Poll #29: Which of the following odd experiences have you had?

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Which of the following odd experiences have you had?

Start Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011
End Date: Saturday, December 31, 2011

Leave your comments below!


Previous poll results

Poll #28: Can the future be predicted?

Yes: 55%

No: 45%

Start Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2011
End Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Total voters: 860

Your opinion?
  • Fake (0)
  • Real (0)
  • Not Alien (0)


  1. twice i have had a premonition….Once when i shook the hand of a friend and a ticker tape like thing went through my head saying ..i have met you for a reason. A few years later she married my son. The 2nd was in Jan 2000 i had a premonition…was that i was going to be pushed on the tube tracks in london. I was very careful every day then one day i missed my train and i ran in looking when the

  2. Hello,I'm here in Santa Ana visiting.I'm from Washington,any how I was out in sister in law's back yard looked up @ plane flying over house.Saw something,looked kind of pale tan in color.It had ridges kind of curved on the side of object.Triangular shaped,or kind of shaped like side of small boat,30 feet or less.It went towards plane & turned away very quick!!! just like watching

  3. I live on the border of NSW and Victoria near Abury/Wodonga and have seen UFOs about 4 times now. I have also lived for the past 20 years in a house that is 152 years old and there was 4 ghosts, a young boy and girl and a woman and man that 'lived' in the house with us, they have been gone for about 2 years now. Don't know why but they used to often be around the house doing their

  4. In 1979-80 as I was driving in Stoneham Ma.the sun became blocked out . As I looked up, a black craft above the trees, a triangle so large that I could only think of it as a moving city, was above us. My daughter was in the 3 grade and screamed, saying it was falling on us! I began to shake with excitement because I knew it was a spacecraft far advanced to anything we could possibly have. There

  5. on the 1jan 2012 at 12.30 a u.f.o flew over kirkintillock glasgow heading north.it was flying at a heigth of about 800 feet going about<br />400 mph.it was 50+70 feet around.it was orange.

  6. Your experiences are needed in the fields of UFO/Ghost sighting, Abductions, ESP, Near Dearth Experiences, Miracles and all other paranormal life experiences. Your personal accounts could possibly be used in our future publication. We are asking that you write down your experiences in great detail and e-mail them to: paranormalresearch08@live.com or mail them to us at:<br /><br />Paranormal

  7. Tonight 7pmPST/9pmCST/10pmEST on The Beyond Natural for there final episode of the 1st season. It&#39;s a 2-hour special. There talking about &#39;Aliens Among Us&#39; with special guest Mr. Lee. Check it out and join in via chat you can find them and links to the show on The Beyond Natural FB page.

  8. Video , Tijuiana Mexico . Very interesting, I have one question though . Why is the sky in the background going from light sky to dark sky and back to light sky? Was this person using a filter to try and enhance the video? If so , it isn&#39;t neccessary as this video stands by it self . This video seems to be real . carneywarrior@yahoo.com

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