Report UFO sighting #48

Your UFO reports: 31st March – 7th April 2012
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Nepean, Ontario, Canada – April 8th, 2012, 21:45
I left my parents house and was walking to my car when i glanced up a Sirius which was flickering very brightly. As I looked at Sirius, an object which from my perspective was above it by about an inch, moved from SSW to NNE pulsating from bright to dim. It traced a straight line across the sky and was very quick. It pulsated maybe 4 times as it crossed the sky and then disappeard. The closest I can come to describing how it pulsated was that it looked like it was surrounded by a haze so that you couldn’t quite make it out what shape it was. The color of the light was a soft yellow orange.
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Interstate 95 between west palm beach and Fort Pierce FL – April 8, 2012 between 8:15p.m and 9:30 p.m
0n my way home from Miami on Easter Sunday 2012, traveling along Interstate I95 to Fort Pierce, my mom and sister and I saw a series of flashing lights taking on different shapes and forms, but mostly of long vertical rectangular shapes, various colors. I began to notice it after driving through the last city of west palm beach where the city lights stop. Definitely not an aircraft with flashing lights for it happened along a long stretch of the highway to my right. Which is to the east. They were very bizarre. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me and thought maybe it was a reflection of a car off the highway shining it’s headlights. It wasn’t until my sis continuously kept asking “did you see that?”, that’s when I knew I wasn’t the only one. It kept flashing within split seconds, blink of an eye. I want to know if anyone else witnessed this bizarre event!!. This is one of the most busiest highways in FL. and so many cars were on the road tonight.
Fernanda S
Texas City, Tx – 4/7/2012 9:30 p.m. cst
We were eating at a local restaurant on Palmer and everyone started running outside and pointed up at the sky toward the area of Venus. We joined in and noticed a strange collection of red lights in a set formation and gazed while they disappeared as strangely as formed in the sky. The location was just to the right of the planet Venus.
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Newport, New Jersey, USA – April 7, 2012 / Around 6pm (?)
A mysterious “Orb” was spotted over the sky of NYC. It did not move, instead it just floated there for around 30 minutes (thus, it could not be a plane). I had to leave to get back home so I could not video tape any longer. It is not a star, as others might think, because it was still too bright out and a star wouldn’t be shining that bright at the time it happened.
I don’t know where the video is on my computer but I did upload it to Youtube:
Is anyone able to identify this object?
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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Villa Giardino, Córdoba, Argentina – 7/4/2012
I live in the country of Córdoba, Argentina. We own a cabin business and have had many of our clients tell us they have witnessed UFOs in our area. I have seen many strange lights in the horizon that glow so bright and change colors. I finally had the chance to take photographs of these lights 7th of April 2012. There is no civilization or roads in the area the UFOs where spotted. I took these photographs with a canon t3i and a 70 – 300 lens. I want people to review these photographs and I have the large original format if anyone needs it for review.

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Yorba Linda, California – 4/6/12 at 802 – 807pm
Two light – Orange in color – Caught my eye while going to my cal _ i grabbed phone by time 2nd orange light disappered moving North
2nd light on record of cell phone show other light hovering over Ontario or diamand bar from my location to the south in Yorba Linda..
I called my daughter to witness..
Youtube video link:
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Jacksonville, Florida southeast – 4/4/12 8:30pm
red orange glow gliding slowly no sound from it . It was also almost a full moon. it was beautiful clear nite Venus was also beautiful
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Orlando, FL, USA – 4-4-12 4:21PM Est.
I was plane/bird spotting 4-4-12,4:21pm est, Universal Orlando,FL,USA, an saw a huge flash in the southeastern sky, I thought plane sun reflection,but it did it again in roughly same area, i aimed at it with my 200-500mm lens on canonT3I marco auto focus at 500mm an got these shots.While watching it seemed to just float,slowly headed northeast,it changed shape an very couple seconds reflected a huge Sun Glare. I got one shot at 200mm of a flare then it disappeared! I est. the size the UFO to be at least the size of a passenger plane jet engine. Wasn’t a Plane,not Venus,Not a Satellite, I’m left with weather balloon or theme park balloon or parachute tour wind checker (but it was in air traffic lanes) or UFO. this is the second one of this shape an type i caught, First was 1-8-12. I have all the original shots but there huge an hard to upload.What do you think it is?
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Victoria, Vancouver island British Columbia Canada – April 4th and 5th 2012 between 930pm and 12am
On April 4th 2012 at around 930pm I witnessed what looked to just be a star just above the horizon sw in the sky, it was flickering red green blue and white it changed in size many times and moved very slowly up and down and side to side and when it would move it wasn’t just straight up and down it would move diagonally slowly. The lights appreared to rotate around itself and flash every few rotations, no other star in the sky looked like this so Im assuming it’s not a star. This was also there the next night on April 5 th in the same relative spot but was notbas intense as the night before but wll the colors were there and it did move quite a bit more than the night before. If anyone has a similar sighting would love to hear about it.
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12 km east of Angeles City, Philippines – April 3, 2012
While taking a Victory Line bus (#1919) to Manila from Olongapo City I began snapping pictures of the countryside when the light improved. Between 7:23 to 7:35 AM I took a series of shots of cloud rimmed volcanic peaks past Angeles City, Luzon Island in the Philippines. When I stopped to review my shots I noticed in one of the digital picture an imperfection. So I enlarged it digitally. What I saw shocked me. A row of six lights to the downwind side of a volcanic peak. The sky was clear other than the clouds that surrounded a row of peaks. I nearly lost my lunch!

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Palermo, Italy – 03/04/2012 19:50
Orange light over Monreale (Palermo, Italy). At first sight, it was like an helycopter, because of its low speed and linear direction. Suddently it changed direction, hiding itself inside clouds, and finally it desappeared with a huge acceleration to left (my point of view is the harbour of the city, near the sea, when the objact was over the mountains near Monreale).
It was around 19:50 of April 3rd 2012.
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above Valle De Bravo Lake, Mexico – april 3 2012 22;00
objet moving with lights rod, for 45 minutes brighting , surrounding by halo, viewed by 20 people
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32.912479,-117.079499 (California) – April 2, 2012; 8:47pm PDT
Bright orange object. Original reaction was something on fire. In sight duration was approximatley 5 minutes.
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Hiddenite, NC, USA – 03 31 2012 & 04 01 2012
The vehicle approaches from the NE in a timely manner and stops over the forest for a period of time. Looking at it with 16x binoculars I could see red, green and white lights on the bottom with what appeared to be a row of white lights around the edge. The vehicle was circular or appeared to be circular. It moved in a pattern such as a search vehicle would do and every once in a while I could see a greenish light on the ground. I watched this vehicle appear and move south for approximately one and one-half hours on 3/31/12 but as it neared my home the fear overcame the fascination and I went to bed. I rose at 5:39 a.m. On 4/2/12 and walked out the back door to have a cigarette. My husband came and asked if the vehicle was still there and I answered no. He went inside and my cigarette was half smoked when suddenly a bright greenish light flashed directly in my face. I looked up and the vehicle was overhead. I threw down the half smoked cigarette and ran inside. The night of 4/1/12 the same approach was made. I got the binoculars and camera which is only a Nikon Coolpix. With the binoculars I verified this was not a star and that it had red, green and white changing lights on the bottom with the row of white lights such as spot lights. I took some pictures with my camera which I will send to you. After watching the vehicle for approx. two hours between 11:00 pm and 1:30 I noticed that pinpoint lights were appearing all over the north, northeast and eastern sky. I believe there wer many of the vehicles over area. Some of the closer ones I was able to see the light pattern. I have never seen a UFO and I don’t know what this sighting means. As I said, it is a feeling somewhere between fear and fascination. I would like to know if others witnessed this in my area but do not want to be labeled crazy. Neither my husband nor my sister could see what I was seeing as their eyesight is very bad. I am using an iPad 2 and cannot attach any files. If you will send me an email address I will be happy to send you everything I have on this sighting. Thank you,
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Barcelona, Spain – 31-3-2012 17:30pm
That’s what i saw. That wasn’t hard to see, but it’s hard to tell what it is. Looks like space trash. looks like floating but not falling. There are lots of them, more than a hundred.
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Queens NY Middle Village – 3/29/2012 8:20pm
This was the craziest thign I have ever seen. I don’t know what I really saw but it was stunning. There were over 30 things moving together in sky and then some shot off in different directions. Those that stayed turned different colrs, that was until this huge cloud came over and covered the entire sky. I wish my video camera had juice in it but it didn’t so I wasn’t able to catch the whole thing.
Youtube video link:
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Western Cape Wellington, Southafrica – 28-03-2012 @ 20H03
it cam from the western horizon to the eastern horizon, glowing orange with sum redness to it. first i thought it was a plane but then i herd no sonic boom in common with plans in fact no sound at all, i even took a small video of it on my i phone.
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Portland, Tennessee – 2005,10:12
so i was about 7 but i remember it like it was yesterday i dont know why but i went outside it was around 10:10-10:15 there was this huge circular object hovering over my house i was staring at it for so long so confused and scared i saw this door open and this spider like human figure kind of waving me to go over there in the object then my door slung open my mom told me to come in side and i was stardeled i looked up it was gone so fast i was already across the porch trying to makeout what happened
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Heiberg, Pa – fall 1990 10..00 pm traveling west to east
From one horizon to to the next in three seconds, we were in a carsouth to northalot of noise as it streked arcross the sky . I stayed at friends house over night in Castel Shannnon Pa.Inned happenned look out side in the sky 2 cargo planes in the air with their doors open innovember
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Hwy 2 in Montana between Cut Bank and Shelby – June 1985
This was a number of years ago, but I would really like to share this information.
While driving from Idaho to New York, about 30 miles E. of Cut Bank, Montana, I saw a very bright light low to the ground, coming up to my left. After a time of ten minutes I “felt” I should pull off to the side of the road. This was around 5:30 p.m., after stopping and getting out of my car…then after watching the light get closer, I remember thinking “this is an airplane coming down.” Then I could see the underside of the craft, it was huge, with pipes running around, and other things hanging down. As it went over my head and car I stood there looking at this thing, then I reached into the car and pulled out my camera, then stood up to snap a picture of this pie shape thing. Then I could see the end of it..very tall/big with white lights from bottom to top. I just stood there, then remembered I wanted to take a picture, pulled the camera up to my eye…when zip this thing was gone. No picture. It was like an acceleration and it was gone!
After a moment I got back into my car and took off. My normal stop for the night time was around 7 p.m. but as I was driving I looked at the clock and it was just after 11 p.m.!
I still find it hard to know or think of what happened in that four hours. It seemed like only about a minute from start to finsh.
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