One thing to note is, that unlike our friends out here in the USA, I don't believe that countries like South Korea take the time out to produce hoaxes. This video certainly seems authentic, and whatever was travelling past the airplane was real. It also made a maneuver which seemed controlled, not as if it were a cloud travelling along and then blown upwards by the wind. It was very typical
@DanContreras Another typical American type of narcissistic thinking. I've lived in Japan, Spain, Costa Rica and Peru… Let me tell you, pranksters, hoaxers, jokers are ubiquitous. At the very least, you're naive.
mmm the little ship seems to blend in with the background image at 0.23 second in the vid. I think this is Photoshop <br /><br /><br />wah do ya a tink
really unbelievable stuff im reading what aliens like to eat website says a smell of cinnamon, ice cream and in Roswell it was candy bars the grays are the nicer ones while the reptilians are mean and carnivores generally do not eat humans but rather derive the energy from the sun
Super fantastic footage!Thank you! (I noticed that this craft was in Switzerland a few days ago. It was dodging in and out of near-by trees, then glided just above the snow in front of some 4-wheeler snow cycles. Posted:Latest UFO Sightings. I swear it has been seen all around the globe, dodging in and out of the different clouds.)
Interesting video,yet it looks produced.It would be nice to see entire video(if there is one)of just before object is in frame.Getting hard to tell what is a real capture of UAP and what is not with all the digital video trickery.
where is the shadow of the ufo ???<br />thats a fake for sure…
One thing to note is, that unlike our friends out here in the USA, I don't believe that countries like South Korea take the time out to produce hoaxes. This video certainly seems authentic, and whatever was travelling past the airplane was real. It also made a maneuver which seemed controlled, not as if it were a cloud travelling along and then blown upwards by the wind. It was very typical
This was done with Adobe After Effects
Quite easy.
@DanContreras Another typical American type of narcissistic thinking. I've lived in Japan, Spain, Costa Rica and Peru… Let me tell you, pranksters, hoaxers, jokers are ubiquitous. At the very least, you're naive.
One of the best ive seen in a long time…
did the pilots flying the plane report anything
mmm the little ship seems to blend in with the background image at 0.23 second in the vid. I think this is Photoshop <br /><br /><br />wah do ya a tink
Looks fake to me.
i agree – matt_bpd
Ok I watched the entire thing but I don't know what it is but it just looks fake.
probably a drone for north korea,spy plane(UFO)
I believe that might be a tiny super high speed vortex created near the fuselage
really unbelievable stuff im reading what aliens like to eat website says a smell of cinnamon, ice cream and in Roswell it was candy bars the grays are the nicer ones while the reptilians are mean and carnivores generally do not eat humans but rather derive the energy from the sun
Why doesn't he follow the object with his camera as it rises out of view, I don't think this is real, sorry.
Super fantastic footage!Thank you! (I noticed that this craft was in Switzerland a few days ago. It was dodging in and out of near-by trees, then glided just above the snow in front of some 4-wheeler snow cycles. Posted:Latest UFO Sightings. I swear it has been seen all around the globe, dodging in and out of the different clouds.)
Interesting video,yet it looks produced.It would be nice to see entire video(if there is one)of just before object is in frame.Getting hard to tell what is a real capture of UAP and what is not with all the digital video trickery.
whos travis
autopsy results of Roswell no lungs but sacs connected to their trachea go figure