Report UFO sighting #79

Your UFO reports: 10th November –  17th November 2012
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !

Smithville, TN – 11/17/12 600pm
Watching UFO. Cannot film… not picking it up……been in sky 10 minutes, acts like helicopter, moves up, down, side to side. To left of 7 sisters and Jupiter, at about 20 degrees above horizon.

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Keller, Texas on Cindy st. by post office – 11/17/12 6pm.
I was heading south on cindy and saw a bright blue light rising slowly into the sky. I pulled into the parking lot got out of the truck and saw this thing go up and then hover in the sky for maybe 30 seconds. Then slowly come back down untill it got behind the houses and I couldnt see it anymore. I am 56 years old and have never seen anything like it bright blue no flashing lights.

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Parma Hts, Ohio – 2012-11-17 5:00-7:00?
Driving on pearl rd in the sky not sure of exact time i sighted a very bright light
in the sky , was looking at it thinking thats a plane is’nt it? I thought at first
it was the sun reflecting off the side of a plane. There was 2 other plane in the
air some distance away that i could see very clearly with there trails….. This had none……. It was very bright thats why i noticed it…….. And then it was…well…gone…. There was nothing…. It did not go behind a cloud , here was
not any………clear sky clear veiw of nothing has any one else seen it

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Snowflake, Arizona – 11/14/12~ 3:40am
HUGE object hovered over Snowflake for about 5 minutes, if I had to guess it was several football fields in length absolutely NO sound at all~ Two stationary lights, I watched as one got very bright then faded almost to nothing, it repeated this several times, the opposite light stayed the same in brightness, slowly it moved toward the southern skies and I lost sight of it. I captured some video of another that appeared an hour later in the south eastern skies. it appeared to be green blue and orange in color.

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Fresno, California – 2:35am 11/13/12
clear cold calm night. sony trv – 103 camera set on night vision. object barley moving in the south sky under Orions belt. unknown craft in space. huge structure object.

Youtube video link:


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London, Ontario, Canada – 3 30 AM, Nov 12 2012

I was outside my university residence when I looked up at the stars from the bench that I always sit at. The night was clear, although later in the night it grew cloudier. I noticed two points of light that seemed out of place compared to the surrounding stars. Using a tree as a visual reference point that was quite close to the lights, I observed them moving slowly in perfect unison down and to the left of my field of vision, about half a palm held at arms length. I then looked to a group of stars about 45 degrees to the right from my perspective to compare the brightness, pulsating effect, and colour as compared to lights i had been observing, and I noted that the stars were far less distinct, as the glow of the city obscured stars near the horizon. when I looked back, one of the points of light was slowly burning out until it disappeared. When I had looked back, the lights had changed their orientation from being horizontal to nearly vertical. The second light then made a sudden fishhook motion, approximately three fingers width at arms length, and the way it dimmed as it moved gave me the impression that it hadn’t moved left right, or in a circle, but rather diagonally away from me, to the right, as this path would give it the light trail effect I observed. After this happened, I remained outside until I was certain that no surrounding stars or light sources, of which there were very few, were having any similar visual effects. After about 20 minutes I returned inside and called my brother. I was regretful having not attempted to film it, but the entire sequence of events only lasted about 15 or 20 seconds, and I wasn’t sure that what i was looking at was especially odd until their final highly memorable departure.
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Moss landing, California – 11/5/12
Youtube video link:

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Poland – 07/16/2012
in 0:17 apears UFO !!

Youtube video link:

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215 Louisville Rd., Everett, Pa. 15537 – 2009-2010
The first sighting was late in the year of 2009. I had walked out onto the deck of our house. Something drue my attention upward, there was an opening in the clouds that night, and in that opening was a triangular craft. It was massive, with one light at each poit. It also had a very bright light that ran down the center like a beam. Unfortunatley clowds then covered it, and that was it.

The next sighting I had was in the spring of 2010. I went outside to let our dog out to pee. I looked up at the mountain ridge in front of our house, and coming over it was what I can only explain, looked like two very large silver colored ballons, one on top of the other. The next thing I hear are military jets coming from behind my house towards the object. The objet just turned toward the south and was gone. the jets were heading west. They couldn’t keep up with the object. But this shows that the military is tracking these things.

Your opinion?
  • Fake (0)
  • Real (0)
  • Not Alien (0)

1 Comment

  1. Very intresting London Ontario I saw 2 lights at 10:30 11:00 pm on November 16, 2012 the lights were traveling very slowly at left to right half way from the horizon and straight up. I too thought it looked out of place but this was more like it was spaced like a constellation in the sky. One light front the other behind the one out front seemed to be like a orb. This one grew very big in light

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