Report UFO sighting #65

Your UFO reports: 28th July- 4th August 2012

Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !

Southeastern U.S. – 08/05/12
Just finished 5 day trip which took us from Mid-West to Atlanta and back. Thought I’d relate 2 interactions with seasoned Delta Pilots. I asked each at different days/legs of journey if they “see strange and unusual things when flying.” The first answered “frequently, but we’ve learned to keep our eyes closed.” The other responded with a simple smile and shaking yes of his head. I would also like to relate that my wifes closest friend’s significant other is a 20 year veteran of commercial flying and has flew dozens of times across both the Atlantic/Pacific. When I first met him 1999, I asked about UFO/USO’s, at that time he indicated he had not seen but had heard on rare occassions of pilot sightings. Most recently he has told me that he and others he know’s have regular encounters and that his and other major carriers actually offer/require “De-briefing” of those who have and report close encounters while on duty! Don’t know about you but I find it facinating we’ve had a profound increase in these objects that seem to defy the known laws of aerodynamics and physics. Theres hardly a night goes by if watching that I fail to see things which appear odd/unusual.

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Rochester, NY (Looking East) – 8/5 8:20
I have 3 pics of proof this was a UFO taken around 8:20pm Sunday 8/5. We had a double rainbow so I ran out to take pics!!

First pic will show u it wasn’t there (Then I saw the flying object and snapped another)

Second pic shows UFO over same white house just above chimney

Third pic i zoomed in on picture.

This ufo was going at a amazing speed…then it stops fast! which explains why it’s at an angle.


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N. Portland, Oregon – 08/04/12 12 -1 pm
while driving east bound on Columbia Blvd I noticed in the skies at first what I thought might be a weather balloon (in the normal flight zone of the skies) traveling south bound on Martin Luther King Blvd from Columbia Blvd, judging from their position in the and the distance I would estimate they were somewhere closer traveling over the 39 to 50th blocks of NE Portland and they were traveling toward the SW. After the first one went by approximately 7 or 8 more them followed in a similar pattern all of then were very close to the same position in the skies and seemed to be about the same rate of time before the next one appeared for the most part the only thing else I noticed unusual to me was they were flying much faster than our f15;s fighter jets do when they race through our skies there did not seem to be enough wind to carry balloons through the skies that fast. the 7 or 8 objects appeared to be almost translucent nearly a pale white and they were oval in shape from my point of view almost in the shape of an egg.

Did anyone else s0ee these objects cross the skies during this time did anyone catch any photos or pictures of this event? were they balloons ar something else. the other thing I remember about the time it seemed to me that we were nearing the hottest point of the day rapidly. I was not able to catch any photos as I was driving

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Click Read more to read the full post with all the UFO reports!

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Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada – Aug 5 12:00am
I Raymond burns have to report seeing lights in the sky first I thought it was a satellite and my girlfriend notice more lights beside it moving the same speed then more came along it was something I never seen before i hope more people caught that cause that was something for people to see

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Newcastle,nsw Australia – 2. aug Approx 3.30pm

I took a photo of the sky at work as it was unusually bright.THere was a large ray of light around the sun and tHere were also many rainbows yet there has been no rain.AFter looking at pics later on,I noticed the orb like object which has moved in the second shot appear in the ray around the sun.i didn’t notice it with naked eye.was definitely something unusual happening in the sky though.

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Wodonga, Victoria, Australia – Aug 1, 2012 – 18:17
Venus bright white light drifting from directly overhead towards horizon. Did not have flashing lights like all other aircraft. Just the solid white. Nothing spectacular but still unidentified.

South west to north east.

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Greer, SC – August 1,2012 8:20pm
I was walking my dog around the yard and noticed a bright white light/object,it didn’t appear to be moving at all. I first thought it was a plane and the sunset was reflecting off of it.Then I saw a plane pass by and go right past it toward Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport. Wasn’t a plane thats for sure. I ran inside and grabbed my camera.Its a HP Photosmart M425. I captured 2 pics of it before the clouds engulfed it.Now even more strange is while trying to report this half way thru I lost my internet connection ! LOL Never had that happen before.


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Colorado Springs CO – 2012-08-01 11:53AM – 12:15PM MDT
Saw light flashing out office window while on the phone. Grabbed the tripod and went outside to photograph and video.
Equipment: Canon EOS 5D Mark II. Canon 100X400mm zoom w/ 2x extender.
High Res JPG’s and original video located here:

Youtube videos here:

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Reading, PA Berks County – 8/1/12 12:05

Saw a triangle formation in the north, heading down at an angle to the northwest. Consistent, fast movement. Once I got past a tree line it disappeared. Very bright white light. Could not come up with an explanation…

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Chesapeake Bay Tunnel-Bridge, North Virginia Beach, Virginia – 7/31/12 9pm EST
Lorie posted 2 more photos (see one photo with above linking info). One has a moon photo in it and no elongated light. The other has no light in the sky at all – no moon. Still need more clarification from Lorie (see Facebook: Lorie Camden Stout). Doesn’t look like the first pic with the elongated light (UFO?) is time lapse or blurred because the ship lights and water waves are firm.

Sending original photo along with the 2 additional photos she just posted.


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Houston, TX – July 31,2012
I saw the most mind blowing thing as I stepped outside to take a break from watching the olympics. As I’m looking into the sky at a military type of plane flying low, in a glance I happen to see an extremely bright object of what I believe is a space shuttle entering earth’s atmosphere. I then saw extreme brightness emitting from the object so i thought it may be a rare shooting star traveling across the sky. I mind you this is in the afternoon(6:00ish) so as I’m looking at what I believe is a shooting star is actually an object that I cannot make out. My brother was outside as well and I asked him ,”What is that?” He was unaware of what I was implying to as he responded, “It’s just some type of military plane or something.” I said , “No. THAT!” He then stood in total shock as we watched this questioning object travelling across the sky. My second thought was maybe it’s the tail of a comet or an experiment with a rocket or something. It was travelling at about jet speed for approximately one minute. By this time my brother and I were totally amazed at this ultra rare and amazing unidentified flying thing. I couldn’t make out wtf it was. It was so bright and it looked to be pretty decent in length. Then without hesitation the object switched the direction it was flying in with ease. It then traveled back in the opposite direction for another minute or so until it flew out of eyeshot. I thought it would’ve been on the news later that nite bc this sight was just damn too amazing. In the midst of all the excitement that was occuring I am unhappy to report that i do not have any footage of this treasurous sighting. I was just too stunned and stuck in awe at what I was witnessing. I will most definately remember this for a lifetime. Rather trippy.

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west of west Los Angeles – probably over Pacific Ocean – 7.30.2012 approx 4:45 am
-watched for about 35 minutes. fog. other ufo’s in sky and further east (possibly over beverly hills). not as prominent as the one i’m going to describe:

-high up so only about 1/4″ in size from my vantage point

-colored lights going on and off. not uniform (timed). an occasional blink of red. movement of those lights elliptical and faded in and out while blinking. smaller flashes of white light would spark off surrounding the center circle. wasn’t clear if this was part of the craft (radial) or not. not insync or ‘patterned’

-hovered in almost the same spot. slight movement but fairly stationary.

-foggy. this one was the most prominent.

-found some mini binoculars – weak, but helped.

-did not have approp equipment to film

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Los Angeles, west sky, may have been over the ocean in Santa Monica. Also high above over Beverly Hills (approx.) – july 30, 2012 4:40am
-watched the one I could see best approx over pacific ocean in santa monica, california (los angeles county)

-disc – swirling colored lights around ellipse (my view). lights went in and out as the came on and off. white blinks of light around craft. some further than others. not in any pattern, configuration. couldn’t tell if they were ‘off craft’ or ‘part of’. for some reason i read them as being off craft. not radial, random. ufo hovered for a long while moving slightly up and down. then got too far into the fog for me to see. now a little after 5am.

-lots of other activity at same time: slightly nw and above my house, so I would say Beverly Hills. 2 more. couldn’t see in as much detail so focused on the other one.

-saw something else similar this one slowly moving southbound in west sky. perhaps also over ocean. fog; couldn’t track it beyond that.

i reported this earlier this morning. was tired, and gave incorrect email address.

i had on hand small binoculars (concert size). my camera is too weak to try and capture any image worthy of looking at. other people must have seen these.

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Den Helder the Netherlands – 30 july | 02:02 a.m.
It was clear and there was no cloud in the sky. Me and my boyfriend were waiting outside in the garden for the forecasted thunderstorm.
I was filming my cat with my mobile phone (Sony Ericsson Xperia RAY-smartphone) when I
struck something.

There came a ‘Star’ fast approaching from afar, “it was initially also not thatcher bright. When i knew that this was something strange i wanted to film this moment.

Meanwhile I was trying to focus my camera on that thing!! It was now quite clear that this was a strange situation. We had never ever seen anything like that!
It came from eastern direction arrival and remained flowting
above us.

The color was bright bright green!
It seemed initially a star or
a headlight, but now it was closer
and it seemed more an oval.
This is also good to see on the video, despite the poor quality.
The color green was really strikingly different and really bright in the
dark sky.

The object moved in first instance a little like a 8 on its side.
IT moved from the left to right, then again… higher and then again lower, and when it stopped moving, the thing floated about a minute (I’m guessing) really really still in the sky.

I had quite a bother to film nice.
I had no tripod. The camera on my phone has no nightvision, and the distance was very difficult to retrieve without that.
The image was vague by zooming in, and obviously vibrates the image.

I shall paste the link of the video down below. The recording is never gonna show you how nice and buetifull it was to watch with our own eyes …. I will never forget this. I am happy that i have some proof!

Am despite the lesser quality still very happy with the recording!
I am what this sort of thing
quite skeptical. I did’nt sleep
that night.
I was searching for a
logic explainaition.

Later that day i discovered on the internet that 2 other people also had a Similar experiance that night in our Province, North Holland.

I hope u will watch my movie,
maybe u can leave me a comment with ur thoughts or opinion?

Youtube video link:

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Aransass pass, TX – july 30,2012 10:00pm
A large hovering red light appeared down the road and seemed to drop a human like being that approached a dog picked it up and seemed to launched itself. Up in the air where the hovering red light was waiting and then the red light suddenly darted strait up almost instintanious

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Louisville, Ky – 10:45pm 7/30/2012
I was driving down the road and saw this green light going up and down in the sky. No flashing lights. It looked like it was changing shape at one point.

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Carrollton, VA – 7-29-2012 around 11PM

I saw a red blinking light in the sky at first I thought it was a helicopter but it made NO sound. It was a blinking red light in the sky but it moved like a humming bird. Let me explain it went one way and did an immediate 90 degree turn and it was faster than anything I have ever seen and it took off into the atmosphere. It took a total of like 30 seconds to get out of sight in space and it looked like it touched a couple of stars in the outer atmosphere but I continued to watch them and they were twinkling too.

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West Hemet, CA – Sat July 28th 2012 at 9:10pm
My Boyfriend, son and I were driving westbound in Hemet,CA back home from the store and we saw two bright objects in the sky. They were very bright looking like they were above Hemet airport area. It is a small airport and if if were two planes side by side that airport couldn’t take planes that big. They both were long ways with each a lot of lights running horizontal and they were pulsing from left to right. We sat in our truck in the middle of the street for about 3 minutes them the object on the right made a fast acceleration vertically downward, then about 13 seconds later the object on the left looked to turn sideways then made more of a gradually acceleration downward, not as fast as the first. We’ve seen many planes and helicopters in the sky’s over Hemet, ca but these unidentified flying objects were NOT planes or helicopters…

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Centereach, NY – July 26 2012
Pics taken by a friend as the big July 26 2012 storm was approaching.


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New Jersey, US – July 25, 2012
Two girls in New Jersey got some good footage of a triangle UFO. Check it out:
“Real triangle UFO”

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Monroe, MI – July 24th around 8:30pm.
I was at a park with my daughter down the road from my house and I happened to look up and see a shiny object that at first I thought was a plane. However there were no clear wings or any noise and seemed to be moving slower then what typical planes move at around the Detroit area. I grabbed my phone and started recording, I caught a plane a few minutes after and recorded that for comparison. Below are the 2 videos that i uploaded, the original and then the one with the plane recorded at the end.

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Du Bois, Pennsylvania, Usa – 07/22/12 21:00:00
im not sure what i saw but it appeared to be a large black crack in the surface of the moon. massive! almost as though a piece were breaking off. while driving with my friend i noticed the moon was orange brown (harvest) i saw the black mark and thought tree branch, but as we were moving it did not. my friend also witnessed this. we pulled over to further inspect after i shouted “pull over” we both saw what i had thought was the moon breaking apart. i immediately wanted to come home and check the web, fearing the worst. not even thirty seconds later, it was gone. the black mark seemed to encompass the surface from “in reference to a clock” 4 minutes after 12 to 4 on the hour. the “line” varied in width and was not straight. as i said before it looked like a massive crack in the surface. the line did not extend past the surface area, ruling out a jet trail or possibly meteor or fiery object smoke trail. in size, from me to the moon, if this were indeed a craft its size would have to be Manhattan island. or larger ruling out a satellite or space station. i hope someone else saw this. it scared the crap out of me. being a sailor im very well aware of the moons role in our tides. the duration of the time i saw this to the time it was gone, as i said i saw it initially we pulled over and observed it for a minute and decided to continue driving to get a better view. about 20-30 seconds later it was completely gone from the visible sky, which is up on the top of hill, so alot of visible sky. admin, please respond if any further information is available, i will keep my eyes open on the web for anyone else reporting this. i have never seen a UFO nor do i think i would want to. but being an educated person in celestial bodies, aircraft, and weather patterns i have no reasonable explanation other than we saw a massive free moving object in the light of the moon. although we did not see it moving. my view between observation and traveling 30 seconds was cut off. i could not see the moon or the object, as soon as it came into veiw the object was gone.

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Geelong, Victoria, Australia – 20th July 2012 22:20
Youtube video link:


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Malaysia – 15th July 2012
We had our dinner near Sunway Mentari and we saw some flying objects that speculated by public few weeks ago that that is actually a UFO from outerspace. We can’t explain what it is

Youtube video link:

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Palermo (Clifford N.Y.Hamlet of The Town of Palermo) – Around 11:05, P.M. On July, 10, 2012
Myself (age 45) my daughter Rory (age 12) My 2nd cousin Alivia (age 10) and Tommy A Friend of Mine (age 48) Were Out walking. Me & Tommy always go walking at 11:00 P.M. at night in the Summertime, It’s Cooler out at this time. We always meet at Clifford Corners then walk down 35A to the swamp and back.

On the night of July 10, We were just about 100 feet from the corners Walking East when my daughter Rory noticed a light about the size of a star going really fast threw the sky towords the north west. We all watched it , then it went towards the ground then circled back towards us headed in our direction, and as it came towards us it got exstremely bright. We seriously all stepped back involuntarily as for a moment I thought “What if this was a meteaour or small astroid crashing to Earth, Then It dawned on me that No meteaur or astroid Circles back around like that, that i know of! After it got very very bright it went back up in the sky and went north again. No one knew what to say , The children were very scared as they looked to us adults for an answer. I asked Tommy “What the hell was that! He just said “I never saw anything like that”

I have always watched for shooting stars with Family & Friends, We call it Stargazing, I am 45 years old and have NEVER seen anything like this. We would all in a Minute take a lie detectors test, I am so Glad that their were four of us that night, I am not happy about not getting a video of it! Me and my daughter are now on a quest to get a expensive camera that takes night time videos, The very bright light went into the shape of a pear then quickly like the outline of a pices fish. Tommy said it looked like a diamond shape to him. This all happened in about 15-20 seconds. The light dropped down at incredible speeds. I would love to know if anyone else has seen anything like this in the sky, I would love an explanation. NOW we go out EVERY night to see if we can see it again.

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Falfurrias, Texas – 1976/7:30
What I saw hovering over our house was an amazing sight and smell. It was a disc but a copper rustic look it had white lights going around real fast and I can still vividly feel like it was yesterday.I was 11 years old then.

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