Tulsa, Oklahoma – 21:30 05/05/2012Fire like light moving at changing slow speeds from the east to the west approx. 4-5miles north of downtown Tulsa. It got brighter as it got closer due north of my location and then it took off to the north and faded away faster than any aircraft. No noises, no flashing lights green or red. Only a light the color of fire that flickered slightly.
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Newburgh, New York on sunsset – 10: 55 5/4/12
driving when I noticed a craft hovering over the trees. We stopped the car the craft lowered itself in the trees as a diguise. Every night at 11pm you can see this craft/ship on sunset. my family and i have observed the behavior of the craft,
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Dasmariñas, Cavite Philippines – 5-3-2012 2:51 AMWhile taking a cigar, i look on the sky because i think its about to rain because the sky is blinking, like a storm is coming. after i exhale the smoke from my cigar, i look above to see the stars, suddenly, this flying object caught my attention. I look onto it. I know its not an airplane because it has no headlights and it is too fast to be an airplane nor jetplane. it has red and white lights blinking in three sides like a triangular form. when i saw this, i felt goosebumps all over my body. i didnt have the chance to grab my camera because i was just stuck where i was standing. after what i saw, i type UFO on google and got this site. before, i thought those kind of things were only for show. but now, i think im about to believe it.
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Foristell, Missouri – 05/03/2012
I took my dog out around 4:45 A.M. and was watching two airplanes just sitting in the night sky they started moving very slowly I happened to glance towards the western sky I saw this thing shoot across the sky at amazing speed. At first I thought it could have been a shooting star but the more I thought about it, it was way to low to be a shooting star. The planes that started were flying were not that high in the air and this thing that shot across the sky was below them. I could not believe how fast it went across the sky I don’t even think that a shooting star and I have seen a few of them in my lifetime was this fast. I wonder if anyone else spotted this flying object?
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Sumas WA/Canada border – 10:45pm may 2nd 2012
I wish I had it on video, I really do….. then at least I could prove what I saw, not to other people, but to myself. I am still in shock. Driving home to Canada after visiting the belligham walmart, I was in the passenger seat as my sister was driving, to the left of the road there is a ditch then train tracks and large trees and open farm fields. On the train tracks ( which are about 25 feet from our van)there is parked train cars. it is quite dark out and not many street lamps as it is quite a rual area. Looking at the train cars, inbetween one of them a BIG BRIGHT GLOWING object comes out from behind the train cars and shoots into the sky, so FAST that I cant even see where it went. It was very large, no sound at all and incredibly fast. I have never seen anything like it. I thought to myself ” what was that?” I looked at my sister who was driving and her expression on her face said it all, now we are both terrified alone driving late a night. My sister saw more of it than me as it was on her side of the car. I really cant explain it, it was fascinating and terrifying at the same time.
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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!
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Wesley Chapel, Florida – 5/2/2012 9:00 PM
Just a picture if took out front of my mothers house.

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Central California – April 30th, 2012
On Monday April 30th I driving through Central CA and stopped at a gas station outside of Santanilla around 1:15 PM. I had been watching a jet leaving a chemtrail that seemed unusually thick and large. I took some pictures with my phone, including some that had the sun in them. I could not see much when I was taking the picture as the sun was very bright. When I looked at the pictures the next day I noticed a blue circular form in some of them. And also a circular form in or behind the chemtrail itself.
I enlarged some of the pictures, but have not done anything else with them. I have no idea if this is an anomaly because I was filming towards the sun, or if it is something else. I did take some pictures along with these that have no blue object. Thought I would send this to you in case you find it interesting.

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Boquete, Panama – 29/04/2012 8:00pm

Ufo at a stand sill for over half an hour.Intense bright yellow/silver pulsating light, larger and closer than any star or planet on the North side of Baru Volcano(11,184ft),Boquete/Panama @ maybe 15 to 20 thousand feet high on a very clear stary night. After zooming in, a doughnut shape UFO apeared.
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Pasadena, CA – 04/28/2012
My son and I were watching the ISS Norad ID 25544 Satellite flying in the southern direction over head when six (6) faint lights in a triangle formation (Three on each side) flew across it’s path. After the six unidentified objects passed the ISS Satelite, they broke off into two separate single line formations and disappeared.
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hywy95 south of Daytona Florida – April 27, 2012 @1130pm
I took a terrible picture because I was driving. Tried to get a photo of the 3 red lights that came from the north, headed south and went right over us on the highway. They seemed to just move smoothly, they were fast but steady. Usually when a plane passes over you can see how fast it is moving as it speeds up when it passes overhead. The three lights just went the same speed. From behind after they had passed the lights looked more white or yellow than red. Couldn’t see much more since I was driving. Did anyone else see these lights? My husband thought maybe there was a military base nearby. But I felt that the lights were very strange and I have not seen anything move like them before.
Again, the photo is terrible but if you look in the lower right hand corner you can see the 3 red lights despite the glare and reflection from the inside of the car windshield. Really, I am just curious if anyone else saw these or have heard anything.
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Over rhode island – 4/25/12 aprox. 6pm
is the link to the sighting, the ufos were not noticed until after reviewing the recording and then uploaded to youtube directly from the phone after it was presented to me by my general manager whom I have become close friends with.
Youtube video link:
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Unknown location – 24/04/12
Video links:
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Ocoee, Florida – 4/08/12

I was outside smoking a cigarette when all of the sudden see a bright light in the sky it was moving from side to side thats when i grabbed m
y camera to take a picture..
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Puerto Varas, Chile – 21st of March 2012 at 3pm

Just wanted to share with you this photo I took in Chile on the 21st of March this year.
I noticed the UFO when I was taking photos of these birds from the balcony of the hotel by the lake Llanquihue in Puerto Varas, Chile.
The original photo is 4000 x 2248 pixels.
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On Hiway 287, Texas – June 10, 2011 10:53 p.m.
I was in the car with my uncle and we were driving down Hiway 287 on our way to Dallas TX when we saw a strange circular obejct shinning a white light on us. It had little red lights around it and it followed us for about 15 minutes but then it just flew off. What was extremley crazy was that I was talking to my uncle about people that had told ne that they had seen UFO’s on that Hiway also.
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Johannesburg South Africa – 12 February 2011

I am a keen photographer and was taking pictures of aircraft taking off at O.R.Tambo Airport ( Johannesburg International South Africa)
I never noticed this when I was editing the picture at first but as I thought it may be dust etc but when I took a closer look the other other day I saw this object that looks nothing like dust or anything else that I have seen. Maybe you can be the judge. This photo has been left in the original condition with NO editing what so ever.
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Australia – 2007
I witnessed what can only be described as UFO’s out the back of the Coffs Harbor region, about 5 hours above Sydney on the east coast of Australia in 2007. At first I noticed a large object through the trees, with a bunch of colored lights flashing on and off. I assumed it was a truck or road works set up on another hill (as I was on a property at the top of a hill) until I remembered that there was no hill in that direction. As the object maneuvered back and forth for a while, I started scratching helicopter, plane and anything else I could think of off the possibility list as it was too close to be of such size without making any noise. I ended up jumping in the car to get closer and drove a few kilometres in its direction before I saw it again out over the bush-land. For a while I thought it was made up of two parts until they separated and I spent around 45 minutes watching them move around the sky. They both covered incredible distances with ease and at great speed, moving in all directions including diagonally. They also looked like they were ‘playing’ with each other as they followed each other around the horizon. At one point they both spiraled upward as though sliding up a twisting waterslide… the size of the crafts, the distances they covered, the blinking, the lack of noise, all of this defied anything that I am aware exists as far as modern human technology goes. When an aero-plane entered the skyline I noticed both crafts blacked out. I thought the show was over, until the aero-plane crossed the sky, faded into the distance and to my surprise both craft’s lights returned and I watched them for another good ten minutes. The next day I went to the Coffs Harbor Police station to find out if anyone else had seen or reported them. The police asked me how good the magic mushrooms were! Although they didn’t take me seriously I know what I saw and I know how incredible the experience was. It also amazes me how many witness accounts there are across the globe and yet the idea of UFO’s is still considered ‘wacky’ or ‘silly’. It was a strange feeling to go from ‘hearing about’ these bizarre UFO sightings that the main media makes fun of, to becoming someone that had actually seen it with my own eyes. I have been fascinated by their existence ever since.
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Douglas MA – evening time back 14 years ago
we lived in the rural area. I was home in bed alone with my two sons. Te only lights on in my house was from my TV and a small kitchen light over the stove. All of a sudden my whole house lite up frist my bedroom and then my livingroom. I got scared and woke my boys up and they both saw the living room lite up brightly. It was so bright we couldn’t see anything. There is nothing behind my house but woods and we didn’t live on the ground level, being a tri-level home. When the lights finally went away we went out on the deck (second floor) to see if we could see anything, there was nothing. The light was like something I had never seen so bright before. Don’t know how a light could have hit like that in a second story. It was blinding and lik I said I live in the woods. My sons and I don’t tell very many people because they would think we are nuts. But we didn’t imagine this and to this day it still give me the creeps. I’d say this was about 10 pm.
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San Diego, Ca. USA – 55 years ago and 6 years ago around noon
I am 64 years old. When I was a child about 10 years old my younger brother and I were in our backyard, lying on the grass on our backs looking up at the clear daylight sky. My brother said to me quite excitedly that he could see a very small silver ball way up high in the sky. I could not see it at first, so I laid next to him and followed his finger to where he was pointing. Then I saw it. It looked like a BB (as in BB gun). It was stationary and did not move. This was about 1957 to 1958. My brother and I still talk about it to this day. As the years went by and we grew up we figure that it was probably a weather ballon. I even wondered if I had somehow been hypnotized into seeing something that was not there, after all I was a small child at the time. About 2006 I was living about 15 miles from where I grew up. There was a neighbor child around 10 years old. He started talking about things in the sky and had a childs curiosity about UFO’s. He asked me if I ever saw one. I then told him about my experience when I was about his age. I pointed up at the sky mimicing my brother as I told him the story. He suddenly said to me in the same excited voice I had heard nearly fifty years earlier, “I see it!” Once again I could not see it and once again I followed his pointed finger to the sky and there it was a tiny BB sized sliver ball that just happened to be where I had randomly pointed when I was telling him my story. His mother came out and he tried desparatly to get her to look, but she wouldn’t. I even told her what he was seeing was really there. She just smiled and took him inside. This is a true story and for all I know the UFO’s may still have been weather balloons.
Would like to know if someone in Southwestern Illinois or the St. Louis metro area, saw some orbs flying in an organized pattern about 10:05 p.m. May 6, 2012.