Aliens to Earth – Wake Up! – a music video submitted to us by Youtube user ObjectiveObserver4.
00:00 New York, New York October 13, 2010
00:12 Lafayette, Colorado March 20, 2011
00:17 Phoenix, Arizona January 2010
00:22 Phoenix, Arizona April 21, 2008
00:33 St. Paul, Minnesota August 10, 2010
00:43 Whippany, New Jersey January 5, 2009
00:53 Santiago, Chile 2011
01:06 Kansas City, Missouri October 3, 2011
01:14 Utah County, Utah February 14, 2011
01:20 Lima, Peru May 20, 2007
01:26 Cleveland, Ohio September 18, 2010
01:28 Seoul, South Korea August 11, 2011
01:33 San Diego, California January 1, 2008
01:36 Dublin, Georgia January 2012
01:39 Bratislava, Slovakia 2009
01:41 Phoenix, Arizona March 13, 1997
01:44 Belgium November 29, 198
01:47 El Paso, Texas October 15, 2010
02:05 Lima, Peru 2009
02:21 New York, New York October 13, 2010/El Paso, Texas October 15, 2010
02:29 Mexico 2004(filmed by Mexican Airforce)

They are ALL sooooo real.And thanks to utube for trying to give people a WAKE UP CALL..The Aliens have been trying for hundreds of years-You wont listen and even see them..Many many STILL think its fake?????Weird is what it is
excelent vid to start the week – alot of good examples of tri-forms(my fav) on there and some others with unexplainable manuvering & the songs not bad-matt_bpd
these alien craft toying with us so many appearing now its a wake up call to mankind the governments throughout our world must know whats going on here with ufos & maybe arent in any position to defend our small planetif thet ever were to land enmass .
the MUSIC is totally looney
the website is cheesy so is the music
Do Aliens Masturbate?
UFOs…<br />UFO – Unidentified Flying Objects, IFO – Identified Flying Objects (it's a military therm)<br />what could it be?.. high-tech USA scouting drons / or alien ships?<br />…..why exclude aliens?<br />USA drons / aliens / gods?<br />where's your 51% – USA drons, or ETs?<br /><br /><br />…can someone prove this video?.. if it's spam
why do people think ailen's are all friendly? i mean come on really think about it! your not as open minded as you think i would like to believe it myself but believe this not to be true we have good and bad people in our world what makes space any different! some of us need to stop fantasizing! you must understand that positive and negative have to run together as one to much of a good thing
and one more thing to think about freedom is god given and why are all these ufo videos from youtube?? lol most of you are lost in fantasy and reality i mean wake up for the real reasons job car money haha don't mean shit! most of us are sad selfish people you'll get what's coming to you we all live in a open prison god won't help you until you help others to help yourself let'
and one more thing to think about freedom is god given and why are all these ufo videos from youtube?? lol most of you are lost in fantasy and reality i mean wake up for the real reasons job car money haha don't mean shit! most of us are sad selfish people you'll get what's coming to you we all live in a open prison god won't help you until you help others to help yourself let'
they're all over the globe<br />recent videos show that they're starting to fly in groups, 35-45 objects<br />I wonder why observatories doesn't watch them, and zoom and or make a video or snapshot (or they do, and not showing to public)<br /><br />-tesihmil
listen ufo buffs governments are in a catch 22 situation havnt a scooby what to do ? so many so called abductions landings sightings etc its bordering on the ridiculous. mans destroyed mother earth through greed of its resources oil coal timber water gold diamonds etc it could well its affecting our solar system. also nuclear testing sending ripple effects through our galaxy maybe thats why these