This video was sent to us by an amature videographer and astronomer in Nevada. The object in question looks to have 3 visible parts, and clearly changes it’s shape, which can be seen on the larger part of the UFO. It was reported to have sat in the sky for some time, and looks very large in size from the vantage point of the camera man. If you’ll notice, this craft looks VERY similar to one filmed years ago that had similar color and irregular shape. It was said also that the radios in the area were experiencing static within 10 miles of the craft. This is an amazing find and we are appealing to UFO analysts for help in identification if any. We will post more details about this as we get them. We are currently speaking with the person who shot this, and what other footage he may also have. Stay tuned.

Well this is stacionery object , its not an UFO , you can see that all the time of taping object did not moved.It is probably street lamp or something else but definitely not an UFO.
Well done! <br /><br />I've often wondered about whether certain weather radar reflections/patterns could be a brief pick up of a UFO flying through the area of the radars signal.
the radar thing was cool, but the video sucks
ok, is it me, or did that look like a shirt on a clothes line. the lights looked like they were coming from a garage across the road. the radar, however, WAS pretty cool