But it seems like these people are given the chance to tell the world what they have been keeping for the long time as a conference was organized in Gorham, Maine for only one purpose: to allow individuals who claimed themselves as ufo abductees share what they felt while being captive by aliens. The event was hosted by a national support group led by the twins Audrey and Debbie Hewins of Mechanic Falls.
All of the keynote speakers in the conference, which was entitled “Experiencers Speak,” shared how such abduction changed their lives and how they became true believers of ufos. Lifelong series of encounters with aliens were discussed and explored. Perhaps, this event wanted to emphasize only one thing, and that is to tell the world that humans are not alone in the universe.

Any links to hear their stories?
GOOGLE "Experiencers Speak"<br />http://www.theoutpostforum.com/tof/showthread.php?869-Kathleen-Marden-Experiencers-speak-on-the-alien-agenda<br />
It is about time NOW, we all opened up, with our experiences, lets share, discover, we are all truly the same, as they, ET's, Light Beings, Angelic Beings of light,…..cant wait to read more of these wonderful articles…
Ive heard of those two sisters, one claims to have witnessed Christ crucifixion. Also claim to party on these vehicles….its a sham