it was so quiet, even it was not so high in the sky, because the airplane we heard him.
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Bicas – Minas Gerais, Brazil – 10/11/2011
Youtube video links:
Lucio Mario
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Edwardsville, pa 18704 (Pennsylvania) – november ninth 2010
I was driving when I looked up and seen something that was almost completely round. it looked like the color of the clouds around it. it was moving rather fast then stops suddenly. I kept looking at it because it seemed very strange. Tje car went past some trees so I lost sight of it. When it was clear I couldnt find it anywere. my grandfather was with me n I asked him if he seen that in the sky he said no. when I told him I though it was a ufo he just laughed at me
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Bridgeport, Syracuse, New york – 11/9/11
Alright, this is not the best picture by any means but if you’re not a faggot check this out. Download this photo to your computer, zoom in to the left side of the photo and look for a white spec and zoom in on that, it kinda looks like there is two lights in the back and one in the front, in a triangle shape, like I said its off a shitty camera and you’re free to believe what ever, but I know what I saw, and I know I won’t forget it. Moments after it flew over my friend and I.
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Aix-en-Provence, France – 8th November 2011
This morning, between 8.30am and 8.45am, I did photos of a very beautiful rainbow, for me it was like a stargate of the energy of Heart between our Mother Earth and the Sky. The colours were particularly yellow on the air before the rainbow, it was magic. A very special atmosphere.
I didnt’ see the three points on the left side when I did my first photo because I only saw the rainbow.
After transfering my photos of a EOS 7D Canon on my computer, I discovered on the first photo the three incredible and bright points. These were not points of dust. I was so surprised ! I didn’t believe it !!!
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Viña del mar, Agua santa, Chile – 08/11/11
close to 21:30 (half past nine p.m. here in Chile) was about to go out with a friend when he saw a light that the features are:
changing color
blinking like a plane but I knew it was not (the plane) that was very fast but a plane, but was slower than an F-16 could take a picture no less burn but it was very similar picture wing got
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San Sebastion Dr. Boca Raton, Florida – 11/8/11
A star like figure that spun around in perfect circles
No photos were able to come out> I know this sounds fake but I assure you this is more true than apples growing on trees.
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Rancho, Cucamonga, California – Monday November 7th, 2011
Saw a huge white light looked like a spaceship it was massive stayed around for 5-10 min. The light was so bright. I had never seen anything like it.
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Over Pleasanton, Texas in the sky heading n.west – 11/7/2011
Sitting outside enjoying the beautiful pink colors in the sky when I noticed in the distance what I thought was an escaped it got closer n never weaving, relized it was not. Certain it was not a loan or bird either… Simple black disc..flat looking. Unfortunately, I was so mesmerized by it, I didn’t grab a camera! It was around 5:30 in the afternoon.
L Calvert
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Riverside, California – 11/07/2011
Seen three lights in triangle the lights were like a red orange and turned left and only two lights visable they disappeared then they all 3 came back then were gone
C Sianez
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Mentor, Ohio – 11/06/2011 1:00 am
Husband and I were sitting in the hot tub. I saw a shooting star so I opened my Skyview app to find it. What I found was a bright ball of light circling the Moon, Uranus, then when the satalites floated by, it circled them too. I turned off the star view so all I could see were the planets, moon and the satalites. I followed this ball of light for about an hour. I moved over to look at the northern sky over Lake Erie and found another ball of light. These lights were intelligently circling and hovering around our satelites, planets and moon. I would guess, if it were fragments of a satelite that exploded, it wouldn’t have been a ball of light, nor fly around the sky as it did. I would think it would have crashed into our satelites not circle it and move to the next and circle the next one.
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North Andover, Massachusetts, USA – 11/6/11
I was driving down Rt 114 on my way back to college and all of the sudden this aircraft shot across the sky. It had spinning red green and white lights. It was lower than any other plane or military jet I have ever seen. It also moved faster than anything I have ever witnessed. The UFO was flying at high speeds across the highway and as me and my dad turned to see what it was, the ship stopped and made a 90 degree turn and sped off parallel to the highway and 20 seconds later it disapeared
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Rochester, NY Latta/ N. Greece area – November 6, 2011 6:45pm
Unfortunately I was unable to capture a picture because I was driving. However after me and my girlfriend left her grandparents house on Flynn road she asked what was in the sky, I instantly replied it was a plane before I even looked at it. The I look over and realized it was hovering. She said she swears it was there before when we were on our way to her grandparents. We quickly turned the car around to pull over and it was gone. So as we were looking for it, it came out of nowhere at an extremely fast pace, we continued the route we saw the object going. It was eventually out of sight then again out of nowhere we saw it flying in a different direction….it had done a complete 90 degree turn. Not even 10 seconds later it was completely gone. The object was a triangle/diamond shape and there were orange, white, and blue lights on the bottom….which helped us realize the object was flat on the bottom.
C. Bryant
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Stepps, North Lanarkshire, Scotland – 05/11/2011
I was looking out of front bedroom window towards open sky where planet Venus was clearly visible. Sky on this evening was very clear even though it was Guy Fawkes Night and three very bright orange lights were in sky close together in horizontal formation. Lights were glowing and wanted my wife to witness event therefore left room to go downstairs and told my wife to come upstairs and see the unusual spectacle in the skies to North East of Glasgow. Due to my excitement rushed back up to room and to amazement found two of the objects had vanished and only third remained in sky towards Venus and all of sudden object rapidly picked up speed moving across sky before disappearing. It is incredible because my sister-in-law claimed to have witnessed single glowing orange light in the sky. Eve! nt could only have been UFO sighting because initially the three lights were stationary and many miles up in the sky before vanishing. There were no sign of landing lights or strobes and when remaining object moved out of its position it was at lightning speed, significantly faster than conventional aircraft.
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San Diego, California – November 5th 2011
On the evening of November 5th 2011, close to 7 pm my husband and I were getting into our car when he said,”honey look at venus by the moon!” I was caught off guard but quickly paid close attention and realized that venus was where it supposed to be -to the far left of the moon- and then I told my husband…very excited “no!!” its that asteroid passing by us! And after briefly seeing the object standing still, it began to move into outer space. We were parked in downtown San Diego. The moon was south of us, and if the top of the moon is considered 12 o’clock the white glowing object was st about 4 or 5 o’clock in relation to the moon. And when it began moving, it began moving south east but into outer space. The object began to move and later disappeared. It seem to ! be moving at a slow pace. The object went from point A to point B, “A” being from the point where it first was standing to “B” the point that it moved to which I was was not able to see it anymore. It traveled about 6 inches or 8 inches. And took about 10 to 13 seconds to travel. I was not able to capture the object on video which I deeply regret but hopefully someone did. Perhaps NASA can tell us more or explain what it was. Or anyone out there. Thank you.
Update: Close to 7pm my husband and I also saw a white rounded object which appeared to be a planet next to the moon. It was quickly apparent it was not a planet. It began to move slowing towards the southeast hemisphere until it disappeared. I wish we could have caught this on video or camera…hope someone did.
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Geneva, Ohio – 11/5/11
I saw these reddish lights in the sky around 7pm. There were 8 of them moving really fast with no sound whatsoever. They did not hover, moved like they had a flight path, headed roughly north west. The light was not blinking. Even my mom’s skeptic boyfriend couldn’t explain them. We saw them in Geneva, just off of Rt. 20 & 534. There were 4 in a formation, 1 in front of the formation, 2 behind the formation & 1 behind those 2. Here’s a picture of the 4 in formation.
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Around the border of Indiana and michigan. Just north of South Bend, IN – November 5th around 11:30pm
Two friends and I were smoking cigarettes on a balcony facing west about 3 stories up looking across 100 acres of land ending with a wooded area. About 3 or 4 miles out we could see a large gold glowing object twice as bright as jupiter moving very slowly towards us in the sky just above where the treeline was. It was near where US 31 meets up with the Indiana/Michigan stateline. It was not blinking. I would estimate that it was near the size of a football field at least. My friends thought it was a planet, but I watch the sky all the time and I knew it was not. My friend even used that app for smart phones to try and see what the object was, but there was nothing there according to the app. Then after about 3 minutes it suddenly vanished. We were completely shocked! I am constantly sky watching and I have never seen anything like this.
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above my home , North Belle Vernon , PA 15012 – November 4, 2011
I went into the house to get the keys to the car. My wife and daughters were waiting outside by the car. I heard them yelling loudly and thought something was wrong. They were yelling for me to come outside and look at something. I ran out immediately and saw them pointing at the sky. I looked up and saw something that I have never seen before in my entire life. It was a very bright glowing sphere that appeared to change shapes. The object was flying very low and cast a light along my roof line. One thing of note, I did not hear any sounds at all. This object was able to stop and speed up. My wife was able to record the object on our Ipad. I will upload the video. On the Ipad, I am able to zoom in on the object-not sure if you can on the video that I will up load. This was witnessed by! myself, my wife Elsa, and my two daughters.
Patrick S.
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Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada – Week of Nov. 3
off my apt. balcony… no idea, best guess, a candle balloon, weather balloon or is it !
saw it on 3 different nights over last several days around same time and area,
apparently there was some talk on the local radio regarding it
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Loule, Portugal – 02.11.2011
During a bad weather, i decided to post some pictures of the storm on my facebook, and while i was posting i saw that long shape form on one of the pictures, that initialy i didnt saw with naked eye. Original foto, plus one with low saturation with explicit shape oriented on vertical position. Please analise this picture. I really want to knowe your opinion. Thank You
C. Cosmin
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Frankford, Delaware – 11-1-11
My friend reported seeing this white lite keep on circling the road, the next night Me and him were in the basement, and as I was looking out the small window, and this small white egg shaped face with beady black eyes glared at me and bared it’s teeth at me. Five minutes later the same thing apeared in the other window and kind of scratched at the window.

Note to SPENCER:Sounds scarey. Scarey enough to be a belated Halloween prank.You made NO mention that it might be a mask.Have any of your friends laughed about it?(Hope you find out if it really was a prank.(I know there are real aliens out there.But it is almost funny that they would pick TWO of your windows to investigate.Please don't let fear ruin your day!) signed,: "VOL*TARR"
To Paul and others: I have to point out, I have seen probably over a hundred of these random videos showing what look like glowing orbs of light flying over cities, in groups alot of times, slowly moving about, drifting the same direction….<br /><br />They are almost all guaranteed to be those floating Chinese lanterns. The people posting the videos don't even have to be in on it. We set