This full length feature explores the alien connection to the cattle mutilation phenomenon through the work of retired championship cattle breeder Fern Belzil, who has become the unlikely expert on the subject. Is it the work of space aliens, or is there a more prosaic, terrestrial explanation? Featuring Fern Belzil, Greg Bishop, Kevin Randle and Nick Redfern.

I read this story in the newspaper and this is true .<br />
Yea that's bull crap that the Insurance people do not help the farmers out we owe alot to farmers and another thing we need more farmers to help feed us, If i was the President, Id make sure these people do not have to pay taxes as long as they support people in there State.
Nick Redfern said it best – get some high quality photographic equipment and record this thing going on. The other remark about Aliens coming from another system and butchering cattle may be incorrect. DNA, blood, tissue, etc. can only come from a place like Earth. They may need it for some reason.
There are truly too many unanswered questions for this to be just fobbed off as natural occurances, alas nowadays most "professionals" in investigational fields will be biased to who is paying their wages which is a VERY BIG PART of the world we find ourselves in now.<br />I admire this rancher, he obviously does NOT need the notoriety as he is already a noted professional in his area
Good points.
Some is animals and some is bugs…Some is military..Don`t rule it out,but don`t be so fast to blame ET.
"Cattle Mutilations" are the work of the military measuring levels of radioactive fallout in our food supply. The cow's tongue and anus are tested for contamination. It all began right after Chernobyl, and while nobody clearly saw an alien, plenty of people saw helicopters. The irony is that while the military denies the existence of aliens, it promotes a myth of aliens to cover up
I wonder why the military would sneak around and steal cattle to test. Would that really be necessary?
It is if you don't want to draw attention to the crisis you are investigating, especially if America's Energy Security depends on building more nuclear reactors, much to the chagrin of the American people.