Latest UFO sightings – This interesting video of fast triangle-shaped unidentified flying object flying across the night sky above Fresno in California was recorded on Thursday, 18th October 2012 around 9:45 pm.
Witness report: object flying south east from north. camera sony trv-103 about 20 times zoom. clear calm night. craft was very high and silent NO FAA LIGHTS colors were a bright yellows and a dull red or something. 1 witness besides me i know of
Author (UfosAreRealFresno @ youtube)

This is nothing more than the TR-3B<br /><br />
thats the exact same one i saw in vista Ca hovering or flying sooo stealthy!! it had no noise but fvery close to wear u can see it with ur eyes me and another buddy noticed it. it blended with sky like the lights looked exactly like the stars but in a dim to brighter as it passed. it had three to four on each side.<br />
new american aurora project craft these triangles
Now this maybe one but we have a small military base here and sooo maybe.What time was it?? This man is always taking videos ha ha but he has caught a few I have seen but they go under the radar here and are multi colored then go either all bright white or a solid red.We do have a pretty good size airport here also.I think more a military plane.