TV report by Jaimme Maussan and Fernando Correa about the UFOs filmed in the sky above St. Petersburg in Russia.
Related posts:
- Mass UFO activity over St. Petersburg, Russia 9-Apr-2012
- Unidentified flying object hovering above lake Ladoga, Russia 11-Apr-2012

love it!!!
EVERYONE…NEEDS to WAKE UP!!!! If you don't believe WE ARE NOT ALONE in the universe. Humans seem to have their heads stuck in the SAND!!!!
Most humans have thier heads in a much darker place then that, hence why there is extra absorbent toilet paper to wipe their brains…….
We have a long way to go before we are even close to their level of intelligence.<br />One visit I was told that trying to teach us anything is analogis to going into our back yard and trying to teach the family pet, Algebra.<br />That got my attention!<br />To this end; we are not even close to kindergarden.
What is going on here !!! why the goverments dont't do anything ! it is ovious that something is cooking with the ET's ! how do we know what that mothership was doing ? if they are flying around precise targets and the most importatnt cities is because they are doing something ! what about if the object that went down was placing a mass destruction weapon or a virus or messing with
It looked like parchutes to me, maybe I'm wrong but if so many people saw it s your saying, why isn't there a better closer video been taken?
WAKE UP AMERICAN PUBLIC…I believe that if ALL human beings in this ENTIRE WORLD don't ban together… Whatever or WHOEVER (that has been visiting this PLANET although there are STILL people that want to deny it) is just going to be able to take this WORLD as we know it and do WHATEVER THEY want with the United States and the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE!!!! AGAIN WAKE UP!!!!!!!!
now how how can they deny?
read about Abiogenesis and wake me up when they land
if its making abductions it could be educating top scientist were still in kindergarten :WITH QUANTUM PHYSICS: anyway its been going on since before the Mayans and we keep getting smarter..<br />Fact: god created the heavens and earths and man in his own image….very broad statement.. but its not rocket science, soon things will be revealed and will we be smart enough (READY) to understand it…
NIIICE to see so few fake button hits.People you are slowly but sure getting the message,thank you for that.Continue in the same way-So less&less people can keep on denying what is going on on Earth these month/years
these motherships are my one of my favorites trecer is always on point with these – its funny to see people write these off as flairs considering i never seen a flair with a mini materializing scout ship landing/conecting with it lol – ther actuly seems to be a few different types of motherships from what ive seen but the best ones have the scouts that carry out docking manuvers in our atmosphere
open your mind to new wild strange things and dont just close your imaginations when it comes to you these extra-terrestrials known as aliens or e.t. are somewhat real and we are not alone in this universe where there are many many and soo many planets that we cannot keep track of it > so open your mind and believe what you see "you believe what you hear andyou hear by what you see"
1 million inhabitants and only 5 sighters ?
Well, if it is E.T., You can bet that whatever they are up to will, be of the kinder nature than what the so called "guberment" has is store for ya. One can only hope that they haven"t joined in the forces that wants us out of the majority equation.
Number one, yes extra terrestrials exist<br /><br />Number 2….there are good and bad ETs<br /><br />Number 3 we are descendants of ETS<br /><br />Number 4 The human body known as The "Adamu Form" is very common in the universe….2 arms 2 legs one head 2 eyes etc..many species adhere to this The bodu is just a vehicle to house the soul/spirit<br /><br />Number 5 yes..God
All points! 1 through 6 are TOTALLY CORRECT! Do I know you? :+)