This UFO report was submitted to our website recently by Arvydas K.!
On 30/03/2012 noon I was walking down from Tan Hill towards West Kennet where I saw this bright object at around 600 to 700 metres in the valley below. This object was getting brighter or dimer and was gradually moving around in the field. At the time I only thought this was a farmer wearing white clothe while working.
Lighting conditions wore between thin clouds and light fog, and was qua-it difficult to understand this object from grater distance. I puled my camera out and start filming. When I looked at my camera monitor I could barely see anything including farm building. My eyes went back in to the field where I saw this object melted out from my view. I switched my camera off and paying little attention to the event I continued my journey.
I have recognised object unique shape only after I uploaded video footage on to computer. I uploaded part of my video on youtube.
The first video is without motion control:
The second video version is of the same event but with motion control done in post editing:
Combined video:

Silver balloon? Inconclusive. Too far away.
I have been a sky-watcher for about a year I live in Bowie Texas and last year something was in our sky ,So I started looking at video's of things that looked similar to what I saw ,And I can't believe how many of these ORB"S and UFO"S are being seen all over the world ,I'm getting scared, ! I just Hope That for all of us on this Planet IT's going to be positive contact.
there is another a larger craft higher up hiding alongside a 'mountain wall' SOMETHING like the video shows, there are human beings along with the aliens on board, and there is a baby involved
Sorry, not convienced…as the wind was blowing quite strong…it could have been a matellic baloon…
they have moved near a campsite camp fire brown cigarette butts near a body of water a hillside with long tall grass silver metalic object covered by sticks and tree limbs