UFO filmed over Berlin, Germany 10-Nov-2011

UFO videos – This stationary unidentified flying object was seen and recorded in the daytime sky above Berlin, the capital city of Germany. Date: Thursday, 10th November 2011.
Author’s comment: Hi guys, I am right now filming this object, it looks stunning. This is unbelievable… It almost has an angelic property to it. It looks as if it’s a space ship. Of course, you could say it’s an air plane, you could say you can see it’s wings. This could be that the visitors from the stars are giving us the option to either decide it’s a plane or that it is indeed a space ship because they do not want to temper with our development.

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  1. Wauuuuw totally nice spaceship(ifo)I like that one over Berlin..And the guy who taped it didnt say ufo(like that ALOT), cause it is identyfied, as a spaceship to me too..Thank u Mr Berliner-keep on looking and BGOOOOD

  2. At first glance this looks very strange but as the object turns it is clearly a C17 in high reflection from the suns location. One section of the Video all of the aircraft is visible.

  3. Ok obviously untrained people videoing this. Just to clarify is an airplane at dusk. The red glow if from the sunset reflecting off the fuselage and wing tips as well as the vapor trail. I've seen this many times before!!

  4. It&#39;s a wonder someone hasn&#39;t claimed it&#39;s a Chinese lantern.<br />I copied this &amp; blew it up &amp; while in a few shots it does give the suggestion of a plane it is NOT, also size &amp; shape definitely not aeronautically designed for prime atmospheric use.<br />This is a good one, a pleasure to find after dozens of false alarms &amp; unidentifiables lately.

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