Jaime Maussan and Fernando Correa presents information about a strange object near the planet Mercury, object detected by space telescopes SOHO and STEREO.
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Amazing giant cloaked UFO next to Mercury
Related post:
Amazing giant cloaked UFO next to Mercury
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Get over this video people. I saw both views when they were first released. If you look in the first 5 sec of this video Mars is in the back ground and you see the exact same affect on it. Additonally if anyone pays attention to the other view of Mercury from the other satalite you'll see that the artifact is on the OTHER SIDE of Mercury. If this is a reputable UFO site you will post this
There's no reason to believe that with 200 Billion Suns in our Galaxy alone that a more advanced civilization couldn't build a planet sized space craft. There's also no reason to believe they wouldn't know how to hide it. The big question to me is why are they so close to us with that thing and why are they hiding it behind Mercury where we cant see it?<br /><br />I hope they are
What??????What can be fake about this "ship"near Mercury..WHY does 3people push the fakebutton.I really dont get that??Can anyone explain for me please?hhC
It is indeed much easier for people to jump in & shout FRAUD than it is to downloading & testing videos & photos of "strange" things & happenings for themselves & reaching a viable theory. Even if only one tenth of half a percent of UFO recordings are truly extraterrestrial we are still looking at a strange phenomenon that is extremely well documented, evidence that
maybe its a deathstar and darth vader is real!. <br /><br />thats it where is my lightsaber im going medievil on his ass.
definitely the Illuminati