Of the 685 cases, 157 are concluded by MUFON as closed cases with final identification as unknown. Researchers can start initiating investigations and studies on unknown cases as all reports will be closed by the end of the first quarter in 2013. Though majority of the reports are attributed to man-made objects or any Mother Nature things, cases on UFOs continue to be more convincing as the number of witnesses never stops from increasing.
Cases with conclusion as extraterrestrial are reported with triangular shapes as claimed by most witnesses reported to MUFON. As soon as dedicated researchers and investigators finish their tasks, all cases closed with unknown will be reviewed by the National UFO Examiner for further investigations.
Some of the cases are reported by witnesses stating that they saw the object close enough to provide accurate and good details. Researchers are still persisting to eliminate U.S. military planes in the list of what the unknown could be, and tests are still conducted in the aim of providing solid proofs of UFO existence.

Photo shows a TR3B top secret orb of USA.