Latest UFO sightings – This strange triangle-shaped craft was seen and recorded in the sky above Cape May, a city at the southern tip of Cape May Peninsula in Cape May County, New Jersey, where the Delaware Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean. This was recorded on Saturday, 6th October 2012.
Witness report: Very slow moving triangular object with lights on the three corners. Seemed very large and silent. I first noticed the UFO hovering off the shore and then moved inland. I was parked at S Broadway and Beach Ave in Cape May NJ. I had my Sony NEX-C3 in the car with me so I happened to catch this.
Author (Bryan Donahue @ youtube)

Christ. When did this site degrade itself into accepting obvious planes and deeming them triangle ufos. This usually is a good site but c'mon dude, if ur that hard up for content then please just print stories until you get legit ufos videos or else you discredit the research of serious believers.
Roger that.
I don't know, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss this one. This "Plane" made no noise, and all the lights were blinking together, I didn't see red and green running lights, there is just a bit of doubt here, and I'm not as willing as you to dismiss it so vehemently.